I saw that halfling substitution level and it's certainly nice; but I want to stick with human for RP reasons. He's the son of a half-orc and his human wife, taken against their will back to his father's tribe when he was seven or so. So instead of growing up to be a cleric of Lirr (whose priests had been encouraging his natural artistic talents and occasionally giving him someplace to hide from his father who was a very good father by orc standards and an abusive prick by human standards) he wound up being taught to be a scout for the tribe who somehow we're surprised when he never returned from his first mission.
I have a feat list figured out that I'll post when I get home; haven't figured out my abilities or skills yet though. Planning scout 3 / rogue 7 and getting travel devotion by just taking the feat. Mostly archery type feats after that, and intend to use a glove of endless javelin. Hoping that the dm will let me get a custom one created that will create more powerful javelin later. If not, I'll just have to switch to bows at some point.
Edit: forgot to mention that abilities are 89 total score, no weighted point buy.
Edit 2: Now that I'm home and have my notes; here's the feats I figured on taking:
Travel Devotion
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Swift Ambusher
Rapid Shot