Hunger: When a PC becomes hungry he must eat before 12 hours are up or he is dealt nonlethal damage of 2d4. An additional 2d4 is added for every 8 hours the PC does not eat. After the fourth session of hunger the character begins losing a CON point every 8 hours as well. If PC passes out due to nonlethal damage involving hunger they begin to starve, taking 1d6 lethal damage every two hours. They also become Exhausted.
Fatigue: -2 STR and DEX based checks. -5 feet speed. -1 to attack rolls. If 12 hours pass without sleep the penalties double.
After 24 hours without sleep Exhaustion sets in.
Exhaustion: Exhausted characters must make a fortitude save every two hours or two rounds of combat to avoid passing out. They receive a -6 to all STR and DEX based checks. Move Speed is halved. -3 to attack rolls. -2 to all Saves. -1 DEX bonus to AC. If sleep doesn't occur soon the characters pass out for prolonged periods of time and won't wake for several hours. When they awake they are fatigued until they really rest up.
Massive Damage Threshold is in effect. Your threshold is your constitution score (not modifier) plus three. Because I feel sorry for ya'll nigga's if ya'll nigga's get shot. If an enemy overcomes your massive damage threshold you have one more chance to survive by succeeding in a saving throw determined by the enemy's strength. If you fail the saving throw you automatically revert to -1 hp regardless of your current hp. If the blow would have taken you further than -1hp then you lose that hp as well.
On the bright side you guys can use massive damage on enemies as well, as long as they are not immune to critical hits.
I allow you to add your dex bonus to your gun damage. I believe guns should do more than a random 2d4, their should be solid damage behind getting shot. No matter where you get shot.
Armor Check Penalty- Any armor heavier than leather hurts a character’s ability to use some skills. An armor check penalty number is the penalty that applies to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks by a character wearing a certain kind of armor. Double the normal armor check penalty is applied to Swim checks. A character’s encumbrance (the amount of gear carried, including armor) may also apply an armor check penalty.
Holding someone at gun point. If your character readies an action to fire on an opponent that makes in sudden movements while held under gun point then the opponent AC is treated as helpless until the following initiative roll. The damage of the weapon is also treated as critical damage. However the opponent may attempt a disarm to prevent this.