The spell suggestions are good. Some I had planned to use already. I'm not sure my DM would let me add/refluff psionics to arcane spells, but it is a decent idea.
The Chainmail Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant would be a very powerful accompaniment to Mindisght. Thanks.
I had considered Uncanny Forethought, but dismissed it as a bit too high-powered for this campaign. Sadly, that's the same reason I dismissed Abrupt Jaunt (i.e. - Look, danger! Run away!) and decided on a diviner. But it does fit the bill rather well. Although I suppose if I make my spell list tame enough, the feat couldn't hurt.
Thanks for the suggestions. Now, what I would really like is a class that can fir the bill. Divine Oracle is nice, but aside from the Divination Enhancement and Immune to Surprise abilities, it's a bit bland.