Female arctic magic-blooded tibbit dragonfire adept 2
CN Small (Tiny in cat form) monstrous humanoid (dragonblood, shapechanger)
XP 1450 (
Init +5 (+6 in cat form);
Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent (in cat form); Spot +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Feline, Sylvan
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (18/16/14 in cat form)
hp 25 (14 (2d8) + 10 (con mod) + 1 (dragontouched))
Fort +8,
Ref +3 (+4 in cat form),
Will +3; +1 against paralysis and sleep effects; +1 racial against cold effects; -1 racial against fire effects
Weakness cold-blooded (flaw), wild (flaw)
Speed 20 ft. (30ft. in cat form)
Space 5 ft. (2½ ft. in cat form);
Reach 5 ft. (0 ft. in cat form)
Melee dagger +1 (1d3-1/19-20) or
Melee 2 claws +7 each (1d2-4) and bite +2 (1d3-4) (in cat form)
Base Atk +1;
Grp -4 (-11 in cat form)
Special Actions breath weapon, feline transformation
Invocations Known (CL 2nd):
Least (at will)—
beguiling influence (up 24/7)
Breath Effects Known (CL 2nd):
Frost Breath
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd):
detect magic 1/day—
magic aura 1/day—
ray of frost 1/day—
read magic 1/day—
undetectable alignment (up 24/7)
Abilities Str 8 (3 in cat form), Dex 16 (18 in cat form), Con 20, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
SQ aggressive (trait), scales +2
Feats Entangling Exhalation
1st, Power Surge
flaw, Clinging Breath
flaw, Dragontouched
bonus, Weapon Finesse (in cat form)
bonusSkills Bluff +14, Climb -2 (+4 in cat form), Diplomacy +20, Disguise +3 (+5 to act in character), Escape Artist +4 (+6 in cat form), Intimidate +16, Jump +0 (+6 in cat form), Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5 (+6 in cat form), Spellcraft +5 (+7 to decipher scrolls), Spot +6, Survival +3, Use Magic Device +9
Ranks (35 skill points):
Bluff 5
Diplomacy 5
Intimidate 5
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 5
Sense Motive 5
Spot 4
Survival 1 (cross-class)
Use Magic Device 5
Studded Leather
Traveler’s Outfit
– Waterskin
– 3 Rations
– Blanket, winter
Money Belt (14 gp)
Total Weight: 13.5 lb.
Carrying Capacity (light, medium, heavy load)
In humanoid form: 19.5 lb. or less, 19.51–39.75 lb., 39.76–60 lb.
In cat form: 7.5 lb. or less, 7.51–15 lb., 15.01–22.5 lb.
Aggressive Trait; +2 Init, -1 AC. (SRD/UA)
Beguiling Influence Invocation; +6 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate for 24 hours. (DM 79)
Frost Breath Breath effect; breath deals cold damage instead of fire damage, only applicable to cone-shaped breath. (DM 77)
Breath Weapon At will; 30-foot line or 15-foot cone. 1d6 fire damage, DC 15 Reflex half.
Cold-Blooded Flaw; automatically fail all Fortitude saves made to overcome the effects of high temperatures; fire-based effects deal an additional 2 points of fire damage to you. (Dr#324)
Feline Transformation Name says it all. It rocks. (DMC 25)
Wild Flaw; whenever entangled, pinned, or bound, immediately become panicked; fear is alleviated 1 round after getting free of all bonds; spells and effects that remove fear do not prevent this effect. (Dr#329)
Scales Natural Armor. (DM 26)
Skills +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, Spot, and Survival checks; can use Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft untrained; can use Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks in cat form (all noted above).