Author Topic: [3.5] [Creature] Massoozes, the masseuse oozes [Repost of OLD GitP](P.E.A.C.H)  (Read 715 times)

Offline Draco Dei

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Posting this because I recently discovered SCP-999 (Back-up link) which... could fit as a related species, or an individual that ended up with a child-like personality from "brain" damage or flawed copying of memories during mitosis, along with a "mutant" secretion system.

Medium Ooze
HD 2d10+2+10 (23)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Swim 30 ft
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
AC: 13 (+3 Dex); touch 13; flat-footed 10
BAB: +1; Grp +3
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6+2)
Full-Attack: 2 Slams +3 melee (1d6+2)
Space: 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf
Special Qualities: Amphibious, Creeping Spa, Constriction, Engulf, Highly Skilled, Magic Pseudo-pods, Ooze Traits
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 8*, Wis 8*, Cha 17
Skills: Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +6**, Profession (Masseuse) +13, Sense Motive +2 (+6 for making small-talk)
Feats: Skill Focus[Profession(Masseuse)]B, Endurance
Environment: Urban (including underwater urban areas, such as merfolk settlements)
Organization: Solitary or Parlor (3-10)
Challenge Rating: 2?
Treasure: As per comparable masseuse minus anything necessary for the actual massages themselves, although things for "take home" sales would still be a possibility.
Alignment: Usually True Neutral
Advancement*** As Expert and/or 3 HD Medium, 4-7 HD Large, 8-15 HD Huge, 16-31 HD Gargantuan, 32-63 Colossal, 64+ Colossal+ ; Favored Class Expert
Level Adjustment +2?****(Cohort only)
* Role-playing note for GMs: Masoozes are NOT primitive in their personalities or mindsets, they are DITZY... not rock-headed, air-headed.
** Because spas are often hot-beds for gossip.
*** Due to Magic Pseudo-pods when creating advanced masoozes do not reduce the dexterity for any size increases.
**** Cohort masoozes may add racial hit-dice and class levels(of Expert only) in any mix the player desires to reach the appropriate ECL during character design or level-up.

Masoozes speak one language (usually the most common one for the area they are in) plus any bonuses for high intelligence. Bonus languages are also selected from those common to the area the individual lives in.

This mound of mobile protoplasm is a soothing powder-blue, and smells vaguely of fruits and soap.

Amphibious(Ex): Masoozes are can "breath" fresh and salt water as easily as air, and are found with the same frequency among merfolk and tritons as they are among humans or elves.

Constrict(Ex): Although they lack the Improved Grab ability, once they get a grip on an opponent, masoozes know where to squeeze. They deal automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check.

Creeping Spa(Ex): A masooze lacks the deadly acids of its mindless kin, but makes up for it in versatility. Its secretions can be tuned to exfoliate, moisturize, or do any of an variety of skin, nail, and hair-care functions, it can also alter its temperature locally or entirely from an invigorating or swelling reducing cold to a soothing heat or anywhere in between, this grants a +2 circumstance bonus, as for using a masterwork tool (and thus does not stack with any actual tools or lotions the ooze may have acquired for whatever reason). This bonus is included in the stat-block above.

Engulf(Ex): A masooze forced into combat can simply mow down creatures at least one size category smaller than it as a standard action (Note that Colossal counts as smaller than Colossal+). It cannot make slam attacks during a round in which it engulfs. The masooze merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the masooze, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the massooze moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube’s slam attack, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Outside of combat, masoozes usually use this ability to surround every part of the client but the face to give (nearly) full body massages. They can cover portions of the face if they wish to duplicate the effects of a mud mask.

Highly Skilled(Ex): Masoozes count their intelligence score as being 4 points higher when determining their skill points from racial hit-die.

Magic Pseudo-pods(Ex): A masooze may use its Dexterity modifier in place of its wisdom modifier for Profession(Masseuse) checks on creatures it has engulfed and may always take 10 on Profession(Masseuse) on creatures it has engulfed even if rushed or harassed (but not if in physical danger). When creating advanced masoozes do not reduce the dexterity for any size increases.

Skills: Masoozes have a +4 racial bonus to sense motive checks related to making small-talk. A masooze may use its Dexterity modifier in place of its wisdom modifier for Profession(Masseuse) checks on creatures it has engulfed and may always take 10 on Profession(Masseuse) on creatures it has engulfed even if rushed or harassed (but not if in physical danger).

Masoozes' digestive enzymes are highly specialized compared to most oozes, those who defeat them develop, at worst, a minor rash on the locations that it hit or over the body if they were engulfed for several rounds (no mechanical effect even with full body coverage), they can only gain nutrients from vegetable matter, and that only slowly.

Masoozes as characters:
May ONLY take class levels in Expert and PrCs with no BAB, Save, Weapon Proficiency, or Armor Proficiency requirements. Masooze Experts MUST pick Profession(Masseuse) as one of their class skills.
+4 STR, +6 DEX, +2 CON, -2 INT, -2 WIS, CHA +6
Masoozes may use almost all magic items that a humanoid could, they have the same number of body slots as a humanoid, but engulf almost all items instead of keeping them on their surface. They may "drink" a number of engulfed potions as a move action equal to their dexterity bonus (minimum 1).
Masoozes do not gain any armor class benefits from armor (neither the basic ones nor enchantment bonuses), but may gain the other MAGICAL benefits (such as energy resistance, flight, etherealness etc) from one engulfed suit of armor. Masoozes may use a shield normally and Mage Armor, Bracers of armor, and similar magic effects that provided an armor bonus help them normally.
P.E.A.C.H. = Please Examine And Critique Honestly