Kelra, the Vanished Soldier
Vestige Level: 3
Binding DC: 17
There was, long ago, a war; perhaps the first great war between nations in which martial adepts played a major part. Kelra was a soldier, and, in time, a general, determined to lead her side to victory. But as the conflict dragged on, and her martial skill proved insufficient, she turned to darker techniques, altering her fundamental self to be a better fighter and trading away portions of her humanity to otherworldly forces in exchange for greater skill. When, at last, the war was won, in large part due to her efforts, she set down her spear and vanished without a trace. She had become so much a creature of violence that she could not exist in peacetime.
Special Requirement:
A piercing weapon must be thrust into the ground in the center of Kelra’s seal. It is is not used up in the summoning process, nor does it move from where you placed it.
A red haze fills the fills the circle, and when it fades, a woman in ancient bronze armor carrying a tattered banner stands there. Her gaze is fixed on the weapon placed within the seal, and although she may speak to a Binder, she has never been recorded to look at one, or turn her attention away from the weapon for any reason.
Your hands are stained reddish-brown, as coated in rust.
Kelra’s foremost trait was her determination to win. She does not require that you seek out conflict, but if you do enter into a battle while hosting her, she will not permit you to retreat nor surrender. Even outside of battle, so long as you are directly opposing another creature, it is not in Kelra’s nature to accept any outcome less than victory.
Granted Abilities:
Skill, Hard-earned:
You know the maneuvers Crusader’s Strike and Leading the Attack. If your effective Binder level is at least 7, you also know White Raven Strike and Defensive Rebuke. Add your full Binder level to your initiator level for these maneuvers, rather than half. Once you use one, you recover it after 5 rounds.
War, Hard-fought:
You and all other creatures within 5 feet of you gain a +1 morale bonus to Will saves, Fortitude saves, and weapon damage rolls.
Peace, Hard-won:
You may create an effect identical to a Sanctuary spell cast on yourself, which lasts for 3 rounds, with a Save DC of 10 + 1/2 your effective binder level + your Cha modifier. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.