So, I had a wizard (Level 8) who has been carrying a runestaff, and looking at it. Realized these things are also useful for wizards (I thought they were mostly Sorcerer thing).
One thing I realized, is that it can be used to "Burn left over spells" at the end of the day. Much the same way Clerics can do so to turn them into Cure spells.
A couple of obvious ones were Rope Trick and Alarm...If those were on the Runestaff, the Glitterdust and Grease that didn't get used during the day can be turned into them.
Another one was Quick Potion. Extend it, put Extended Darkvision or Mage Armor or whatnot that are Hours/CL, and when he wakes up, drink the potion to have those spells running next day.
Also, realized Mnemonic Enhancer, because the spell prepared with that particular spell lasts for 24 hours, can be pushed into *next* day.
Any other spell that's good to be put into runestaff? I'd love:
Spells like Quick Potion and Mnemonic Enhancer (rather than spells Explosive Runes where we can just horde over time) that can be used to "Push spells for next day"
Level 3 spells