I've been hacked.
... and a cookie.
Relentless fighter that can't be taken down
except one or two weakness, and general
brute force. I mean the CR is basically a
guess anyway. It's really a matter of if the
party can keep away, and pepper it with
damage, to outlast it. The party Wizard has
to cast a few Divs to find it's weakness(-es).
Of course the party can do damage, but
the other details might be tricky.
On the fluff text side of things ... a fantasy version
of a real life fantasy, can go all sorts of ways. I've
made the point off and on over the years, that some
of the
specifics of Judaism and Christianity can't
occur (randomly) is a different universe. So you cut
down the details a lot, and assume those specifics
happened way waayyy off in the Far Realms.
I'd figure the Cleric that made it had the domains
Law, Good, Artifice
d20srd and one more campaign specific.