Mutable Fighter"Text"
– Am Shaegar, Biyou Mutable FighterText
Becoming a Mutable FighterText
Table 1: The Mutable Fighter
Hit Die: d12
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Special Abilities
1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Martial Knowledge, Style Shapes
2 +2 +3 +3 +0 Martial Knowledge, Style Shapes
3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Martial Knowledge, Style Shapes Class skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Martial Lore, Swim, Tumble
Requirements:Skills: Martial Lore 6
Feats: Martial Study, Martial Stance
Class FeaturesText
- Martial Knowledge: At each level, the mutable fighter gains a fighter bonus feat, chosen as per fighter. In addition, he gains a single maneuver known, as if he had taken the martial study feat. These maneuvers do not count against the limit of martial study feats.
- Style Shapes (Su) A mutable fighter gains the maneuvers of particular martial disciplines and other abilities by adopting specific shapes as a standard action. When changing into one of these shapes, the mutable fighter automatically adopts the stance listed for the shape. If the mutable fighter cannot maintain the stance for some reason, it reverts to its normal form and loses access to the martial maneuvers the style shape grants. A mutable fighter can use only one maneuver per turn. It does not need to ready the maneuver, and can use it every turn if desired. Thus, if it uses a strike maneuver on its turn, it cannot then use a counter against an opponent while waiting for its turn to come up again. His class levels provide full initiator levels. Other levels operate normally. At each level, the mutable fighter learns one style shape, to a maximum of three at 3rd level.
- Earth Serpent: In this shape, a mutable fighter has a snakelike head, a snake’s tail instead of legs, and gray stony scales. While it is in earth serpent shape, it gains a +2 bonus to natural armor and can use the strength of stone stance and the mountain hammer (strike) and charging minotaur (strike) maneuvers.
- Hellfire Hunter: In this shape, a mutable fighter looks like a hell hound in humanoid form. While it is in hellfire hunter shape, it gains scent and can use the flame’s blessing stance and the fire riposte (counter) and flashing sun (strike) maneuvers.
- Night Creeper: In this shape, the mutable fighter looks like a slick eel-like humanoid. While it is in night creeper shape, it gains a swim speed of 30 feet, sneak attack +1d6, and can use the island of blades stance and the ghost blade (strike) and shadow garrote (strike) maneuvers.
- Elusive Adversary: In this shape, the mutable fighter has a head and fur like a displacer beast, and its arms take the form of displacer beast tentacles with hands coated in hooks. While it is in elusive adversary shape, it gains a speed of 60 feet and can use the shifting defense stance and the baffling defense (counter) and feigned opening (counter) maneuvers.
- Focused Hunter: In this shape, the mutable fighter becomes covered in small crystals, their razored edges poking from his skin (this causes him no harm or impediment). While it is in focused hunter shape, it gains a +2 bonus on will saves and concentration checks and can use the pearl of black doubt stance and the ruby nightmare blade (strike) and rapid counter (counter) maneuvers.
- Angelic Defender: In this shape, the mutable fighter glows with a white light, vestigial wings sprouting from his back. While it is in angelic defender shape, all adjacent allies gain a +2 deflection bonus to armor class and the mutable hunter can use the thicket of blades stance and the revitalizing strike (strike) and shield block (counter) maneuvers.
- Iron Tyrant: In this shape, the mutable fighter thickens, his body covering over with steel. While it is in iron tyrant shape, it gains immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain and can use the absolute steel stance and the dazing strike (strike) and mithral tornado (strike) maneuvers.
- Leaping Tiger: In this shape, the mutable fighter becomes striped and beclawed, a tiger walking upright. While it is in leaping tiger shape, it gains a +4 bonus on jump checks, the ability to rend your foe (If you strike the same opponent with an attack from a weapon in your main hand and your off hand, you automatically deal extra damage equal to 2d6 plus 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus), and can use the leaping dragon stance and the claw at the moon (strike) and soaring raptor strike (strike) maneuvers.
- Avian Ascendant: In this shape, the mutable fighter becomes draped in white and black feathers, his eyes grown golden. While it is in avian ascendant shape, all adjacent allies gain a +4 bonus on attacks of opportunity and the mutable hunter can use the tactics of the wolf stance and the tactical strike (strike) and flanking maneuver (strike) maneuvers.