Author Topic: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]  (Read 5493 times)

Offline Ziegander

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Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:57:58 PM »
Okay, so I'm planning to work on a Ravnica campaign setting. Over at Giant in the Playground I've been working on the classes for the past few days, and this one is the one I think I'm least sure of, in terms of power level and balance. The Izzet Mathmagician is a crazy alchemist/artificer (but nothing like the Pf Alchemist or the Eberron Arti) that extracts Formulas and/or invents Devices. The mechanics are... different. I'm not sure if they even work properly, let alone balance out well. HELP!

Izzet Mathmagician

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d6

LevelBABFortRefWillSpecial 0lvl1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+0+0+2+2Magicial Aptitude, Weird Science41
2nd+1+0+3+3Alchemical Aptitude, Pack Rat42
3rd+1+1+3+3Spatial Geometry +142
5th+2+1+4+4Replicate 1/day432
7th+3+2+5+5Spatial Geometry +24432
9th+4+3+6+6Replicate 2/day44332
11th+5+3+7+7Spatial Geometry +3444332
13th+6/+1+4+8+8Replicate 3/day4444332
15th+7/+2+5+9+9Spatial Geometry +444444332
17th+8/+3+5+10+10Replicate 4/day444444332
19th+9/+4+6+11+11Spatial Geometry +54444444332
20th+10/+5+6+12+12Invoke the Firemind4444444433

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier): Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (The Planes), Open Lock, Search, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
An Izzet Mathmagician is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

Magical Aptitude (Ex): An Izzet Mathmagician has a competence bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks equal to +1 per class level.

Weird Science: An Izzet Mathmagician is not a spellcaster in the true sense of the word, although for all intents and purposes he has an arcane caster level equal to his class level and his infusions are treated as, and operate almost exactly like, arcane spells. But rather than cast spells, an Izzet Mathmagician extracts Formulas and invents Devices from Infusions.

An Izzet Mathmagician can extract a Formula from or invent a Device for any Infusion he knows, expending an Infusion slot of the appropriate level when he does. If he invents a Device he may even combine multiple Infusion slots into a single Device with a variety of effects (see Devices below). An Izzet Mathmagician regains any expended Infusion slots used to extract Formulas after 8 hours, but Infusion slots expended to invent Devices are stored within those Devices and are not regained until the Device is scrapped.

An Izzet Mathmagician begins play with the knowledge of every 0-level Infusion on their list, and of a number of 1st level Infusions equal to 2 + his Intelligence modifier. He records his known Infusions in spellbooks, just like a Wizard and can add new Infusions to his spellbooks in the same ways a Wizard can add new spells to his. At every level after 1st, an Izzet Mathmagician learns two new Infusions.

The saving throw DC of any Formula extracted, or Device invented, by the Izzet Mathmagician is 10 + 1/2 his class level + his Intelligence modifier. In order to extract a Formula or invent a Device he must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + Infusion level. He may receive bonus Infusion slots if he has a high enough Intelligence modifier.

(click to show/hide)

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Izzet Mathmagician Infusion List
(click to show/hide)

Alchemical Tolerance (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an Izzet Mathmagician has sampled and played with enough unsavory substances to provide him with a +5 alchemical bonus to saving throws against alchemical items and poisons. He also never risks poisoning himself when applying poison.

Pack Rat (Ex): At 2nd level, an Izzet Mathmagician can retrieve an item stored on his person as a move action without provoking opportunity.

Spatial Geometry (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, an Izzet Mathmagician's understanding of space, time, and trigonometry grants him a +1 bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons and with Ray effects. This bonus increases by 1 every four levels hereafter.

Replicate (Sp): A 5th level Izzet Mathmagician has encountered several strange and fascinating magics in his adventures and has developed a way to harness their power for his own use. He is now in possession of a special invention that he may use as an immediate action any time a creature within 30ft casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability that he has successfully identified with the Spellcraft skill. If he does, then the invention absorbs ambient magical energies released by the spell or spell-like ability and records all relevant data from the casting.

Later, he may activate the invention as a standard action, releasing the magical energies and replicating the effects of the spell or spell-like ability using his own caster level. The saving throw DC of a spell or spell-like ability replicated in this way is 10 + 1/2 Izzet Mathmagician level + his Intelligence modifier. He may not use his invention to replicate the effects of a spell or spell-like ability of a level higher than his highest available Infusion, nor may he use it to replicate any supernatural ability.

At 5th level, he may only absorb the magical energy from one spell at a time and replicate a spell or spell-like ability's effects once per day before the invention needs to cool down (8 hours). If the absorbed energy isn't released within 24 hours it fades from the invention harmlessly and the recorded information regarding it is lost. As he gains levels his scientific expertise improves so that he may calibrate his invention to accept additional magical energy and replications at the rate of one extra use per day every four levels after 5th.

Invoke the Firemind (Su): At 20th level, once per day as a swift action, an Izzet Mathmagician can undergo a mystifying transformation, similar to the Lesser Dragonshape spell except that he takes the form of a Huge young adult red dragon rather than a Large young red dragon, he gains 120 temporary hit points rather than 60, and his breath weapon deals half electricity half fire damage.

Ravnica: City of Guilds
The Azorius Arbiter, the Boros Legionnaire, the Dimir Secretkeeper, the Golgari Graveborne, the Gruul Wildspeaker, the Izzet Mathmagican, the Orzhov Ghostwayman, the Rakdos Hellraiser, the Selesnya Convoker, and the Simic Visionary.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 03:12:24 AM by Ziegander »

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Re: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 10:33:42 PM »
You have a couple options for Replicate.  You can either make it apply to the Mathmagician (using Body Outside Body, Fission, or Trickery Devotion as guidelines), or allow hit to be able to apply it to other spells or effects, a la Incantatrix.  I'm inclined to do the latter... maybe something like X/day he can spend any number of W.S. slots of a given level to duplicate a spell effect as its being cast (by anyone).  He has to ID the spell w/ Spellcraft, obviously.
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Re: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 11:39:45 PM »
You have a couple options for Replicate.  You can either make it apply to the Mathmagician (using Body Outside Body, Fission, or Trickery Devotion as guidelines), or allow hit to be able to apply it to other spells or effects, a la Incantatrix.  I'm inclined to do the latter... maybe something like X/day he can spend any number of W.S. slots of a given level to duplicate a spell effect as its being cast (by anyone).  He has to ID the spell w/ Spellcraft, obviously.

Yeah, I was leaning toward something similar to the latter idea as well, but I can't come up with a good way for it to work mechanically or make much sense thematically. Like, for example, if he spends Infusion slots to replicate a spell effect that he's identified w/Spellcraft, how the hell is he producing the effect? Is he extracting a Formula of it really fast? Recalibrating a Device on the fly? Doing something else that has nothing to do with the rest of his class features? I just don't know how to handle it.

EDIT: Well, I wrote something up that I feel works relatively well anyway. Let me know what you think.

Speaking of Weird Science, what do you think of it? Does it seem like it should be balanced to you? It's flexible and allows him to do things no true caster can replicate (heh), but by that same token I'm having a hard time gauging its capabilities. I suppose I should just run it through the Same Game Test and see how it fares.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 03:04:03 AM by Ziegander »

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Re: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 03:23:27 PM »
Alright, here's a 5th level Mathmagician in all it's weird science-y glory:

Kezzerek Naz
Gnome Izzet Mathmagician 5
(click to show/hide)

In the Level 5 SGT it looks like Traps is a definite loss, Statue is a probable loss, Basilisk is a definite win, Fire Elemental is a probable win, Manticore looks like a draw (its fast and hits hard, but its somewhat fragile and dies easily to BF Ray Gun), Phase Spider is tricky but I want to call it a probable win, two Centaurs is a definite win, Howler/Allip combo is another tricky one that looks like a draw, the Grimlock assault team I'd call a probable win, and the Cleric + 12 Zombies is just a definite loss.

So 0% +25% +100% +75% +50% +75% +100% +50% +75% +0% = 550%. Divide that by the number of challenges gives us a 55% success rate. Pretty good. That looks like it's right where I want it.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 03:48:54 PM by Ziegander »

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Re: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 09:14:05 AM »
I love it. Simply fantastic. I will say, however, that you might want to consider the level 10 and 15 SGTs as a better indicator of balance than the level 5.

My other concern is with the capstone. It doesn't seem to really fit to me, though that could be because of a lack of experience with MtG.

Edit: Ah, thanks DonQuixote. Makes sense now. If you want to expand on the dragon vibe, maybe give them Wings of Cover, Wings of Flurry, etc. and some others from Dragon Magic and Draconomicon?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 10:55:16 AM by TravelLog »
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Re: Izzet Mathmagician [Ravnica] [D&D 3.5, Base Class]
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2012, 09:33:43 AM »
As a player of Izzet, this pleases me greatly.  You've also addressed my main issue with the artificer, in that said class doesn't artifice so much as it crafts magic items.  The Weird Science setup just feels right.  The capstone also pleases me, as it fits so well with what a 20th-level Izzet guildmage would actually do.  (For the benefit of TravelLog, the Izzet guild is headed by a dragon--the only living dragon on Ravnica, in fact--named Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind.  Beseeching his favor is known as "Invoking the Firemind," and taking his form is damn well a way of beseeching his favor.)

In terms of things to add to the Infusion list, I feel like Fire Stride wouldn't be out of line.  Maybe Fire Wings, too, since I think some Izzet art basically amounts to just that.

Incidentally, how are you handling Weirds?  I'd assume that they'd basically be Living Spells, but that's just my interpretation.
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”