Sorry this is taking so long. I am going through a difficult move and under a lot of stresses at moment. Will finish this asap, hopefully within 3 weeks...
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 07:40:43 by oslecamo »
« Last Edit: Today at 07:21:29 by ShatterScale »
Three weeks is longer than I thought.
I must be operating on Valve time.
Done and waiting on approval....
A couple of friends suggested the stat increases are too powerful, and one alternative I suggested was possibly making them physical or mental only, rather than both and possibly have that choice linked to the module path. Another thing I considered was to have modules decrease a stat in effect shifting the stats around.
The stat gains or adjustments are easy enough to do, so I am mainly concerned with basing that around how powerful the modules are considered.I looked at the Balor's 20 levels as a comparison, and this should now be more in line with the Balor's 24 stat increases over 20 levels.
Also had a question. Levitate in the Mind Flayer's Minor Psionics. Should that get upgraded to Fly at some point?
And the Mind Flayer's save DCs (10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier) are not consistent with the Ulitharid's (10+1/2 HD+Int or Cha modifier(whichever is higher)). But then I saw you had said this:
The SLAs also work on Charisma only.
Which one is correct?
Ulitharid's statblock in LoM shows Diplomacy. Missing on the class. Intended? However I did see that Mind Flayer in MM1 is much weaker in skills than the class version. They have 2+int for skill points and less class skills than the class version has... yuck.
Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +18 (+22 casting defensively),
Diplomacy +14, Disguise +5 (+7 acting in character), Hide +8,
Intimidate +17, Knowledge (any) +15, Knowledge (any) +15,
Listen +8, Move Silently +12, Sense Motive +8, Spot +18