This is a repeat of a (very) old challenge I had for myself back on BG - how to make a Healer/Warmage a viable character.
This is the original thread, (ab)using a number of early entry tricks. However, I got one of them wrong, and am curious what the build would look like today with all the extra years of experience.
Edit: Moved the build into this thread:
The WorstRace: Bamboo Spirit Folk
Alignment: NG
Stats: Str 8/Dex 10/Con 14/Int 12/Wis 16/Cha 16 (required: Con 13, Wis 13)
Level Classes Skills Needed Skills Feats
1 Healer 1 4 (Sur 4, Arc 4, Rel 4, Nat 4) Educated (ECS), Earth Sense (Murky Eyed), Earth Spell (Noncombatant)
2 Warmage 1 1 (Arc, Rel)
3 Mystic Theurge 1 Arc 6, Rel 6 1 (Arc, Rel) Heighten Spell
4 Mystic Theurge 2 2 (Nat)
5 Mystic Theurge 3 2 (Nat)
6 Sand Shaper 1 Sur 4, Nat 4 4 (Nat) Touchstone (City of the Dead) [Sandstorm]
7 Mystic Theurge 4 2 (Nat 8)
8 Mystic Theurge 5 2 (Arc)
9 Mystic Theurge 6 2 (Arc 8) Versatile Spellcaster
10 Mystic Theurge 7 3
11 Arcane Hierophant 1 Arc 8, Nat 8 3
12 Arcane Hierophant 2 3 Extraordinary Spell Aim
13 Arcane Hierophant 3 3
14 Arcane Hierophant 4 3
15 Arcane Hierophant 5 3 Empower Spell
16 Arcane Hierophant 6 3
17 Arcane Hierophant 7 3
18 Arcane Hierophant 8 3 Practised Caster (Warmage)
19 Arcane Hierophant 9 3
20 Arcane Hierophant 10 3Requirements:Mystic Theurge - Arcana 6, Religion 6, 2nd level Arc + Div
Arcane Heirophant - Arcana 8, Nature 8, BAB 4, non-lawful, 2nd level Arc + Div, Trackless step
Sand Shaper - Nature 4, Survival 4, any neutral, Touchstone (City of the Dead), Arcane caster level 5th.
Feat Ideas:
I've been looking at using the Arcane Thesis (Scorching Ray) + assorted metamagic feats as probably the primary option, maxing out the Warmage's trick of lots of damage, but the poor Dex makes me not as fond of that as I might be. Still, something like Arcane Thesis (Enervation) + Split Ray, Twin Spell, Empower Spell, is probably my best bet.
An idea that is certainly piquing my interest is Arcane Thesis combined with Fell Animate, in order to have a Neutral Good healer with a small army of zombies. And yes, this stretches the bounds of anything remotely sane.
I recall there are feats/class abilities that let lower level spells be combined into higher level ones, but I don't believe there are ones that allow powering of arcane spells with divine slots, and so on. If there are, it would help greatly.
Suggestions are welcome.
- Warmage Casting - Level 18 spontaneous casting/9th spells.
- Healer Casting - Level 18 casting/9th spells.
- Sanctified Spells - Useable by the Healer. Gives much needed divine versatility.
- Gets into the dual progression class very quickly, losing only one caster level.
- Sand Shaper spells, giving much needed power boost to the arcane side. Allows buffing using the low level slots, and adds increased options for battlefield control, including via summons.
- Volume of spells: More spells than actions in battle.
- Versatile Spellcaster: Allows the use of more higher level spells, should the need arise.
- Extraordinary Spell Aim: Better utilization of battlefield control spells.
- Cloudy Conjuration: Turns all those conjuration spells into debuffers, as well.
- Practiced Caster (Warmage): Making up for the lack of caster level.
- Warmage Casting - It's a Warmage.
- Healer Casting - It's a Healer.
- Mystic Theurge - It's a Mystic Theurge.
- Caster Level/DCs - These fall behind those of a single class caster, as expected.
- Skills - Limited skill points, mostly spread out to cover requirements for the first 10 levels.
- Stats - As with almost all dual-class casters, the stat spread suffers from severe MAD. Will need magic items to reach 19 in both casting stats.
- Feats - 5 feats are taken with making the trick work at all, limiting feat choice severely.
- AC/Attack - The lack of Dex from MAD makes the defenses and offense suffer.
Touchstone is gained via having a Touchstone Key (item of 250gp).