As far as pure martial melee goes, it generally goes into the feats improved Trip, Knock-down, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Shock trooper, and Knockback. Besides the damage, it also moves the enemy around as you like (off a wall or cliff is a fun one) and trips them up, which pretty much forces them to take a move action to get up and thus gives you an edge in the action economy. For extra damage, Dungeoncrasher of course does it well. This combos with itself a bit, but also works with someone in line to get an AoO, and if that person can also do bull rushes at will on attacks then they can play ping pong until the target dies.
Imperious Command just plain shuts things down, and the usual use of demoralize requires being in melee.
The Three Mountains weapon style can be pretty effective since nauseating the target means it can only make a move action and a swift/immediate. Trip it and it's likely screwed.
If one is fine with cheese, the Aptitude weapon Boomerang Daze shtick is another fun one. Since the fort DC is based on damage done, improving damage increases the chance the target will fail while simultaneously bringing them closer to death anyway. Daze takes away actions, and if the target can't act then it's dead.
There are some other "melee" combos though such as the
de-buffer, which combos with anything save-or-die.