Author Topic: 9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger  (Read 2035 times)

Offline dirkformica

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9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:28:08 AM »
By shapechanger, I mean polymorph, wildshape, alternate form, etc. not any specific race.

I was thinking of an Illumian 9 Druid/ Barbarian 1 (for Pounce)-Monk1 (for Unarmed and Imp Grapple) -Fighter2 (for 2 feats) -Cloistered Cleric 1 (for turn undead and domains) -Master of Many Forms 2 (for giant shape and large) - Warshaper 2 (for immunities and str/con).  With 2 flaws I could get 1 alertness (flaw,) endurance (flaw,) 3 improved unarmed (Monk,) 4 improved grapple(monk,) 5 extend (Planning Domain,) 6 persist (1st level feat,) 7 dm persist (3rd level feat,) 8 natural spell (6th level feat,)  9 power attack (Fighter 1 bonus feat,) 10 imp bullrush (fighter 2 bonus feat,) 11 shock trooper (9th level feat,) 12 Knowledge Devotion (trading Knowledge Domain from Cloistered Cleric.)

Plan was to try to be in Cave Troll form with DM Persisted / (Rod Extended if necessary) Bite of the Weretiger up at all times and using Aeshkrau symbol in order to take advantage of the Str 45 for bonus Druid/Cleric spells.

The problem I'm running into, conceptually, is that I may need to interact with people who wouldn't take kindly to a Cave Troll rolling into town.  What's a good way of getting around that at 9th level?  I need to maintain at least something near that monstrous strength so I don't lose too many bonus spells (especially since it seems to strip them somewhat randomly from what you've got memorized.)  And I can't really mix and match caster classes.

I'm sure an answer is to be a Wizard/Druid gestalt, but I'm already kind of breaking the unspoken rules by taking a level of cloistered cleric (I may actually need to see if I can get the Unearthed Arcana House Rule about taking the Sun domain for turns as it is, or even sub a level of Druid for a level of cleric and lose a druid level.)

Hat of Disguise doesn't seem to be enough due to size.  Alter Self isn't on my spell list and I'm not entirely sure how it would even interact with my other spells/wildshape.

So any ideas for how a roided out Cave Troll could sweet talk the princess?

Offline littha

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Re: 9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 09:54:29 AM »
I'm sure an answer is to be a Wizard/Druid gestalt

Answer is strait Druid usually. Note that a strait druid can get pounce (Lions Pounce wild feat) and the unarmed strikes/grapple (feats) but dosent lose a whole load spells/day, your companions level or uses/forms of your wildshape.

As to your other issue. Try getting an Item of Alter Self. It does not replace ability scores.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 09:58:20 AM by littha »

Offline Rebel7284

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Re: 9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 04:02:41 PM »
Even 1 level in arcane spellcaster class will allow you to use Eternal Wands of Alter Self.  Poor caster level though. :-\

Offline Ithamar

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Re: 9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2012, 07:38:36 PM »
Edit:  Nevermind, didn't read the whole first post...  :banghead