If hes insistent on draconic, then some energy damage focus along those lines can be useful. CLd6+CL is a fairly sizable chunk of damage for a fireball, against mobs you might actually fry something for a change.
Also in the light of the bloodline consider
Tattooed Sorceror, trading away Eschew Materials(nice but really just fluff), Claws, a bonus feat(mostly meh) and Breath(which you won't be using as a sorc anyway) for a familiar, +1CL to a school(not bad even if he picks evocation, since he gets more out of them per CL to begin with), and an accelerated variant of craft scroll.
Oh and you can slap said tattoo for Personal spells like Form of the Dwagon onto your party members. If they can UMD that, they can turn into a melee focused monster.