Fox demons are a bit of an oddity in the classic western classification of monsters. Unlike most demons, they are capable of crossing over between the Nevernever and the mortal world without needing to form ectoplasmic bodies and can feel and understand human emotions such as true love. Unlike Fae, they are unbothered by iron. Fox demons come into being either by normal procreation, be it with humans (resulting in Scions that become foxes if they so Choose) or with each other (very rarely), or as mundane foxes that live for a very long time. Again unlike native denizens of the Nevernever, they do not simply spawn from it. They fall into three or four broad categories.
Kitsune are the most common (but still rare) breed, and often one really means them when one says "fox demon". Their greatest concentration is in Japan and China, but they have few problems spreading out, be it by travelling through the Nevernever or by mundane means like ships or planes. Naturally formed Kitsune start as normal foxes that grow to be older than normal, gaining an appreciable measure of supernatural power in the process. They grow additional tails roughly with each century that passes and continue growing bodily as well; very old ones are known to reach the size of large wolves. They further subdivide themselves into two categories the foxes themselves term "Earth Foxes" and "Heaven Foxes".
Earth Foxes look basically like regular foxes, excepting extra tails and growth over the centuries. Use the Kitsune statblocks, but replacing the Starball [+3] Catch with a True Faith [+2] Catch. Nine-tailed Earth Foxes that grow even older gradually lose tails and eventually become Heaven Foxes, then regain their tails over time.
Heaven foxes have very light to white fur and are not bothered by implements of faith, being associated with a deity themselves. Instead, they possess small, perfectly spherical gems of indeterminable material holding some of their life force which they must always carry in direct contact with their skin. Unlike other fox demons, full Heaven Foxes are also native to the Nevernever, and need to form ectoplasmic bodies to operate in the mortal world (which they are capable of doing even without a summoner, thanks to their Worldwalker and Swift Transition powers), much like other demons.
Earth Foxes are typically uncaring or even outright malicious towards mortals, whereas Heaven Foxes take a more benevolent attitude. Both breeds, however, are haughty, fiercely independent, and capricious tricksters.
Kitsune that pick up skill at Evocation usually pick from the Chinese or Japanese set of elements, favoring the subtler applications of each element. In such a case, consider foxfire to be equivalent to spirit, usually mixed with fire.
Gumiho, also called Red Foxes, are native to Korea. They possess intense vermillion fur, nine tails, and astonishing body size for foxes - easily matching and topping very large dog breeds. Unlike other foxes, their shapeshifting powers aren't perfect; often large patches of red fur remain on their bodies even when disguised as a human or another creature, albeit usually covered by clothing int he case of human forms. They are possessed of intense hate for mortals and other foxes, and are possibly the most demon-like fox demons. It is unknown exactly how they come to be, but other foxes seem to regard them as abominations.
Renards, native to Middle and Eastern Europe, are a breed of fox that doesn't grow bigger or gain extra tails with age, even as its powers increase. Inherently selfish and possessed of a child's mentality, they rarely involve themselves with others unless they're out to have a good time or are trying to get at some morsel, item, or service.
Kitsune, one-tailed
High Concept: Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Consummate Trickster, Dogs Hate Me (It's Mutual), Dashing Overconfidence
Conviction: Good (+3)
Deceit: Superb (+5)
Discipline: Good (+3)
Lore: Great (+4)
Presence: Great (+4)
Social skills default to Fair (+2) or better, other skills to Mediocre
Trickster Magic [-1]: Use Deceit instead of Discipline to control and aim magic
Channeling (Foxfire) [-2]
Glamours [-2]
The Catch (Starball) [+3] affecting
-Inhuman Toughness [-2]
-Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Human Form [+0] affecting
-Diminutive Size [-1]
The Sight [-1]
Worldwalker [-2]
Total Refresh cost -10
Kitsune, four-tailed
High Concept: Four-Tailed Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Cocky, Trickster Magic, Always Another Motive
Conviction: Great (+4)
Deceit: Fantastic (+6)
Fists or Guns or Weapons: Fair (+2)
Lore: Superb (+5)
Presence: Superb (+5)
Stealth: Good (+3)
Social skills default to Good (+3) or better, others to Average (+1) or Mediocre (+0)
Trickster Magic [-1]: Use Deceit instead of Discipline to control and aim magic
Shapeshifting [-1]: Use Deceit to produce disguises that hold up to intense scrunity.
Channeling (Foxfire) [-2]
Ritual (Illusions) [-2]
Greater Glamours [-4]
The Catch (Starball) [+3] affecting
-Inhuman Toughness [-2]
-Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Human Form [+1] affecting
-Diminutive Size [-1]
-Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Sight [-1]
Worldwalker [-2]
Total Refresh cost -16
Kitsune, seven-tailed
High Concept: Seven-Tailed Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Founded Confidence, Trickster Magic, Convoluted Schemes, Supernatural Big Fish
Conviction: Superb (+5)
Deceit: Epic (+7)
Fists or Guns or Weapons: Great (+4)
Lore: Fantastic (+6)
Presence: Fantastic (+6)
Stealth: Great (+4)
Social skills default to Great (+4) or better, others to Fair (+2) or Average (+1)
Trickster Magic [-1]: Use Deceit instead of Discipline to control and aim magic
Channeling (Foxfire) [-2]
Thaumaturgy [-3] (Specializations: Illusion complexity +2, Illusion control +1)
-Refinement [-1]
Greater Glamours [-4]
The Catch (Starball) [+3] affecting
-Inhuman Toughness [-2]
-Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Human Form [+1] affecting
-Diminutive Size [-1]
-Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Sight [-1]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Swift Transition [-2]
Worldwalker [-2]
Total Refresh cost -24
Kitsune, nine-tailed
High Concept: Nine-Tailed Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Ancient Trickster, Enlightened Being, Web of Deceptions
Skills and Powers
Plot-device level.
Physically, formidable compared to mortals and common spookies, but weak compared to others in its weight class. Assume Good (+3) as a baseline. Most have a full Supernatural set, except for Strength, which is "only" Inhuman. However, there is no such thing as a fair fight with a ninetails.
Socially, assume Legendary (+8) or better in dealings involving deception and Fantastic (+6) or Epic (+7) otherwise.
Magically and Mentally, able to mix it up with experienced wizards (having at least 900 years of experience). Assume a Fantastic (+6) or better challenge, probably more if Lore-related.
Total Refresh cost -30 or more
Gumiho (Red fox)
High Concept: Nine-Tailed Red Fox
Other Aspects
Lesser Fox, How Does a Damn Fox Get That Big, Full of Hate, Imperfect Shapeshifting
Athletics: Great (+4)+2
Deceit: Fantastic (+6)
Discipline: Good (+3)
Endurance: Good (+3)
Fists: Great (+4)
Intimidation: Superb (+5)
Stealth: Good (+3)
Social skills default to Fair (+2), others to Average (+1)
Poisonous Advances [-1]: Use Deceit instead of Rapport to seduce targets
Claws (Teeth) [-1]
Feeding Dependency (Human hearts or livers) [+1] affecting
-Inhuman Strength [-2]
-Supernatural Speed [-4]
-The Catch (True Faith) [+2] affecting
--Inhuman Toughness [-2]
--Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Glamours [-2]
Mimic Form [-2]
Worldwalker [-2]
Total Refresh cost -16
High Concept: Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Dirty Coward, Honeyed Tongue, Rouge Rogue, Sour Grapes
Deceit: Fantastic (+6)
Rapport: Superb (+5)
Stealth: Great (+4)
Assume social skills at Good (+3) or Great (+4), others at Average (+1)
Spittle-Licker [-1]: +1 to social rolls involving sucking up to someone in order to get something out of the deal
The Catch (True Faith) [+1] affecting
-Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Greater Glamours [-4]
Modular Abilities 2 [-4]
Swift Transition [-2]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Worldwalker [-2]
Total Refresh cost -18
Kitty and her mother are both Heaven Foxes, though Kitty's body is still fully corporeal as she's not yet a full fox demon. As a side motivation, Mrs. Dachner would love to find a way to cross over to the mortal world in a true, non-ectoplasmic body. It's just much more romantic that way.
Betty Dachner (Kitty's mother) (Feel free to change this up at will, Boz)
High Concept: Nine-Tailed Fox Demon
Other Aspects
Ancient Trickster; Enlightened Being; In Love With Markus Dachner; Peace in the Streets, War in the Palaces; Web of Deceptions
Skills and Powers
See nine-tailed fox. Kitty suspects her mother may be quite a bit older than the baseline, perhaps even an ascended Earth Fox - which would put her at close to two thousand years old - but doesn't have any solid evidence either way.