I’m not going through all of the feats obviously, just some traps and some of the better feats. This section needs a lot of help. They are arranged in the order that I thought of them in, except for the obvious red/black/blue arrangement.
Any +2/+2 skill feat, and Skill Focus: As a monk, you don’t need these. As anyone, you don’t need these. Except maybe a diplomonster. Unless it’s a prereq, don’t take it.
Deflect Arrows: Unless you plan on going epic, or can take epic feats early, and are taking Infinite Deflection, Reflect Arrows, and Exceptional Deflection, not worth it.
Power Attack: Yes, for a primary melee I said PA was a bad thing to take. The reason: you get no bonus damage with light weapons. You’d be lowering your attack modifier and getting very little in return. See below though.
Fist of Iron: Seriously, a stunning attempt for +1d6 damage 1/round at the most? Come on!
Fiery Fist: It’s better than Fists of Iron, but still not worth what you’re giving up.
Fiery Ki Defense: It’s better than Fiery Fist (slightly) but also very situational. Still a waste of a feat compared to most any other feat out there.
Dodge: +1 AC vs. one opponent. Wouldn’t be worth anything ever if there weren’t some great feats and PrCs that require it.
Mobility: See Dodge. Also, you have tumble. You won’t provoke anyways.
Eagle Claw Attack: 1) requires Improved Sunder. 2) Is only against objects.
Water Splitting Stone: No. +4 situational damage is not a good feat. You shouldn’t even be suffering from DR anyways.
Distant Touch: Instantly becomes a black feat if you’re not allowed to get throwing put on your Necklace of Natural Attacks. Point is, that item does this better.
Vow of Poverty: Monks are extremely item dependant. This feat is a major trap.
All other vows: Way too limiting for their bonus. Sure having all of the vows would be great thematically, but not in your typical campaign. It’s a shame that they don’t work for monks.
Ki Blast: Other than making you a super saiyan, this feat is worthless. The damage is so low as to be worthless, even by the time you can take the feat.
Versatile Unarmed Strike: Feats that are made obsolete by an item are not good. Just get Transmuting put on your unarmed strike and you’re fine.
Improved Sunder: No! Bad! No destroying your own loot before you get it!
Stunning Fist: It’s decent, I guess. There are some stunning feats worth taking, but on its own, the DC+times per day+miscellaneous factors mean it’s not actually all that great. Because it’s nice it’s not red, stunning means they can’t do anything for a round.
Extra Stunning: Since it’s a whole feat, don’t take it until you don’t have anything else to spend it on, but since some stunning feats are nice, it can be a good feat.
Pain Touch: Great if you focus on stunning. In fact, not taking this if focused on stunning would be irresponsible.
Weakening Touch: A penalty to enemy’s strength is nice, but -6 isn’t overwhelming.
Ability Focus (stunning fist): See Pain Touch.
Mage Slayer: Aside from the required CC skill ranks, it’s a pretty good feat if you don’t cast spells. There are better, and if you’re focusing on AoOs, then this is almost a must have.
Kung Fu Genius/Carmedine Monk: Take the second one if possible. They make you int based instead of wis based. More for wizard/monk gishes than anything else. Makes skills useful, and that’s of note, but wis powers quite a few other things (stunning fist, listen/spot, etc.) so it’s an even trade off, maybe a little less since it costs a feat.
Ascetic Mage: for sorcerer/monk gishes, it’s a requirement. Not much more than that.
Intuitive Attack: Reduces MAD considerably, but without dex/str (whichever one you were going to use) you aren’t as effective at ____, _____ being battle field control, not being exalted, etc. Mainly the whole trip being str checks thing.
Weapon Finesse: See Intuitive Attack. If you can focus on strength and not care so much about AC, don’t use this, and have a token amount of dex, for Combat Reflexes.
Improved Initiative: If you have nothing else to spend the feat on, this is never a waste of a feat.
Quick Reconnoiter: on the same vein as Improved Initiative, this is helpful for scouts. And it gives you an initiative boost, and that’s always a good thing.
Rapid Stunning: Not as useful for stun based builds as you’d think, but still pretty useful.
Improved Grapple: If grapple wasn’t simultaneously so bad and good, then it might be better or worse. But grappling is weird. Good way to round off your combat maneuver based monk though.
Serpent Fang: Useful, but get that extra reach somehow and take a 5’ step. Generally not worth the stunning attempt.
Sun School: This feat has some decent options with it.
Improved Natural Attack: Why when I have been so adamant about increasing unarmed damage, have I placed so little value on this feat? Because items can do it better, of course. And so can spells. Sure, if you don’t have access to any other way to increase unarmed damage (except Warshaper, it stacks with that) then take this feat.
Improved Bull Rush: It’s alright at combat control, but not as good as tripping, so it goes here.
Cobalt Expertise: Bonus to trips is always a welcome thing. Unfortunately a +1 bonus isn’t worth a feat slot, so unless you have more essentia than this gives you, don’t bother.
Saphire Fist: bonus to the DC for stunning fist is nice, and it may apply to all those awesome stunning feats, depending on your interpretation, but it’s only +1 without more essentia.
Pharaoh’s Fist: For a stunning fist user, this is nice to have, but very situational.
Snap Kick: It’s an extra attack, what more need I say?
Pierce Magical Protection/Concealment: If facing mages these are niiiice.
Inhuman Reach: It’s an extra 5’ reach. At the cost of -1 attack. Though it does require Aberrant Blood.
Broken Fist Mastery I and II: Massive bonuses to trip.
Knock-Down: Whenever you deal more than a low amount of damage, you get a free trip attempt (and if you trip, a free attack thanks to Improved Trip). These last three are 3.0, and thus of dubious quality, but if you can get them allowed, whoo-boy will you be awesome with the trips. Very feat intensive though, be prepared to multiclass into psychic warrior and/or fighter.
Dark Stalker: All stealth builds must have this feat. Period.
Combat Reflexes: As a monk, you are likely to utilize many things that rely on attacks of opportunities. More of them=more chances to shine.
Superior Unarmed Strike: While it may seem that +1 or 2 average damage isn’t all that much, consider that with only 7 monk levels, this feat, a monk’s belt, and a monk’s tattoo, that’s +6.5, and then with all the ways to increase damage, you’re at an average of +30 or so with this one feat. It adds up.
Law Devotion: A pretty significant boost to either AC or attack. Not bad. Better with a cleric dip, grabbing Knowledge Devotion and Air Devotion as well. Or travel devotion. Or animal devotion. Mmm, animal devotion. Consider this a review of all domain feats. Those not mentioned=not worth it. So they get mentioned: protection is decent, and trickery is abusable. Not as much for you as a monk, but still abusable.
Elusive Target: I mean, who doesn’t want to negate power attack? Also, see if you can get it to work with Expeditious Dodge, to be able to negate PA from all enemies. Catch is you have to move 10 feet every round, but not something so hard with a DC 40 tumble check.
Freezing the Lifeblood: Better than Stunning Fist. Paralyzed for more than one round. Can you say Coup de grace?
Karmic Strike: For a decisive strike AoO focusing build, this feat is key.
Robilar’s ambit: See Karmic Strike.
Improved Trip: This is a great feat. If you can get the reach, even better.
Improved Disarm: If you can get your bonus up high enough, this is almost as good as tripping. Combine with tripping for fun.
Tashalatora: One of the best feats for monks to take for one reason: Psychic Warrior.
Your skill list is pretty nice, but you don’t care about int and you have few skills/level. This will help you figure out where to put those few skill points you do get.
Balance: 5 ranks is good, otherwise this skill isn’t so hot. It helps you balance. Woohoo. At epic levels you can walk on air, but that’s not too helpful.
Climb: Flight makes this obsolete. At low levels it’s not going to matter much because half the party won’t be able to climb anyways, and this is all around a pretty dumb skill. Is sometimes necessary.
Concentration: Why do monks even have this? Is a prerequisite for a few nice things though.
Craft: It’s craft. Big whoop.
Diplomacy: You lack the charisma synergy to make good use of this skill. If you really want to you could, but it’s best left alone.
Escape Artist: Good as an anti-grapple measure, but you know what’s better? Close Quarters Fighting. And a high grapple check, not something too far fetched for you.
Hide: A good stealth skill. Consider this.
Jump: Flight makes you obsolete! And doesn’t get much use anyways. A prereq for some nice things though.
Knowledge (arcana): Only useful as a prereq.
Knowledge (religion): Ditto.
Listen: Good detection skill. Consider taking.
Move Silently: Same as hide.
Perform: It’s perform. You aren’t a bard and likely aren’t a Dervish.
Profession: Profession: craft but weaker.
Sense Motive: Decent skill, but made obsolete by some low level spells. Consider having though, I’ve been in way too many instances where it’s needed.
Spot: See listen. More important than listen, arguably.
Swim: Spells can take care of this, but this is better than climb or jump.
Tumble: All of my monks have this skill. It is nice for getting in there and not suffering AoOs on the way.