Okay, so the long and short of it is that I haven't actually played 3.5 in a long time. Aside from an abortive game sometime last year, the last time I played 3.5 was easily three years ago- since then I've mostly played fourth.
However recently a friend has decided to put together a new 3.5 group and invited me- and despite being a low level game (level 3), the setting is eberron and the character choices people are making are shaping up to be pretty high power. Lots of casters, and at least one monk/psiwarrior/prc gish.
I always wanted to do some sort of archer, and didn't feel like trawling through years old threads trying to find stuff so I eventually did some work on putting together some sort of ambush sniper. However when you aren't a caster you end up being the skill monkey character sort of by default- and that ended up with a lot of fiddly bits that gave me a big headache. I've experimented with a couple options- ranging from scout, to rouge, to swift hunter and while interesting I'm already feeling a little outdone by all the casters.
So it occurred to me that I should crack out Book of Nine Swords and put together some sort of martial adept. However I still want to be an archer- and while I have experience with a lot of stuff (if rather rusty), making archers from predominantly melee style characters is not something I've ever really done before.
Which is basically where you come in. I need help- and I know I need help. So any suggestions, build ideas, or that sort of thing would really be appreciated.
Right now I'm looking at basically two options- based on what I've gleaned from old and abandoned threads and handbooks.
1. Some sort of warblade archer, which I hear can be very good and interesting.
2. An Arcan- *dodges rocks* Excuse me for a moment. *casts Globe of Silence on the hecklers* As I was saying, an Arcane Swordsage archer. I already have DM permission for the Arcane Swordsage, so that's not an issue. Moreover, I doubt the game will last to level 20- and even if it does I'll probably take a PrC or several, so trying to work out that dual boost use + spells is never going to be an issue.
Right now I'm partial to the idea of the arcane swordsage archer, as it's more flashy than the straight up warblade, but I could do either. Alternatively, if anyone has a great idea for a sniper build, I might be interested in that too.
Acceptable sources are pretty much everything 3.5, no pathfinder or 3.0, but particularly well known or egrarious suggestions will probably be subject to DM approval. Otherwise, go wild.