people envision Dungeons & Dragons as a cooperative game, one where the PCs evenly split the loot and supplement their roles to overcome traps and monsters together. It's a game of teamwork, of a band of adventuring comrades overcoming great odds
Not so in the World of Munchkin!
Most works of fiction have a star of the show, so why should you have to hog the spotlight with 3-4 other bozos and the DM's pet NPC? If you can't lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top of the campaign setting, then you're just doing it wrong!
Munchkin is a hyper-competitive D&D supplement that rewards and encourages douchebaggery. It's a game where thieves get extra experience from stealing from other PCs and ultra-powerful spells have real-world money as material components to give to the Dungeon Master.
The Munchkin series were made in mid-2003 in the waning days of 3.0. They were surprisingly insightful for game supplements in several areas. They remarked that there was a big resentment between Fighters and Wizards in the setting because the Wizards hung back and could d all sorts of cool tricks and spells while the Fighters got chomped on by all the monsters. And their first 3.5 book predicted an arms race in potentially broken combos with a new glut of d20 books. And they also remarked upon how awesome Cleric spells could be at higher levels; making your Cleric a healbot would be downright emasculating when you can use that spell slot to call down divine fire!
My favorite part of the Munchkin Player's Handbook is the guide for interpreting the nine alignments to your own selfish benefit. Chaotic Good means that you are unconstrained by any laws and customs so that you can do what's right; any self-respecting munchkin should be seeing the potential for abuse in this one.
I also liked the Shagging the Dungeon Master feat. The prerequisites are self-explanatory, and allows you to re-roll a failed result by giving the DM a meaningful look.
There isn't much material that can be used in a serious game, but the Munchkin series was a fun read.