Author Topic: Kython  (Read 28067 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: December 01, 2011, 04:13:01 AM »

Level   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   Special

1st     +1   +2   +2   +0     Demon spawned body, Broodling, Kython senses, +1 dex
2nd     +2   +3   +3   +0     Poison, Resistant carapace, +1 str, +1 dex
3rd     +3   +3   +3   +1     Juvenile, Kython instict, +1 str, +1 con
4th     +4   +4   +4   +1     Living Weapon,  +1 str, +1 con
5th     +5   +4   +4   +1     Adult body, Spawn weaponry, +1 str, +1 con

Skills: 4+ int mod. A Kython's class skills are Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, and Swim

Proficiencies: a Kython is proficient in its natural weapons


Demon spawned body: A kython loses all Racial trait and becomes a small aberration with a speed of 30ft. The kython gains a bite attack dealing 2d6 damage(plus strength) and a tail attack dealing 1d4 damage(plus half strength). The kython has a natural armor bonus equal to his constitution bonus.

Broodling: A first level Kython is still little more than a newborn. The kython has no arms and is incapable of speech, though it can understand it.

Kython Senses: A kython, has no eyes and cannot see. however, the kython has blindsight with a range equal to their HD x 10ft, and blindsense with a range of 60ft. Once the Kython blindsight reaches 50ft, the range of its blindsense becomes equal to their blindsight range plus 20ft. Beyond that range, the kython must make a listen check to notice anything.

Ability Score Increases:
The Kython gains +1 Dex at levels 1 and 2, +1 Str at all levels but , and +1 Con at levels 3, 4, 5, for a total of +4 Str, +3 Con, +2 Dex at level 5.

Poison:At second level, A kython's bite and tail atacks become poisonous. the save DC against the poison is equal to 10+ 1/2 HD + constitution modifier. The initial and secondary damage are the same(1d4 points of strength damage). This damage increases one die step every 3 HD from now on (1d6 at 5 HD, 1d8 at 8HD, 2d6 at 11 HD, etc)

In addition, at 9HD, a Kython's poison can affect creatures normally immune to it, but it only deals half damage.

Resistant carapace: At second level, the exoskeleton that protect a Kython's body become resistant to the elements. A kython gains acid and cold resistance equal to their HD and resistance to fire and electricity equal to half their HD.

Juvenile: At third level, a kython has reached adolescence, but still has more maturing to do. The Kython becomes medium sized and grow arms that are capable of fine manipulation, ending in claws that deal 1d6 damage each(plus half strength). The kython's vocal cords also develop, allowing the kython to speak. The kythons exoskeleton also hardens, increasing its natural armor bonus by one.

Kython instict: A third level Kython becomes better able to sense danger, adding his Kython level to initiative and listen checks.

Living Weapon: At fourth level, a Kython's natural weapons gain an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to 1/4  its HD, and count as magic for purposes of bypassing DR and hitting ethereal opponents.

Adult: At fifth level, a Kython's body is fully developed. It loses its tail but gains a second pair of arms, and its claws and fangs become more powerful. It's bite attack now deals 3d6 damage and it's claws deal 1d8 damage each.

Spawn weaponry: Now fully grown, a fifth level kython can ingest gemstones in order to lay eggs containing kython weapons. The value of the gemstones required is dependent on the weapon the kython wishes to produce. In addition, the kython must have the required number of HD in order to create a weapon. Kythons are automatically profecient with this weaponry, but other creatures cannot use it. They're made of bone and cartilage and soft tissues, but even then are as durable as inorganic weaponry. They may be further enchanted as normal weapons. Damage values are for medium-sized kythons, adjust for bigger ones.

Weapon   GP worth of gems required   HD Required

Boneblade               400gp     5HD
Bone Shard Crossbow     150gp     5HD
Mucus Pod               4000gp    8HD
Extra Armor             6000gp    8HD
Acid Spitter            4000gp    8HD
Mouth Launcher          2000gp    8HD
Phase Organ             80000gp   16HD

Weapons descriptions:
Boneblade: One-handed masterwork slashing weapon dealing 1d10 damage. It counts as having a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls for every 4 HD of the kython wielding it. Its vicious serrated blades allow any Kython wielding it to automatically confirm critical threats with the Boneblade. If you would gain a bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits, instead you gain an equal bonus to the damage roll in a critical hit with the boneblade (don't multiply this extra damage). Any feats and class abilities  improving the natural attacks of a Kython also apply to its boneblades, and any class abilities improving its natural attacks also benefit this weapon.

Bone Shard Crossbow: One handed  masterwork crossbow with 40 range increment which fires a single bone spike. It doesn't deal damage, but creatures hit by it are subject to the poison of the Kython wielding it. It takes only a swift action to reload, but it deals 1 HP damage to the Kython every time he does so as the crossbow extracts a new bone shard from its own body.

Mucus Pod:This attaches to one of the Kython's claws, wich can still be used for fighting but not using other Kython weapons. Whenever the Kython hits with the claw equipped with Mucus pod, it releases a yellow fluid that entangles the target for 1d6+4 rounds unless it succeeds on a reflex save DC 10+1/2HD+Con mod.

Extra Armor:Extra Chitinous plates grant the Kython +1 armor bonus for every 2 HD it has. This fills the Kython's armor slot.

Acid Spitter:This long tube comes in many shapes, but they all fire globes of acid with 20 foot range increment as a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6 acid damage for every 2 HD of the wielder to the target. It can hold enough ammo for 20 shots, and recharges itself at a rate of 1 charge per minute.

Mouth Launcher:This worm-like symbiote attaches to the inside of the Kython's mouth. Whenever it hits with it's bite attack, the mouth launcher launches forward and starts a grapple as a free action, as the Improved Grab ability, and if successfull pulls the victim into the Kython's mouth, dealing automatic bite damage. Every round it holds the target it deals automatic bite damage again. The mouth launcher ignores freedom of movement effects.

Phase Organ:This small, apparently useless flesh pod is actually the pinnacle of Kython weaponry. It attaches to the back of the Kython's head, and allows it to become incorporeal (or then back to material) as a swift action.

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Done by Crafty_Cultist from GITP
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:31:54 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2011, 07:51:40 AM »
Kython Impaler

Prerequisites: To become an impaler, a player must fufill the following conditions
-Must be an adult kython with no levels in another kython prestige class

Charge, Speed boost, +1 dex
Bone parry, Sure-footed, Shadow shell, +1 dex
Impaler, Eviscerate, +1 dex

Skills: 4+ int mod. An Impaler's class skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, Swim, and Tumble

Proficiencies: An Impaler is proficient in its natural wepons


Charge: An Impaler grows large, extendable bone spikes from the palms of its hands. If it charges, it can use all four spikes in a single attack that deals 6d6 damage(plus double strength modifier)

Ability boost: An impaler gets a +1 bonus to dexterity every level.

Speed Boost: An Impalers land speed increases by 10ft for every 3 HD it has.

Bone parry: At second level, an Impaler can use its bone spikes to defend itself in combat. This ability works like combat expertise, but the Impaler multiplies the dodge bonus to AC by the number of arms used to parry. The Impaler counts as having the combat expertise feat for the purpose of prerequisites. If the attack bonus traded exceeds the impaler's class level, it is not multiplied. The Impaler cannot make claw attacks with any arm used in this manner, and cannot use its charge attack while bone parry is in use.

Sure-footed: A second level Impaler's increased agility grants it the evasion ability. Upon reaching 14HD, the Impaler gains improved evasion.

Shadow shell: Also at second level, the exoskeleton of an Impaler becomes better suited for stealth, granting the Impaler a bonus on hide and move silently checks equal to 1/2 their HD. It can now also hide whitout actualy having anything to hide behind.

Impaler: At third level, the Kython is now a full-fledged impaler, it's body having become impossibly flexile, and it's hunting instincts maximized, in order to make sure it reaches it's target no matter what. It now benefits from a permanent Freedom of Movement effect.

Eviscerate: If a third level Impaler uses its charge attack against a flat-footed or flanked opponent, it can strike at the opponents weak spots, dealing double damage. Any creature immune to critical hits has 50%chance of ignoring this ability every time it is used.

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Done by Crafty_Cultist from GITP, some tweaks by me
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 12:32:01 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2011, 07:52:46 AM »
Kython Slaughterking

Prerequisites: To become a Slaughterking, a player must meet the following requirements
-Must be an adult kython with no levels in another kython prestige class.

Poison spray, Instictive Cunning, +1 str
Debilitating screech, +1 Con
Growth, Monstruous Proficiency, +1 str
Broodlord, Speed boost, +1 con
Enhanced defense, +1 str
Disruptive field, +1 con
Vicious, Rend, +1 Str
Rampage, Slaughterking, +1 Str, +1 Con
Skills: 4+ int mod. A Slaughterking's class skills are Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, and Swim

Proficiencies: a Slaughterking is proficient in its natural wepons


Poison spray: A Slaughterking can spit poison in place of a bite attack. It must make a ranged touch attack with a range of 5ft per HD. On a hit, the target is subject to the Slaughterking's poison. It can use this attack even in melee whitout penalty.

Ability boost: A Slaughterking gains a +1 bonus to strength at levels 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8, and a +1 bonus to constitution at levels 2, 4, 6 and 8, for +5 Str and +4 Con at 8th level.

Insinctive cunning: A Slaughterking is much smarter than it looks, and even more cruel, not hesitating to use his own allies as meat shields. A Slaughterking gains 20% miss chance against all attacks for every ally it has adjacent to it, up to 80% miss chance. If an attack fails due to this miss chance, it instead hits one such random adjacent ally of the Slaughterking.

Debilitating screech: A second level slaughterking can generate a loud shriek which disrupts the equilibrium of any nonkythons that hear it. Any creature within range of the Slaughterking's blindsight must make a will save(DC 10 + 1/2 HD + constitution modifier) or have their mobility Inhibited. Affected creatures take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, a -4 penalty to dexterity, and have their speed halved for 1 round. In addition, flying creatures are forced to land as quickly as possible while burrowing creatures are driven to the surface. The Slaughterking can use this ability as a free action every 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind affecting effect, and can affect even creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves if they're immune to either one.

Growth:At third level, a Slaughterking grows one size category. If all Slaughterking levels were taken, it grows again at 14 HD and 20 HD.

Monstruous Proficiency:
At third level, the Slaughterking gains Multiattack as a bonus feat. If it already had Multiattack, it can now attack with all its natural weapons as a standard action, including Kython weapons.

Broodlord: at fourth level, a Slaughterking's cunning keeps improving, allowing it to coordinate it's minions with subtle subsonics only the slaughterking itself is aware off. Allies inside his blindsight range gain +1 Insight bonus to attack rolls for every 3 HD of the Slaughterking, and they may re-roll failed saves against fear and mind-affecting effects.

In adition, this ability can be used for comunicating with other creatures like telepathy with a range of 1 mile per HD, except that only very basic concepts can be transmited, like "feed", "come", "stay" or "attack".

Speed boost: Also at forth level, a Slaughterknig's land speed increases by 5ft for every 4 HD it has

Enhanced defense: At fifth level, a Slaughterking can halve the range of its blindsight to create a protective barrier. The Slaughterking gains a deflection bonus to armor class equal to a 1/3 its HD, and spell resistance equal to its HD + 11.

Disruptive field: A sixth level Slaughterking can halve the range of its blindsight to generate a field that disorients any nonkythons in the area. Creatures in the field take a -1 morale penalty to attacks, saves, ability checks and skill checks and caster/manifester/initiator level for every 4HD of the Slaughterking.

Vicious: a second level slaughterking deals triple damage upon scoring a critical hit with one of its natural wepons

Rend: If a seventh level Slaughterking hits an opponent with two or more claw attacks in one round, it latches into the creature and tears its flesh for an additional damage equal to 2 x Claw base damage (2d6 for a normal large Slaughterking) plus 1.5 x Strength mod.

Rampage: At 8th level once every 2d4 rounds, a Slaughterking can make a savage rush through its enemies. The Slaughterking can move double its speed and make a four claw attacks along the way, as long as no two attacks target the same creature and the Slaughterking moves at least five feet between attacks. Any creatures smaller than the Slaughterking damages during its rampage must succeed an oposed strength check(With the slaughterking gaining a +1 bonus to its check for every five points of damage done by its claw) or be forced to move alongside the Slaughterking for the remainder of its rampage as it drags them. The slaughterking may drop them at any point during his movement. The creatures dragged take 1d6 points of damage for every 20ft they're moved and are then knocked prone. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity

Slaughterking: An eighth level Slaughterking is fully developed, gaining immunity to acid.

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Done by Crafty_Cultist from GITP, some tweaks by me.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:43:38 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2011, 07:54:43 AM »
Kython Slaymaster

Prerequisites: To become an Slaymaster, a player must fufill the following conditions.

Must be an adult kython with no levels in another kython prestige class

Serpentine form, Lay Egg, +1 str
Deadly screech, +1 Con
Growth, Crushing grab, +1 str
Desestabilizing screech, Constrict, +1 con
Enhanced defense, +1 str
Slaymaster, Disruption field, +1str
Skills: 4+ int mod. A Slaymaster's class skills are Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, and Swim

Proficiencies: a Slaymaster is proficient in its natural wepons


Serpentine form: Upon starting down the path of the Slaymaster, A kythons legs are replaced by a serpentine tail. The Slaymaster can use this tail to make a tail slap attack dealing 1d6 damage(plus half strength modifier)

Ability boost: The Slaymaster gains a +1 bonus to strength at levels 1,3,5 and six, and a +1 bonus to constitution at level 2 and 4.

Lay Egg: Once per day a Slaymaster may lay 1d4 Eggs as a fullround action, wich hatch each into a broodling (lv 1 Kython with elite array of stats, no gear) in 24 hours. They obey the slaymaster blindly, and for every other 24 hours the slaymaster may make those broodlings gain one more level on the Kython class, but the Broodlord cannot control more of them than twice his own HD in kythons, and even then cannot control any single kython with more than the slaymaster's own HD-2. Kythons in excess only care about eating and killing stuff to eat, including other nearby kythons. Once they finish the kython class, those kython minions may take levels on the kython impaler class. If they finish it, they may then take levels on any PC class.

If the slaymaster is killed he releases a special substance wich make his nearby minions automatically flee, and in 24 hours the strongest of them wich is still alive and free morphs and grows into a new slaymaster identical to the deceased one (except equipment), wich may then be controled by the player.
Deadly screech: At second level, a Slaymaster can let out an extremly loud shriek as a standard action, with the sound concentrated on a paticular point within the range of its blindsight. Hitting the target requires a successful ranged touch attack. On a successful hit, the slaymaster deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per 2HD it possesses to the target. After using this ability, the Slaymaster cannot use it again for 1d4 rounds. This is a supernatural ability.

Growth. At third level, a Slaymaster grows one size category. If all slaymaster levels were taken, it grows an extra size category at 16 HD.

Crushing grab: If a third level slaymaster hits a medium or smaller opponent with a tail slap attack, it deals normal damage and can attempt to start a grapple as a free action. the creature takes tail slap damage each round it mantains its hold. This ability ignores Freedom of Movement effects.

Desestabilizing screech:
At fourth level creatures hit by the Slaymaster's Deadly screech must make a Reflex save with DC 10+1/2HD+Con mod. If they fail they have all their speeds reduced to 5 feet for 1d4 rounds, if they suceed they have all their speeds reduced for 1 round.

Constrict: A forth level Slaymaster can constrict a grappled opponent, dealing an additional 2d8 points of damage(plus 1+1/2 strength).

Enhanced defense: At fifth level, a Slaymaster can halve the range of its blindsight to create a protective barrier. The Slaymaster gains a deflection bonus to armor class equal to a 1/3 its HD, and spell resistance equal to its HD + 11.

Slaymaster: At sixth level, a Slaymaster has fully matured. Its Deadly screech no longer requires a wait between uses, and may be used as a swift action.

Disruptive field: A sixth level Slaymaster can halve the range of its blindsight to generate a field that disorients any nonkythons in the area. Creatures in the feild take a -1 morale penalty to attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and caster levels for every 4HD of the Slaymaster.

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Done by Crafty_Cultist from GITP, some tweaks by me.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:42:06 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2011, 07:56:23 AM »
Kython Viscerator

"While not as strong as their brethren, this Kythons  make up for it with cunning and wisdom. They tend to stalk their prey, gathering information before attacking. They like to create the perfect strategy of attack. Usually involving tactics that weaken and demoralize their prey, causing fear and mayhem. They often use trickery and deception. They enjoy watching their prey in fear and confusion, becoming more and more paranoid as either there comrade or themselves get weaker by the minute not knowing when or where they'll be attacked next... or by what."

Prerequisites: To become an Kython Viscerator, a player must fulfill the following conditions.

-Must be an adult kython with no levels in another kython prestige class

Level   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   Special
1st    +1      +0   +2     +2     Aerial Form, Wings, Enhanced Bone Shard Crossbow, +1 dex       
2nd   +2      +0   +3     +3     Shadow Shell, Flexible Senses, +1 con           
3rd    +3      +1   +3     +3     Versatile Poison, +1 dex,         
4th    +4      +1   +4     +4     Stealthy Shot, +1 con       
5th    +5      +1   +4     +4     Focused Poison, +1 dex,       
6th    +6      +2   +5     +5     Toxic Cloud, +1 dex, +1 con 
Skills: 4+ int mod. A Kython Viscerators class skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, Swim, and Tumble

Proficiencies: a Kython Viscerator is proficient in its natural weapons

Aerial Form: Upon starting down the path of the Viscerator the kython regains it's tail (that now does size appropriate damage) and grows a set of wings

Wings: Kython Viscerators gains a fly speed of 15 feet per 2HD, with clumsy maneuverability. The maneuverability increases one stage for every even level in this class.

Enhanced Bone Shard Crossbow:  Range increment is doubled and the weapon also deals one point of damage. At level 3 in this class increase crossbow damage to 1d3, at level 5 1d4+1. Using the Bone Shard Crossbow a Kython Viscerator may as a standard action and at a cost of 5 hp make a ranged tough attack with a Mucus Pod.

Ability Score Increase: the Viscerator gains +1 Dex at levels 1, 3, 5 and 6, +1 to Con at levels 2, 4 and 6, for a total of

Shadow Shell: The exoskeleton of a Kython Viscerator becomes better suited for stealth, granting the Kython Viscerator a bonus on hide and move silently checks equal to 1/2 their HD. (copied this from Kython Impaler)

Versatile Senses: The Kython Viscerator may change the shape of its blind sight into a focused cone. The cones length is equal to 4 times its radius. This change is a full round action, at level 4 it's a standard action and at level 6 a move action.

Versatile Poison: The Kython Viscerators natural poison decreases by one die size. When ever the Kython Viscerator uses its poison it may choose which stat to effect. If you choose Con the damage is halved.

Stealthy Shot: Kython Viscerator can make one ranged attack from hiding as a full round action without taking a -10 penalty on its Hide check.

Focused Poison: The Kython Viscerators poison DC increase by 1 ever 5HD it has. Kython Viscerators poison now bypasses poison immunity, but they get a +5 on there save. 1 per day per HD, whenever changing the damage to one that targets a mental stat the target must make a will save instead of a fort.

Toxic Cloud: The Kython Viscerator may create poison that evaporates into a localized toxic cloud. The poison DC lowers by 1 per 3HD. The cloud has a radius 5ft per 3HD. Creates partial cover 20%. The poison evaporates at the end of your turn. (May only be used once per turn.)

Done by owenkendel
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 05:25:09 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2011, 08:12:29 AM »

Kython Overlord

"Given time, the kythons may grow into new forms that are even more specialized and powerful. "

Prerequisites: To become an Kython Overlord, a player must fulfill the following conditions.
-Must have finished a kython prestige class and have at least 13 HD.

Level   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   Special
 1     +1      +0   +2     +2    1 Evolution Point
 2     +2      +0   +3     +3    1 Evolutions Points, Ability Boost
 3     +3      +1   +3     +3    2 Evolution Points     
 4     +4      +1   +4     +4    2 Evolution Points, Ability Boost
 5     +5      +1   +4     +4    4 Evolution Points
 6     +6      +2   +5     +5    Overlord, Ability Boost
Skills: 4+ int mod. A Kython Overlord class skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, Swim, and Tumble

Proficiencies: a Kython Overlord is proficient in its natural weapons


Kython Evolution:At all levels but 6th the Kython Overlord gains evolution points wich can be spent on the abilities below. Unspent evolution points do not carry over to the next level, so you can only buy 2 evolution points at 3rd level and 4 evolution points at 5th level. Unless otherwise noticed, no ability may be taken more than once. Abilities of the same name gained from other classes do not stack, use whichever is better.

       1 Point Evolutions:
             Fast Healing: Gain Fast Healing 1. (May be taken multiple times, each time increasing it by 1)
             Immunity: Select one of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, poison, disease. You gain immunity to the chosen one. (This may be selected more than once) 
             Regeneration: Gain Regeneration 0. (Only useful for regrowing or reattaching body parts.)
             Speed Boost: All speeds increase by 5ft for every 5 HD.
             Subtype: You gain a subtype of your choosing. If you have the Lay Egg ability, you may give any kython you have created a subtype that you have. That Kython counts as one level higher for each subtype. (This may be selected more than once) (If you have weakness and immunity to the same thing because of 2 or more subtype, they cancel each other out.)
       2 Point Evolutions:
              Damage Reduction: DR/material, material must be iron, silver or adamantium, equal to 1/2 the Creature's HD.
             Sure-footed: The Overlord gains the evasion ability.
             Wings: gains a fly speed of 15 feet per 2HD, with clumsy maneuverability. The maneuverability increases one stage for every even level in this class.
             Growth: Grow one size category, at 18HD grow another.

       4 Point Evolutions:
              Equipment Master: All your Kython equipment is considered 1 size category larger. You count as 4HD higher for all Kython equipment purposes.
              Instinctive Cunning: An Overlord gains 20% miss chance against all attacks for every ally it has adjacent to it, up to 60% miss chance.
              Lay Egg (Least): Once per day an Overlord may lay 1d4 Eggs as a fullround action, which hatch each into a broodling (lvl 1 Kython with elite array of stats, no gear) in 24 hours. They obey the Overlord blindly, and for every other 24 hours the Overlord may make those broodlings gain one more level on the Kyton class, but the Overlord cannot control more of them than twice his own HD in kytons, and even then cannot control any single kython with more than the Overlord's own HD-2. Kytons in excess only care about eating and killing stuff to eat, including other nearby kytons. Once they finish the kython class, those kyton minions may take levels on the kyton impaler class. If they finish it, they may then take levels on any PC class. If the Overlord is killed he releases a special substance which make his nearby minions automatically flee, and in 24 hours the strongest of them which is still alive and free morphs and grows into a new Overlord identical to the deceased one (except equipment), which may then be controlled by the player.

Ability boost: Select 2 attributes, you gain +1 to each at 2nd, 4th and 6th levels. (You may change your choice each time you gain this ability).

Overlord: Depending on what kython prestige class you have finished and used to enter this class you gain an ability. ()

      Impaler-Improved Eviscerate Charge: Charge now deals 9d6 damage(plus double strength modifier or dexterity modifier)

      Viscerator-Persistent Toxic Cloud: Toxic Cloud now persists for an additional round per 3HD. As a free action you may envelop yourself in your non persistent toxic cloud centered on you at max radius.
      Slaymaster-Improved Disruptive Field: Disruptive Field now increase at a rate of -1 per 2 HD and anyone the Overlord wishes with in range must make a fort save vs Slow, DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod.

      Slaughterking-Ruthless: The critical threat range of all natural weapons doubles. It also gets a +4 confirm criticals, this is an untyped bonus . This does not stack with other things that double threat ranges and is always applied first. In addition the Slaughterking has 50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical hits.

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Done by owenkendel, minor tweaks by me.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 03:31:46 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2012, 12:51:19 PM »
For the base Kython, the text doesn't say anything about the ability boosts.

EDIT: Same with the Viscerator.

Quote from: Kython Overlord
Skills: 4+ int mod. A Kython Viscerators class skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, Swim, and Tumble

Proficiencies: a Kython Viscerator is proficient in its natural weapons
Should be Overlord instead of Viscerator.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 02:12:38 PM by FireInTheSky »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2012, 05:25:33 PM »

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Re: Kython
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2014, 04:19:39 PM »
Growth: Grow one size category, at 16HD grow another.

The class (Overlord) requires 13HD to enter and this ability can only be chosen at 3rd level (16 HD minium). So its "Grow two size categories"
Now I've lost it, I know I can kill. The truth exists beyond the Gate!

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Re: Kython
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2014, 02:13:16 PM »
Well, it's not really meant to make you grow two size categories at once. Delayed the second growth until 18 HD.

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Re: Kython
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2014, 04:26:51 PM »

Would a fully leveled Kython>Slaughterking>Overlord using the Boneblade gains no bonus from the plus +4 to confirm crit as the crits are auto confirmed?  Should it gain the bonus for the initial attack? Or increase the chance of ignoring crit immunity?

Overall these look awesome! I'm torn between using them for my next villain or next character xD.

Best regards,

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Re: Kython
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2014, 06:13:20 PM »
In the same Kython>Slaughterking>Overlord example I assume the miss chance would not stack, but would it have two separate miss checks?
So if the there are 4 allies then you would roll an 80% miss chance then a 60% miss chance?

Insinctive cunning: A Slaughterking is much smarter than it looks, and even more cruel, not hesitating to use his own allies as meat shields. A Slaughterking gains 20% miss chance against all attacks for every ally it has adjacent to it, up to 80% miss chance.

 Also it would allude that in the Slaughterking's miss chance that the ally (being used as a meat shield) would be hit instead, is this correct? Would you decide on who is hit based off the roll? i.e. 1-20 ally1 is hit 21-40 ally2 is hit etc.
 Or is it simply flavour text?

Sorry for all the questions  :lmao

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Re: Kython
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 12:44:30 PM »
As per a PM suggestion, added a feat to Slaymaster to allow some more minion variety.

Would a fully leveled Kython>Slaughterking>Overlord using the Boneblade gains no bonus from the plus +4 to confirm crit as the crits are auto confirmed?  Should it gain the bonus for the initial attack? Or increase the chance of ignoring crit immunity?
Changed the boneblade so that bonus to confirm critical hits get turned into extra damage.

Overall these look awesome! I'm torn between using them for my next villain or next character xD.

Best regards,
Thanks! :D

In the same Kython>Slaughterking>Overlord example I assume the miss chance would not stack, but would it have two separate miss checks?
So if the there are 4 allies then you would roll an 80% miss chance then a 60% miss chance?

Insinctive cunning: A Slaughterking is much smarter than it looks, and even more cruel, not hesitating to use his own allies as meat shields. A Slaughterking gains 20% miss chance against all attacks for every ally it has adjacent to it, up to 80% miss chance.

 Also it would allude that in the Slaughterking's miss chance that the ally (being used as a meat shield) would be hit instead, is this correct? Would you decide on who is hit based off the roll? i.e. 1-20 ally1 is hit 21-40 ally2 is hit etc.
 Or is it simply flavour text?
Good point, added a note that if an attack misses to the miss chance, then an ally chosen at random is hit instead.

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Re: Kython
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2015, 06:02:32 PM »
Kython Overlord:

New subtype:
Incorporeal  -> probably should be 2 points
Swarm  -> probably should be 2 points
* Powerful and cool ability.  Probably fine, however, since it is at least 14th level and a non-caster


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Re: Kython
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2017, 04:30:19 PM »
The kython overlord's saves are off. (+2,+5,+5)


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Re: Kython
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2017, 03:34:49 AM »
Fixed, thanks.

Kython Overlord:

New subtype:
Incorporeal  -> probably should be 2 points
Swarm  -> probably should be 2 points
* Powerful and cool ability.  Probably fine, however, since it is at least 14th level and a non-caster


A bit late but I'll go with the "probably fine" since it's indeed 14th level of non-caster non-initiator.

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Re: Kython
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2019, 06:22:17 AM »
Is it intended that going Kython/Slaughterking/Overlord ends up being only 19 levels?

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Re: Kython
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2019, 08:27:38 AM »
Can't honestly say I remember, it's been some time since they were done.

But there's plenty of monster prcs around to fill that last level if the campaign ends up reaching 20th.