Dear all,
I have been toying around with a UrPriest RKV build. The idea is some kind a truly evil character, with a wide range of options. Skills, (armoured) stealth and decent melee damage.
What I came up with so far is as follows:
Stats (rolled)
Str 14
Dex 15
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 17
Cha 13
LE human (or Silverbrow human)
Rouge1/Fighter1(SA variant)/CloisteredCleric1/DreadNecromancer1/Crusader1/Ur-Priest2/RubyKnightVindicator10/DreadNecromancer+1/UnsenSeer2
1 able learner, iron will(b),trapfinding, sneak attack +1D6
2 TWF(b), sneak attack +2D6
3 spell focus evil, extend spell(planning domain), knowledge domain (trade for knowledge devotion), magic domain
4 wis +1
6 extra turning
8 dex +1
9 persist spell
12 DMM persist, wis +1
15 extra turning
16 wis +1
18 alternate spell source
19 sneak attack +3D6
20 wis +1 silent spell, advanced learning
There are a few points I am not satisfied with, but don't know how to solve better. Therefore I recall upon the infinite wisdom of the board :-).
First and foremost, what I don't like is the late extra SA damage via Unseen Seer and Hunter's Eye.
Is there a way to get the spell on the UrPriest list? Any if so, earlier than, say LVL 10?
In general, the last 3 levels I rather would liked to have filled with crusader +3 or so...
Secondly, the build is somewhat feat-starved. I would like to squeeze Combat Reflexes in there somewhere.
Any suggestions?