So, I have this bizarre idea that I can combine Bard (more the music ability, less the actual class) with a melee Warlock (glaive or claw, undecided) for an upcoming game (beginning at level 3, ezpecting to reach fifteen+).
Preliminary build looks something like:
Warlock 3/BattleSorcerer3/Eldritch Theurge 1/Heartfire Fanner 1/Eldritch Theurge+2/Sublime Chord 1/Hearfire Fanner +2/Elseitch Theurge +2/Heartfire Fanner +2/Eldritch Theurge +3
The first level of Heartfire Fanner advances Warlock, so the I finish with... 6d6 Eldritch Blast. Though, I do get 9th level spells.
Not very impressive, and I suspect I can do better.
Dragon Magazine is, obviously allowed.
The party is composed of (unless someone changes) Crusader, Druid (favors Wildshape and beating things with her claws), (Constructor) Psion, and the last player is undecided, but he favors full casting spontaneous arcane classes. I expect Sorcerer. And no matter how many times I try to explain that it isn't very good, he insists on take the Bloos Magus. But that's neither here nor there.
Fractional BAB/Saves are in effect, alignment and multiclassing restrictions are out because... bleh.
it isn't so important that I get a high effective bard level for Bardic Music - Inspire Courage is pretty easy to increase to a respectable number with items and Words of Creation. Hearfire Fanner offers the very interesting Inspire Fight - which will have me granting fighter bonus feats to my melee allies (and maybe the Astral Construct - not sure). This include Martial Study for ToB maneuvers, so it gives our melee dudes a lot of verasatility.
The only thing I'm not really happy with in the above build is the damage and the feat intensive nature of meeting the skill and feat requirements (though Flaws relieve it a little). I'm also not sure whether I want to go Glaivelock or Clawlock - I suspect Glaivelock, because the claw path requiere feats, and I feel hard pressed for those without even laying down a feat progression.
So, how can I net myself ninth level spellcasting, a respectable amount of Bardic music uses, respectable glaive damage (possibly through Hellfire Warlock, if it can be fit in), and, if at all possible, Inspire Fight? Or am I trying to cover to much ground here? I feel like I'll be playing second (or third) fiddle at casting and melee, which I'm fine with, with decent party buffing on the side. That's the goal, anyway.
Forgive spelling/grammatical errors. Posting from a phone, corrections are hell to make.
I am open to divine suggestions, and Prestige Bard is an option (though it doesn't seem to be in any way better than Heartfiee Fanner, in this case)