Author Topic: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection  (Read 45752 times)

Offline InnaBinder

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2011, 03:53:07 PM »
There's a Dragonmarked method for getting immunity to Daze (Mark of the Dauntless, in the Dragonmarked book).  There's also Lords of Madness' Quick Recovery, which, while not immunity, is a considerable improvement over baseline.
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Offline carnivore

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2011, 05:16:07 PM »
for reference

Quote from: Dragonmarked,p142
Your dragonmark helps you shake off effects that would daze or stun a normal person, as well as help similarly affected creatures regain their senses.
Prerequisite: Any true dragonmark.
Benefit: You cannot be dazed or stunned. In addition, by touching a dazed or stunned creature as a standard action, you instantly remove that condition.


Offline SneeR

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2011, 05:35:09 PM »
for reference

Quote from: Dragonmarked,p142
Your dragonmark helps you shake off effects that would daze or stun a normal person, as well as help similarly affected creatures regain their senses.
Prerequisite: Any true dragonmark.
Benefit: You cannot be dazed or stunned. In addition, by touching a dazed or stunned creature as a standard action, you instantly remove that condition.

Thanks! How many feats would you need to get this?
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Offline Agita

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2011, 05:41:33 PM »
for reference

Quote from: Dragonmarked,p142
Your dragonmark helps you shake off effects that would daze or stun a normal person, as well as help similarly affected creatures regain their senses.
Prerequisite: Any true dragonmark.
Benefit: You cannot be dazed or stunned. In addition, by touching a dazed or stunned creature as a standard action, you instantly remove that condition.

Thanks! How many feats would you need to get this?
"Any true dragonmark" means you actually just need one prerequisite feat (Least Dragonmark), which gives you some weak SLA. So one prerequisite feat and the feat itself.
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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2011, 06:48:45 PM »
any dm who allows celerity with immunity to daze is asking his players to break his campaign.

Offline poignant123

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2011, 06:09:12 AM »
The Sorc only spells from Races of the Dragon are pretty damn useful. I mean, Wings of Flurry, Reflex Save or Daze.

It works versus Undead  :cool

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2011, 07:25:25 AM »
I'd say if not for necrotic empowerment, sorcerers benefit even more than wizards from the mother cyst feat, I'm sure.

Quite a lot of wizard spell handbooks works nicely for sorcerers depending on what you want. The sorcerer-specific ones, however, are so insane you'd have to be insani-er not to take them. They're like hidden class features.

And that also helps clearing up the tier system. You see, wizards are tier 1, however tier 2 sorcerers can be stronger if you count their total domination of the action economy. Now, if only there was a PrC that get us xp-free limited wishes for psyref... I'm pretty sure there's more than one, actually. Problem would be spells known, but then that's probably nitpicking. Anyways, I went on a tangent and almost got lost on it, so...

I'm surprised I see so many mentions of the action economy spells and just one of limited wish. That is one spell a sorcerer can put to use better than most, just taking care as it carries an exp cost, obviously.


Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2011, 09:55:08 AM »
I am in strong agreement with the above post on Limited Wish and the Mother Cyst feat. Here is the sorcerer spell list I wound up going with for this guy. The stuff in parenthesis is from magic items (I did go with the whole Rainment of the Four set), as well as a Runestaff with the following:

3rd: Primal Instict (1xday 3x3x100=900)
5th: Dragonsight, Overland Flight (1xday each, 5x5x100x2=5000)
7th: Limited Wish and Necrotic Tumor 1xday each (7x7x200=9800 gp + 7x7x100=4900)
Total cost: 20600 gp

His CL is only 12, so he has to use Versatile Spellcaster to access the 7th level spells.

Spells known (Per day)
0th (6): Detect Magic, No Light, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Launch Item, Caltrops, Ghost Sound, Message
1st (8): Silent Image, Nerveskitter, Grease, Lesser Orb of Acid, Mount, (Magic Missile 3xday), (Nerveskitter 3x as SLA)
2nd (8): Glitterdust, Alter Self, Toothed Tentacle, Kelgore's Grave Mist, Wings of Cover
3rd (9): Dispel Magic, Shrink Item, Shatterfloor, Greater Magic Weapon, (Primal Instinct 1xday, Fireball 2xday)
4th (8): Evard's Black Tentacles, Greater Mirror Image, Celerity, (Freedom of Movement 2xday)
5th (7): Magic Jar, Telekinesis, (Dragonsight 1xday, Overland Flight 1xday, Teleport 2xday)
6th (5): Superior Resistance
7th (0): (Limited Wish, Necrotic Cyst*)

*Other Necrotic Cyst spells not listed above, but he has access to them.

Overland Flight is a bit subobtimal, but I like the "flavor" of flying around without wings for him. Magic Jar was required for a PrC prereq. Toothed Tentacle is a decent spell if you share it with your familiar and have Knowledge Devotion (or other damage adders), but it could be replaced. I took Mount mostly for setting off traps, because it lasts longer than Summon Dead Monkey.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 11:26:18 AM by phaedrusxy »
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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2011, 11:21:09 AM »
I'm surprised I see so many mentions of the action economy spells and just one of limited wish. That is one spell a sorcerer can put to use better than most, just taking care as it carries an exp cost, obviously.
Like I said.  The better the rest of your spell picks, the less that XP component comes into play, because the less often you need to cast it.

Offline KerlanRayne

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2011, 07:26:53 PM »
We seriously need a handbook of just "ways to get more Sorcerer spells known."  Between items (Knowstones, Gloves of the Starry Sky, etc), Feats (Extra Spell), PrCs (Mage of the Arcane Order, Sandshaper) there's a lot of options out there...

Well there's a pretty good start on the old boards. I don't think it's been moved over. Ways to Expand a Spell List (III) You could expand on that with some of the things mentioned here.

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Re: The Ideal Sorcerer Spell Selection
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2011, 10:54:56 PM »
If you have access to them, celerity, arcane fusion, greater arcane fusion, and arcane spellsurge are among the most powerful spells you can learn. The action and spell economy gains are phenomenal, and the cost is low (a 4th-, 5th-, 7th-, and 8th-level spell slot).
celerity + arcane fusion is a nasty combo...

With Sanctum Spell and immunity to daze, you can land some nigh-infinite action and nigh-infinite 2nd-level spells abuse. Sanctum greater arcane fusion, containing sanctum arcane fusion (itself containing celerity and some random 2nd-level spell), and sanctum greater arcane fusion containing the same. The fun part is it all can go off as an immediate action if you start off with celerity.

Note that you can continute to stack sanctum arcane fusions and sanctum greater arcane fusions inside of each other if you want. Also, with enough metamagic reducers, make all of those Twinned as well for yet more recursive fun.

I dub thee: Sanctumception.

Doesn't work.  Sanctum spell only alters the spell level at the moment of casting. 

If you just have a scroll of sanctum magic missile hanging around, for instance, it's a first level spell until you read the scroll.  Before you cast it, your 'sanctum arcane fusion' doesn't have the slot altered, so it isn't viable.