I'm playing a "Luck Caster" in a campaign using the Unlettered Arcanist... and well... in our last session I was nearly rendered powerless when a Fireball dropped my Familiar from full health to -1... So... following that encounter... I'm looking for some way to improve my familiars survival... That said, there are certain options that are out of the question in this particular case.
Those options being: anything that stores my familiar in an extradimensional space, glyph, or otherwise removes her from the field.
The reason for this is, despite my better judgement, I opted for the Egotist Familiar archetype for RP reasons... so when your familiar believes herself to be the master and you to be her familiar it can be rather difficult to store her away... Due to the Unlettered Archetype, my character would have every reason to want to keep her familiar out of harms way since being seperated from her familiar would render her powerless...
So... what other options exist within Pathfinder for bolstering a familiars defenses?
I shouldn't have to worry too much about direct attacks against my Familiar, though indirect attacks are most certainly a major concern after last session...