Author Topic: The Collected Works of Snizor  (Read 3247 times)

Offline 123456789blaaa

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The Collected Works of Snizor
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:38:50 PM »
Compilation Threads I've Made

Mechonomicon- Compiles what players can make with the Craft Construct feat. It was originally part of a larger guide; however, the rest of that guide basically read "See Artificer Handbook" so I didn't really bother to write the other stuff up.

Collection of Necromatic Oddities- Compiles the various undead creatures that can be created by player characters.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 12:06:47 PM by 123456789blaaa »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:01 PM »
The Master of Chains

The Master of Chains was the second build I ever posted on the WOTC boards. Designed to be "The True Chain Devil", it was meant to unleash a blinding flurry of attacks that flayed its opponent alive. In the end, I felt this build succeeded admirably in fulfilling that goal while also having enough tactical choices to make combat an interesting proposition.

Name: The Master of Chains
Race: Thri-Kreen (non-psionic)
Build Stub: Thri-kreen 3 (2hd, la+1)/ Warblade 17

Feats: (By ECL)
1. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Kurasi-gama from DMG), (Deflect Arrows)
4. Multiweapon Fighting
7. Weapon Finesse
8. (Iron Heart Aura)
10. Stormguard Warrior
12. (Combat Reflexes)
13. Improved Multiweapon Fighting
16. Robilar’s Gambit + (Improved Initiative)
19. Greater Multiweapon Fighting
20. (Warblade Bonus Feat)

Stances: (By ECL)
Lvl 4. Punishing Stance (IH 1)
Lvl 7. Leaping Dragon Stance (TC  3)
Lvl 13. Dancing Blade Form (IH 5)
Lvl 19. Wolf Pack Tactics (TC 8)

Maneuvers: 12 known, 6 readied. Initiator Lvl 18

Recommended Equipment: 4 +1 Wounding Kurasi-gamas (Season with any additional enhancments you wish) and a +1 Mouthpick Wounding Spiked Chain (Mouthpick weapons replace natural bite attack, wielder automatically considered proficient in use when wielded in mouth)

Maneuver Progression: (BY ECL)
1. none
2. none
3. none
4. Wolf Fang Strike (TC 1), Sudden Leap (TC 1), Moment of Perfect Mind (DM 1)
5. Wall of Blades (IH 2)
6. Claw at the Moon (TC 2)
7. swap Wolf Fang Strike for Iron Heart Surge (IH 3)
8. Soaring Raptor Strike (TC 3)
9. Emerald Razor (DM 2)
10. swap Claw at the Moon for Fountain of Blood (TC 4)
11. Dancing Mongoose (TC 5)
12. swap Sudden Leap for Pouncing Strike (TC 5)
13. Moment of Alacrity (DM 6)
14. swap Soaring Raptor Strike for Lightning Recovery (IH 4)
15. Quicksilver Motion (DM 7)
16. swap Wall of Blades for Manticore Parry (IH 6)
17. Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (TC 8)
18. swap Fountain of Blood for Raging Mongoose (TC 8)
19. Time Stands Still (DM 9)
20. swap Moment of Perfect Mind for Diamond Defense (DM 8)


Lvl 5-

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Lvl 10-

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Lvl 15-

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Lvl 20-

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Now the Stormguard Warrior bonus damage machine is fully operational. Use  Robilar’s Gambit + Channel the Storm, as well as Combat Rhythm + GMWF to rack up a high damage bonus. Tactics are essentially the same as they have been since day one: enter combat quickly and rip the enemy to shreds. The default stance at level twenty should be Wolf Pack Tactics (TC 8). This stance allows for pseudo-Dervish Dancing with full attacks and 10ft reach (see Dance of Blood and Gore combo). All the other stances are FAR inferior in terms of raw power; to the point that the only stance the Master of Chains needs is Wolf Pack Tactics. The second best stance at this level is actually Punishing Stance, since the bonus damage can really add up at this level (though he will hardly EVER be in this stance regardless).


Min level 19-
Dance of Blood and Gore: Greater Multiweapon Fighting (F)+ Time Stands Still (DM 9)+ Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (TC 8)+ Wolf Pack Tactics (TC 8)- With a base of 16 attacks ( 4 Mouthpick Spiked Chain + 3 (GMWF) x 4 (# of off-hand weapons), Time Stands Still gives us 32 attacks. Each time The Master of Chains hits an opponent, he can make a 5ft step (Max base speed). The use of a reach weapon allows for movement as long as an enemy is within a 10ft radius. 32 attacks is exactly enough to deal maximum rend damage to 4 opponents with Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (use extra attacks from sources such as haste to make up for misses).  Basically, this this Dervish Dancing, ToB style. Don’t forget the con damage from the wounding property.

Swarm of Ravenous Chains: GMWF (F)+ Time Stands Still (DM 9)+ Raging Mongoose (TC 8)- Use this after Lull Before the Storm to maximize the benefit. Combo is pretty self-explanitory, lots of attacks+ a large dmg bonus= dead

Min level 16-
Lull Before the Storm: Stormguard Warrior (Combat Rhythm)+ GMWF (F)+ Combat Reflexes (F)+ Robilar’s Gambit (F)+ Stormguard Warrior (Channel the Storm)- Use GMWF + Combat Rhythm to trade out a full attack for an equal number of touch attacks, each giving +5dmg on the next round. If your opponent foolishly decides to attack you, you should have Robilar’s Gambit active, trading out the aoo for a +4 to hit and to damage for the next round. Next round unleash one of the other combos.

Min level 12-
Crouching Tiger, Leaping Thri-Kreen: GMWF (F)+ Pouncing Charge (TC 5) + Raging Mongoose (TC 8) OR GMWF (F)+ Quicksilver Motion (DM 7)+ Time Stands Still (DM 9)- Use after Lull Before the Storm if the opponent from last round has moved out of your 10ft reach. Allows you to make a full attack (or two) after moving.

Min level 7-
Mantis Leap: Leaping Dragon Stance (TC 3)+ Sudden Leap (TC 1)+ Racial bonus to Jump checks- allows for the Master of Chains to enter combat with mearly a swift action, allowing for full-attack on round one of combat.

Note: Min level of combo may use lower tier versions of feats/maneuvers

Edit: this build can technically be done with the psionic Thri-Kreen (Initiator level 17). Just move the ECL of feat aquisition and maneuver progression up by one (lose the Warblade bonus feat at level 20). Not Reccomended though.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 12:11:07 PM by 123456789blaaa »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:09 PM »
The Apprentice of Chains

Finally, I've got yet another build to post (I have A LOT of free time nowadays). It's a slightly different take on AoO optimazation utilizing Double Hit from the Minis Handbook and the Kusari-Gama from the DMG (Asian Weapons section).

Name: Apprentice of Chains
Race: Human
Build: Fighter 2/Warblade 5/ Exotic Weapon Master 1/  Crusader 2/ Warblade +10

1. EWP: Kusari-Gama, (TWF), (Weapon Finesse)
2. (Weapon Focus: Kusari-Gama)
3. Stand Still
6. Improved TWF
7. (Combat Reflexes)
9. Double Hit
12. Robilar’s Gambit
14. (Improved Initiative)
15. Greater TWF
18. Stormguard Warrior, (Iron Heart Aura)

Notable Class Abilities/Features:
Battle Mastery (Warblade 15)- INT to Attack and Damage Rolls for AoO
Exotic Reach (Exotic Weapon Master 1)- AoO can be used against foes with cover
Double Hit (Feat)- attacks with off-hand weapon during AoO
Thicket of Blades (Stance)- Any movement provokes AoO

Stances: Stance of Clarity (DM 1), Pearl of Black Doubt (DM 3), Martial Spirit (DS 1), Thicket of Blades (DS 3), (Any 6th level or lower Warblade stance)

Maneuver Known/Readied:
Warblade: 11/6- Initiator Lvl 17
Crusader: 5/5(2) Initiator Lvl 11

Maneuver Progression:

3. Wolf Fang Strike (TC 1),  Steel Wind (IH 1), Moment of Perfect Mind (DM 1)
   Stance: Stance of Clarity (DM 1)
4. Wall of Blades (IH 2)
5. Sudden Leap (TC 1)
6. swap Steel Wind for Iron Heart Surge
   Stance: Pearl of Black Doubt (DM 3)
7. Flesh Ripper (TC 3)
9. Foehammer (DS 2), Revitalizing Strike (DS 3), Defensive Rebuke (DS 3), Leading the Attack (WR 1), White Raven Tactics (WR 3)
   Stance: Martial Spirit (DS 1)
10. Stance: Thicket of Blades (DS 3)
11. swap Wolf Fang Strike for Lightning Recovery (IH 4)
12. Pouncing Charge (TC 5)
13. swap Flesh Ripper for Dancing Mongoose (TC 5)
14. Moment of Alacrity (DM 6)
15. swap Lightning Recovery for Manticore Parry (IH 6)
   Stance: xxx
16. Quicksilver Motion (DM 7)
17. swap Sudden Leap for Swooping Dragon Strike (TC 7)
18. Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (TC 8)
19. swap Dancing Mongoose for Raging Mongoose (TC 8)
20. Time Stands Still (DM 9)


Level 5: This build starts life as nothing more than a quirky TWF-build. The Kusari-Gama has 10ft reach and is light so its AoO and TWF capabilities are not unduely handicapped by either short reach or massive off-hand penalties.

Level 10: Here's where the core tricks of this build reveal themselves. Improved TWF + Combat Reflexes + Thicket of Blades + Double Hit means that this build will have a butt-load of attacks both during and out-of his turn. Stand Still prevents enemies from escaping TWF range.

Level 15: Further refinement of the TWF-AoO style has cometh. If your opponent tries to move away from you, Thicket of Blades + Stand Still keeps them where they are for a TWF full-attack next turn. When your enemy tries to attack you, you get 2 hits for each attack they make due to Robilar's Gambit. Wall of Blades (IH 2) and Manticore Parry (IH 6) provide ways of negating an opponent's attack. By now, the Wounding or Greater Wounding property should be on your Kusari-Gamas, making the plethora of attacks this build generates all the more deadly.

Level 20: The build has a nearly-complete package of ToB TWF awsomeness (Raging Mongoose, Time Stands Still, ect.) and a formidable AoO engine to back it up.

Recomended items:
2 +1 Greater Wounding (MM 2) Kusari-Gamas (50,000 gp each)
Greater Iron Ward Diamond (MiC)- 8,000gp
+3 Animate Shield- 25,000gp

Version 2.0

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« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 02:45:55 PM by 123456789blaaa »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:17 PM »
Warlord of the Damned

Horned Harbinger is from Faiths and Pantheons.

Name: Warlord of the Damned
Race: Human
Build: Crusader 5/ Horned Harbinger 2/ Crusader +1/ Horned Harbinger +2/ Crusader +1/ Horned Harbinger +2/ Crusader +7


1. Stone Power, (Education)
3. Extra Granted Maneuver
6. Divine Shield
9. Divine Might, (Leadership: Undead cohorts only)
10. (Extra Turning)
12. Extra Smiting
15. Divine Vigor
18. free

Initiator Level: 17
Maneuvers known/readied (granted): 11/6 (4)
Known (at level 20): Covering Strike (WR 4), Foehammer (DS 2), White Raven Tactics (WR 3), Flanking Maneuver (WR 5), Rallying Strike (DS 6), Order Forged from Chaos (WR 6), Swarming Assault (WR 7), Clarion Call (WR 7), Shield Counter (DS 7), White Raven Hammer (WR 8), War Master's Charge (WR 9)


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Maneuver Progression:

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Design Notes:

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Notable Features:
Animate Dead SLA 2/day- caster level equals 6+CHA mod
Create Undead SLA 1/day-same CL as Animate Dead
Captain of Undeath- control limit equals 5xCL (same CL as above)


Level 5:

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Level 10:

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Level 15:

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Level 20:

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Hydra Zombie + Tactics of the Wolf (WR 3)- The hydra's large number of natural attacks works wonderfully with the bonus damage from Tactics of the Wolf. Spice it up with maneuvers such as White Raven Tactics (WR 3) and Swarming Assault (WR 7) for maximum flanking advantage.

Leading the Charge (WR 1) + War Master's Charge (WR 9) + Undead horde + Belt of Battle (MiC, 12,000 gp) + Flanking Maneuver (WR 5) OR Swarming Assault (WR 7)- Start off in Leading the Charge stance. Use a full-round action to initiate War Master's Charge, bringing multiple undead allies along for the ride and into position adjacent to an opponent (as well as dealing 17+War Master's Charge bonus bonus dmg with each attack. Then use your swift action to use Belt of Battle to grant you an extra Standard action OR full-round. Follow up with either Flanking Maneuver or Swarming Assault (depending on which is granted) to give each of the Undead near your (hopefully stunned) opponent(s) due to the charge a bonus attack. (As an aside, if you gave yourself a full-round action with a Belt of Battle, the remaining move action could be used to initiate Order Forged from Chaos in order to reposition your troops. Not really necessary though. OR it could be used to activate Divine Shield) You can use a swift action next round to switch into Tactics of the Wolf Stance and procede to tear your flanked opponent to ribbons alongside your minions (or use White Raven Hammer for a second round of stunning while minions do the tearing).

Recommended Items:
Rod of Undead Mastery (LM)- 10,000gp (double hd cap)
Mightly Smiting Weapon (MiC)- +1 enhancement
Nightsticks (LM)- 7,500gp (more rebuke attempts for divine feat usage)
Darkskull- gives desecrate
Reliquary Holy Symbol (MiC)- 1,000gp (extra turning attempts)
Spiked Heavy Shield (enhanced to taste)- For Divine Shield and Shield Counter (DS 7)
Belt of Battle (MiC)- 12,000gp (Extra actions)
Enveloping Pit (MiC)- 3.600gp (50ft deep Portable Hole for minion storage)

Recommended Undead Minions:

Hydra Zombie- Can attack with all its natural weapons as a standard action, negating one of the weaknesses of zombies. Maneuvers such as Order Forged form Chaos, White Raven Tactics, and Clarion Call help with zombie mobility. A hydra zombie is a very effective flanking partner for you due to its large # of attacks (all benefitting from Tactics of the Wolf stance).

Remorhaz Skeleton: Heat is an EX. special quality that improves the creatures attacks, so they retain it in skeleton form. Remorhaz are just plain rediculous at 7hd (also have CR 7, meaning that you may actually encounter them in your travels when they're still effective).

Titan Skeleton: These are massive behemoths with a STR score of 43. Will grind the bones of your enemy into dust with brute force.

Dragon Zombie: Using the rules for such creatures found in Draconomicon, you get to keep a half-strength breath weapon, as well as exceed the max HD cap (also, no doubling of HD). This will give you a very large, very meaty tank with a useful breath weapon (non-damaging breath effects are full strength, such as the Shadow Dragon's).

Shadow: Catch one of these with your rebuking ability since some higher-CR encounters can't even harm incorporial undead.

Necropolitan Artificer 18: You cohort (Alternatly, A Necropolitan Dread Necro would give you a literal undead ARMY to command).

Edit: Maneuver progression added. Also staggered Horned Harbinger and Crusader levels for increased effectiveness. Anyone know of some smaller, yet effective skeleton/zombies that would be able to swarm around an opponent?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 02:50:22 PM by 123456789blaaa »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:25 PM »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:34 PM »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2012, 02:39:54 PM »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2012, 02:40:03 PM »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2012, 02:40:11 PM »
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Re: The Collected Works of Snizor
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 02:40:33 PM »
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