I'm assuming this is 3E only since everything PF is OGL.
As mentioned, Full Casters are barely slowed down by this. Full Manifesters barely got any non-core support anyways.
For martials, Horizon Tripper is a famed one as a core only. I don't remember the exacts, but it was starting as a Barbarian for rage goodies, dipping fighter for heavy armor, feats, and literacy, then going ranger for three levels to get free Endurance and Point-Blank Shot, skills, and counting as a caster for activating magic items. After that, it went into Horizon Walker for immunity to Fatigue (works wonders with rage), darkvision, and +1 insight bonus against loads of foes (the bonus is based on what a monster's native area is listed as. I recall that it was disproportionately something like Hills being 75+% of all non-extraplanar creatures). At level 6 of Horizon Walker, the build really takes off by being able to Dimension Door around all day. Feats were spent on tripping and AoO support. With SRD stuff, you can trade ranger's Point Blank Shot (which only works in light armor) for Fast Movement via Wildshape Ranger, and trade Barbarian's Fast Movement via Barbarian Totem for one of a few options.
Gish manifesters got some more noteworthy support beyond SRD, but Psychic Warrior, Slayer (which is actually easier to qualify for in the SRD than the XPH version), and War Mind are all solid routes.