Author Topic: Action thread: Group 3  (Read 9437 times)

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2012, 12:19:48 AM »
{Ror3 on the Link}  I suggest we move just a little further away before I blow up the tunnel.

Ror3 takes a double move further away from the blast site.  He is also checking to see if in that distance he crosses another Forbiddance.  If he does, Ror3 notes the approximate size of the area encompassed within one Forbiddance and makes sure to note that for ALL groups on the link.  Once everyone joins Ror3 a little further into the Auction Block, Ror3 thinks "BOOOOM!"

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2012, 02:05:43 AM »
As Ror3 hustles down the corridor another 40 feet, he passes through four more feelings of resistance, about every 10 feet. Ror3 takes no damage.

Tanatou3 shakes his head, and steps into the wall. On the Link, he follows Star’s combat map imaging as best he can, counting paces carefully and keeping his facing exactly in line with the wall, and steps out again right about where Ror3 is, making sure he on far side of the resistance Ror3 felt; he takes a few more steps to move away from it, but short of where he thinks the next one might be. He waits for Halt3, Vir3, and Sheerak3 to transform and join them.
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By the sound of it, the corridor has just opened out into the auction area, right where Tanatou3 stepped out. The river still is making splashing sounds, echoing more clearly now than in the corridor, but the splashing is noticeably less than before.

As they wait, Tanatou3 Detects… Evil, to the northwest, within range of his senses. And he also Detects Evil to the southwest!

All info goes on the Link.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 03:42:39 AM by MetroMagic »

Offline ieatfood7

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2012, 08:31:14 AM »
Sheerak and Vir spread out a bit, scouting but not leaving line of sight with the rest of the group.  Sheerak stays on the ground to benifit from Treamorsense.

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2012, 11:59:57 PM »

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2012, 03:49:03 PM »
Now group3 is slightly out into the auction area and about 60 feet northwest of location3 in the side corridor, though still in sight of location3 (if there weren’t fog!) so that it’s quite ‘visible’ to Tremorsense.

Ror3 thinks “BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!” and the floor bucks. A staggering blast of sound and wind hits group3, immediately followed by a stinging rain of stone shrapnel.

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In the corridor, a brief, continuous crashing of rock tumbles from the ceiling onto the floor, with thud after thud nearly deafening to Tremorsense. The sound slows to a gravel spill, then stops. Fading echoes from the corridor suggest it is now a dead end, or mostly so.

A choking cloud of rock dust envelops the party, making it hard to draw a breath, and pebbles underfoot make walking treacherous.

In the same moment as this cacophony, a second explosion rocks the auction area with a belch of sound and hailstones just to the north, though the stones stop short of the auction cavern proper. Tremorsense clearly outlines the tunnel mouth where Star’s combat map on the Link suggests group4 is standing, in a bright flash of violent sound.

Immediately afterward, three more shockwaves arrive, rattling bones and teeth from more distant explosions.

All info goes on the Link.

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2012, 10:08:29 PM »
The shockwave from yet another explosion rocks the auction area, this time just to the south, though no falling stones are heard in the auction cavern proper. Tremorsense clearly outlines the tunnel mouth where Star’s combat map on the Link suggests group2 is standing, in a bright flash of violent sound.

All info goes on the Link.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 10:10:04 PM by MetroMagic »

Offline Scout89

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2012, 07:59:19 AM »
Halfaz3 changes his appearance into that of an Efreeti to avoid Forbidance damage. He intends to stay in that form.
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2012, 05:32:02 PM »
{Ror3 on the link} Sounds like a plan, Ror2.  We'll get moving over here.

Ror3 will discharge an Advanced Circle of Good Hope coupled with a Spell Ritual: Bastion of Good, and then begin to move Northwest into the Auction Area.

Offline Scout89

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2012, 07:22:35 AM »
Halfaz3 follows Ror3, ready for any surprises.
Sneaky_Sable: "Keep the Omega Whatever, I'll take that Dagger. Nice to meet you *sneak attack* I hope everything's alright *sneak attack* how's your liver been *sneak attack*..."

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2012, 03:26:28 PM »

As the combat map on the Link shows in detail, complete with fog cloud estimates:

Group2 is progressing along the south wall, a very irregular, tumbled shape collapsed in from the warrens, as group3 and 4 take center and north routes across the auction area.

Group3 flies over a long, low multi-level dais of ornate stone, with an intricately carved railing and elegant support columns running up to the ceiling. It is surrounded on all four sides by lines of short flat-topped columns coming up out of the floor to table height. The outer edge all around is a long stone bench.

Group4 comes to an open, roofed structure, like a large stone gazebo.

No one senses any creatures within range of Tremorsense (with Sheerak2,3,4 on the ground to use it) or Blindsight, or any of the Detects, except for each other; the only sounds of life are the splashing sharks in the river, echoing faintly in the cavern.

Suddenly group2 feels very bad, weak and chilled.

Superb Spellcraft from Ror2, Halt2, and others recognizes the Effect as Kelgore’s Grave Mist.
The air feels clammy and chill, filled with Necromantic Energy.

Tanatou2 feels completely unaffected, and Halfaz2 at first feels quite chilled but throws it off, but everyone else is affected, feeling worse to a lesser or greater extent: Cold, and Fatigue.

The usual visual misty Effects are not visible; only the impenetrable fog is visible.

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All information goes on the Link, especially to alert groups 3 and 4.

Star sends an audial on the Link: {Star} Just in case, I’m switching Protection from the Plane of Dream to group2. I can only provide this for twelve of you, so I can’t cover all three groups. I’ll simply apply it to whichever group I next sense under Dream attack, if it comes… for that matter it may not come to group2, but… better to be prepared. It does not protect you from Cast Spells, or other similar actions; it protects and anchors you from muting while there, from the Plane itself, and from its random damaging effects from stray intense Dream fragments impressed onto the Plane, and lingering there. But not from creatures who simply use Dream to launch attacks from there.

Offline Debatra

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2012, 01:21:55 AM »
Halt3 removes his fatigue via Ror3's Ritual of Healing/Circle of Good Hope.
Kaedanis Pyran, tai faernae.

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2012, 02:22:18 AM »
Halt3 removes his fatigue via Ror3's Ritual of Healing/Circle of Good Hope.

At the moment, I think it's only Group 2 affected by the Necromisty.

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2012, 10:59:00 PM »

Group2, group3, and group4 continue forward, getting a little further apart on their trajectories across the auction area.

Group2 moves further along the south wall, passing between the south wall and the north edge of the long, low multi-level dais of ornate stone, with an intricately carved railing and elegant support columns running up to the ceiling. It is surrounded on all four sides by lines of short flat-topped columns coming up out of the floor to table height. The outer edge all around is a long stone bench. The south wall is irregular, with piles of stone rubble at its foot. An outcropping of rubble pushes outward to within almost ten feet of the row of short stone table columns, pushing group2 out near the south edge of the dais. The chill Effect is still with group2, a draining nuisance balanced by their Fast Healing, but there has been no further indication of anything aimed in their direction, at least not as yet.

Group3 leaves the dais behind, continuing across the center of the auction area. It is approaching the southerly open, roofed structure, like a large stone gazebo, the twin of the one group4 was near.

Group4 follows the northwest wall of the cavern; keeping to the northwest takes group4 onto the bridge to the island. As they pass over the river they can easily sense it is still full of sharks, though their numbers have been thinned, perhaps by as much as two-thirds. The island stonework is glorious, the most ornate in the auction area.

None of the groups come across any sign of the captive slaves to rescue, not in any of the structures or areas of the auction area proper, nor on the island.

Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2012, 02:27:14 AM »
Star’s warning to group2 begins on the Link.

Group2 is keyed up and expecting trouble, so although the attack comes in so fast from unknown opponents in unknown positions that it’s hard to react, group2 is not exactly surprised.

Group3 and group4 are not being warned with this warning but they still receive it on the Link; with confirmed enemies nearby they are fully alert for subsequent attack.

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Offline MetroMagic

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Re: Action thread: Group 3
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2012, 03:09:50 AM »
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