A friend of mine has a Bard/Sublime Chord and despite the fact he looked like a idiot he was very good the +to hit and damage was great, just sat back and sang his song and game breaked with the Dragonfire inspiration thing.
But he did what you are doing. Personally as a Bard, ESPECIALLY as a Kobold Bard, try to get your hands on Alter self, Then take ranks in singing
that way you can fly around as a tiny/small dragon and sing to your hearts content. Even doing a Sorcerer 1, Bard 9, Sublime Chord 10, will do great.
Gear wise, I suggest you try to get a hat of holding (Variant to the Bag of Holding), then raise your Pick pocket up and stash crap in your hat
. I contemplating doing this with a goblin, innocent looking but far from it.
I dont know what my buddy had besides the Bard stuff Feat wise but I do know that despite the fact he wasnt doing anything during the game, it was by far the most lethal.