Author Topic: 3.5 Sha'ir - Morning Prep, Taking Watch, and Divine Spells  (Read 431 times)

Offline SushiKishi

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3.5 Sha'ir - Morning Prep, Taking Watch, and Divine Spells
« on: July 01, 2024, 02:18:20 AM »
Prepping spells in the morning

RAW -- and obviously the trade off for having an absolutely giganto-sized spell list -- you don't get to just pick your spells after sleepin' like prep casters, right? The way we typically do spell prep if you're, say, a Wizard after a long rest for the night is you just, y'know, kinda pick your spells prepped from your spells known at the start of the day (and in-game you concentrate for 15 minutes). Sha'ir obviously has to send the Gen out to get every spell, even spells known, which makes things a little bit different for you. If you stick to your spells known list it's something like 2 1/2 minutes at level 5 to fully prep your spells for the day, but that number will increase quickly if you need to stray from that list at all, and if you want any Divine spells you probably need to send your Gen for them before going to bed (and hope nothing comes to kill y'all in the middle of the night).

How does that mechanic play with your spells per day, though? If I'm out of Level 9 spells for the day, can I still send my Gen to get a Level 9 spell, so it';s ready for me when I wake up in the morning after the Gen spends 1d6+9 hours finding me Miracle, for example? (Okay, the math is a little off, but you get my point.)  Will it wait until I wake up to return and give me my spell?


From a roleplay and Sha'ir mechanic perspective, it's probably best to take the "middle-most" shift if we're doing watches, right? That would let me prep spells before going to bed and if I'm, say, level 4+, they'll still be prepped throughout the first half of the night if something happens. Then when I wake up for my watch, I can prep the spells again and be covered in case anything happens during the second half of the night.  I couldn't reset my "spells per day" until we finish getting rest, but I would still be able to load spells into any slots available from the day before and be ready for the whole night.

Or am I just thinking about the sleeping mechanic too much? It's a lot to think about just getting some sleep, but I feel like it's part of the deal for the class.
...have I always overthought sleeping for spellcasters? Whenever I play a spellcaster, I've always insisted on taking the first or last shift for watch, so I could get my un-interrupted sleep.

Divine Spells

A fair amount of spells available to Sha'ir from the domain spell lists are also available as Sorc/Wiz spells. Unless you get them at an earlier level on the Domain list, there's no point "learning" the "Divine version" over the "Arcane version," right?

The way the rules are written, I feel like you could argue that, say, you take Wind Wall from the Air Domain as a Level 2 spell, but prep it as a known Arcane spell, because it's also an arcane spell on the Sorc/Wiz list.  That's clearly not intended and rules-as-not-being-a-pain-in-the-arse means I should denote if I learned a spell "Divine-style" or "Arcane-style" for the purposes of spell retrieval.

Offline Skyrock

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Re: 3.5 Sha'ir - Morning Prep, Taking Watch, and Divine Spells
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2024, 10:46:16 AM »
How does that mechanic play with your spells per day, though? If I'm out of Level 9 spells for the day, can I still send my Gen to get a Level 9 spell, so it';s ready for me when I wake up in the morning after the Gen spends 1d6+9 hours finding me Miracle, for example? (Okay, the math is a little off, but you get my point.)  Will it wait until I wake up to return and give me my spell?
That question has never been officially resolved. The DMs under which I have played Sha'irs have all ruled that you can "free up" used spell slots and "load" them with a different spell, and they likewise get free if the spell dissipates without being used.

Divine Spells

A fair amount of spells available to Sha'ir from the domain spell lists are also available as Sorc/Wiz spells. Unless you get them at an earlier level on the Domain list, there's no point "learning" the "Divine version" over the "Arcane version," right?

The way the rules are written, I feel like you could argue that, say, you take Wind Wall from the Air Domain as a Level 2 spell, but prep it as a known Arcane spell, because it's also an arcane spell on the Sorc/Wiz list.  That's clearly not intended and rules-as-not-being-a-pain-in-the-arse means I should denote if I learned a spell "Divine-style" or "Arcane-style" for the purposes of spell retrieval.
There is rarely a need to prepare a divine spell (unless you are going up against an Ethergaunt or some other monster that no-sells arcane but not divine magic) - the domains mostly suck and are redundant to arcane spells.

However, just being able to also cast divine spells without losing out on caster progression opens up some fun options. Sha'irs are great arcane halves for Mystic Theurge builds, and you also get access to the Skypledged PrCs which makes you even more versatile.