Author Topic: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter  (Read 3232 times)

Offline ImperatorK

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[3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:06:33 PM »
I'm making an NPC opponent that is supposed to surprise and strike some fear into my players character.
He's a 20th level gestalt Mobile Fighter//Scout Rogue. I'm thinking on making him a goblin for the +4 to Dex and for the non-threatening appearance.
He will be a one-trick pony. His tactic is to make full sneak attacks. He always starts a fight dual wielding hand crossbows. He has multiple of them. He shoots, drops the crossbow, then quickdraws another. All shots get sneak attack on them (he moves before starting shooting). After the 1st round he just keeps distance and full attacks.

First thing that I need is for him to make a big number of attacks with crossbow(s). I know that I'll take TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Rapid Reload and Rapid Shot. That'll make 8 attacks in 1st round and then 5 attacks after that.
Second thing I need is to improve his attack bonus so he will surely hit with as many attacks as possible. I know that Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus are a must.
Third thing I need is some additional damage from some other sources, because the PC has Uncanny Dodge. Or some way to bypass Uncanny Dodge, if there is any. Also I need some way to ignore or bypass DR higher than 10/- (or at least armor).

I don't need gear suggestions, I'm making this NPC independent of magical gear for now.
I have some houserules in my games, so ask if you need any more information or something is unclear.
Magic is for weaklings.

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Offline Dawnmor

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Re: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 06:10:39 PM »
I suggest getting the Quickloading enchantment out of Spell Compendium.  You can stick 200 magical or non magical bolts inside of the crossbow and not have to worry about reloading, so you can fire off crossbow bolts until your empty and it will be a free action as the enchantment automatically reloads your xbow by itself.

Crossbow Sniper may help as well if you have a threw the roof Dex.

Offline ImperatorK

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Re: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2012, 06:13:09 PM »
I wasn't looking for magic gear yet, but it's good to know.
Magic is for weaklings.

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Offline Volfogg

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Re: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2012, 11:07:29 PM »
If dragon material is allowed you could instead use the Dead Eye feat from the compendium. It allows you to add your full Dexterity bonus to ranged attacks, however. The target must be within 30'. Another option to boost damage output is the Ranged Weapon Mastery feat. There's also the Targeteer Fighter variant in Dragon 310. The one ability is (iirc) Vital Aim. This ability lets you add your Dexterity to damage. This might result in your 2x Dexterity to damage. It also offers a flurry like ability that allows you to fire additional arrows/ranged attacks.

The most difficult aspect of your request is to come up with a method of bypassing dr .... I'll have to ponder this further to see what I can dredge up.

Anyhoo, hope that helps some.


Offline Dawnmor

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Re: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2012, 06:04:05 PM »
Hanks Bow, or Energy Bow.  You can look up either on google and it should come up with a +2 energy Bow that you can power attack with, and do 2d6 damage with.  It costs about 12k, but you dont have to worry about arrows, if you seen the movie IMMORTAL's or even the preveiw's for it, the Golden bow that is fought over in that film is a excellent comparison to the ENERGY BOW.

Or you can try and talk your DM into allow you to have your handcross bow to have those effects instead of it being a +2 Long bow ?

Offline ImperatorK

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Re: [3.P] Hand crossbow Scout Rogue//Mobile Fighter
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2012, 06:45:50 PM »
As I said, I'm not looking for gear suggestions.
Magic is for weaklings.

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