Author Topic: Other then the shaken effect is there more potential or intimidate?  (Read 4080 times)

Offline Simlaw

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I have a Character that relies heavily on intimidate and was wondering if there was more offensive options. the shaken effect is enough but the characters survivability could use a boost with more options. we are currently using gestalt rules and are allowed to use both pathfinder and 3.5 stuff that has yet been remade into pathfinder. the character is a restless from the book called " the stygian" made by dragon cyclopedia. his classes are death mage ( The Genius Guide to the Death Mage ) and dread (psionics expanded master of battle). other then class and race features I found two ways of changing what intimidate does rather then shake and taunt someone to attack you. the first is a spell in ultimate combat called Blistering Invective it is a standard action to cast and is a 30 ft burst that lets me intimidate all with radius. if I beat there dc's they take 1d10 fire damage and must reflex to avoid catching on fire.  the other option I found was Rite Publishing"s 101 new skill uses that lets me torture and scare merchants for better deals. The character is fine as is but your input would be appreciated on how to add more spice to his main focus intimidation.

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Drow of the Underdark has a feat called Imperious Command.  If you can meet the requirements, instead of making an opponent merely shaken it is cowering in the first round, then shaken the next.

Do a bit of fishing in and see if something catches your eye.

Offline Simlaw

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well done I didn't expect such a fast answer. the link sent me on a cascade of sources and inspiration. I commend
you on how well you cleared all the problems I had with the character even the ones i did not mention. well done :clap

Offline Lo77o

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There is a spell in SpC thats called adoration of the dragon something. With it anyone you fear becomes friendly. Might be helpful.

There is a feat in pathfinder that lets you coup the grace people who are cowering, add that to Imperius Command, and the armor proficiency in Drow of the Underdark that lets you intimidate as a move action. There is a feat in Complete Adventurer that lets you coup the grace as a standard action.

That lets you stand in front of an enemy, intimidate him and cut his head of in the same round.

Offline Genuine

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Also, I've always been fond of Intimidating Strike. It works like power attack, except it allows you to make a free intimidation attack on a hit with a bonus to the check equal to the attack penalty you took. What makes is special is that if the check succeeds, then the target is shaken for the rest of the encounter. It works great with a low level hexblade (shaken, dark companion, and curse make for one debuffed target). Still just shaken, but the duration makes additional stacking of fear effects much easier.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 07:12:32 PM by Genuine »