I am still thinking about what to do to get more damage. My brainstorming has so far produced following results:
Weapon finesse: as the feat, but replace chain with scimitar
Deadly finesse: When wearing armor no heavier than light, no shield (a buckler is allowed) and wielding a single weapon to which his weapon finesse applies, a swashbuckler can add his Dexterity modifier to his weapon damage rolls.
Daring strike: A swashbuckler can seize the moment to strike a careless opponent where it will really hurt him. He adds D6 damage per odd swashbuckler level whenever the target is denied his dexterity bonus, whenever he treats the opponent as flat-footed as the result of a feint (even if the target can keep his dexterity bonus when flat-footed) and also to all close combat attacks of opportunity. The ability counts as sneak attack in all other respects.
Unpredictable fighter: At level x, a swashbuckler that produces a critical threat in close combat gets an extra special attack against his target. It is usable once per round per target and can be either:
- a trip attempt, without a touch attack or provoking AoO, using the swashbuckler's strength or dexterity, whichever is higher.
- a disarm attempt, without provoking an attack of opportunity
Bar brawl veteran: At level x a swashbuckler perfects his ability to stay on the move while keeping his enemy off balance. Whenever he successfully feints against an opponent his size or one size bigger, he can switch places with him (neither provokes attacks of opportunity). Also, whenever a swashbuckler successfully trips an opponent, he can finish the action with a quick shove or kick, pushing the target away, often down a staircase or into another opponent. The target is moved away from the swashbuckler (either straight away or across) just as if he was bullrushed (use the test result as if it was a bullrush), falling prone at the end of the move. If he collides with another creature, it counts as bullrush, limited by how far the first target was pushed and using his strength/size (but not Feats or related abilities)
Keeping the pressure: At x level, once a round, between his rounds, a swashbuckler can make a free 5 foot step to follow an opponent that attempted to move away from him. The effect is simultanous (and so an opponent attempting to disengage from combat will provoke an AoO on his next square moved.)
Momentum: At level x, a swashbuckler can make an extra attack, at the same BAB, whenever he succesfully trips, disarms or takes down an opponent. This extra attack doesn't trigger further extra attacks from this feature. It can be directed at another opponent or at the victim of a previous attack (unless that target was pushed away or already suffered a hit from Improved Trip). This ability counts as Cleave for the purpose of qualifying for feats.
Ruthless efficiency: At x level, the swashbuckler can use his Unpredictable Fighter class feature twice per round per opponent, although he cannot use the same special attack twice. His options are also expanded by the following:
- forcing the target to make a reflex save (10+1/2 swashbuckler level + his Dex bonus) or be blinded until he receives healing and no shorter than for one round (so creatures with fast healing/regeneration are still blinded for one round)
- making a free attack at the same BAB against the same target, treating it as flat-footed, as if he had just been feinted against.