Blade of Orien requires +3 BAB bonus, 3 ranks in spot and Lesser Dragonmark of Passage. Lesser Dragonmark requires least dragonmark and either 9 ranks in any two skills (meaning the first BoO level can be taken at level 7) OR a level in Dragonmark Heir which requires only 7 ranks in two skills and can be taken as the fifth level (Allowing a character to take their first level of BoO at level 6). Dragonmark Heir requires an extra feat (Favored in House) and has an OK frame (d8, all good saves, 4+int and medium BAB). That's a pretty open requirement, but the class has its own completely unique class features and doesn't advance anything and it's charisma based.
Obviously one could enter with a ToB class, but most of BoO's class abilities could be duplicated with maneuvers. Searching found me a mention of using Hexblade 4 to qualify, which seems neat since Dark Companion, Mettle, cha to saves against spells+slas, and being an Arcane Caster for Eternal Wands. The weakness with this however is that it only gets light armor, though one could blow a feat and use mithril full plate. With intimidate as a class skill, charisma focus and a save nerfer the fearsome armor+never outnumbered+Imperious Command combo is an option to add versatility. Any other ideas or ways to improve it?