Hello everyone, I like to think that I'm pretty good at optimization and character building, but I found myself in a bit of a risky situation and thought that the experts here could really help me out.
I'm starting a new game soon, and I'm a little worried, because the DM seems to be implying that he's going to try to kill us off. He hasn't directly SAID anything, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I really need a character that can survive ANYTHING. Just so I don't actually give off the wrong message: THIS IS NOT A "GET REVENGE/MAKE DM CRY/BREAK THE GAME" thread. I just need to be able to potentially survive a hostile DM to the best of my ability. Additionally, I do not know how long this group will last, so trading high-level capabilities for low-level ones is encouraged. LEvel 1 is the most important level for this request
Here are notes on the game:
32-point Buy
Books allowed: Core, Complete (No psionics) I can ask to have something allowed, but I have no idea if it will be or not.
Have to be a normal human
Weapon Group Feats (I'll provide a link if someone doesn't know these)
Action points
I have the ability to cast Create Water at will. (Caster level = character level)
TONS of other homebrew stuff, but not likely to matter
The other players are a healing-focused Favored Soul, a blasty sorcerer and we might have a third player, but I do not know what he is playing, if he is playing.
So, looking at the team, I decided to make a melee character. After thinking it over a bit, I decided either a barbarian (tons of STR, power attack, eventually leap attack, etc...) or a Duskblade (with knowledge devotion, True Strike+Power attack = win), but if you believe a third class could do the job better, I am more than open to suggestions.
AGain, the goals of this character are:
Able to survive encounters that are well over the party's abilities
Is not inheirently game-breaking (so I can turn it off if he is NOT trying to kill us)
I will be DELIGHTED to answer any and all questions about this, and would really appreciate some advice. Thank you for reading.