Here's my first take at homebrewing some races...
HobgoblinHD: d10
Skills: 4 + Int modifier, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are: Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot
Proficiencies: simple and martial weapons, medium armour and shields (but not tower shields)
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Hobgoblin Body, Versatility, +1 Dex, +1 Con
Hobgoblin Body: At first level a Hobgoblin loses all other racial traits and gains humanoid traits and the goblinoid subtype. It is a medium sized humanoid with base speed of 35', darkvision 60', and a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently.
Versatility: A Hobgoblin has an equivalent fighter level equal to his BAB for the purpose of qualifying for feats. He may also take Fighter ACFs in lieu of a feat gained as long as his HD is greater than or equal to the minimum required fighter level of that particular ACF and he meets all other prerequisites.
Ability Increase: A Hobgoblin receives a permanent +1 to Dex and Con at first level. At every 5th HD the Hobgoblin gains, he may choose to increase either Dex or Con by +1.
Drawing upon some of the flavour of the Hobgoblins in ToB, they are fighters born true. Aside from the stat bumps, they don't really have any scaling racial abilities but get the flexible ability to grab fighter ACFs by trading feats.
Sunscorched Hobgoblin (racial variant)HD: d8
Skills: 4 + Int, Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: Simple weapons, medium armour
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Sunscorched Body, Dragonblooded, Inner-Focus, +1 Con
Sunscorched Body: At first level a Sunscorched Hobgoblin loses all other racial traits and gains Humanoid traits and the Goblinoid and Dragonblood subtypes. It is medium sized with base speed of 30', darkvision 60'.
Dragonblooded: With an ancestry of Blue Dragons in his blood, a Sunscorched Hobgoblin gains electricity resistance equal to its HD, and adds +1 to his effective caster/manifester level should he later gain a casting/manifesting class.
Inner Focus: Any level dependent effect the Sunscorched Hobgoblin places on itself is treated as though it were one level higher.
Ability Increase: A Sunscorched Hobgoblin receives a permanent +1 Con at first level. At every 5th HD the Hobgoblin gains, he may choose to increase either Wis or Con by +1.
Just a touch of Dragon Magic flavour. Trades the fighter versatility and speed for a caster bump.