Philion 'Phil' QuilosAspectsHigh Concept: Aeolian Courier - Phil works as a messenger for the supernatual community, working chiefly for the Wyldfae Court of the Winds.
Compel to Involve Phil in Sidhe politics, get Phil into jobs he can't really refuse, affect Phil with the banes of his court.
Invoke to Get the backing of the Court, Enjoy favorable weather, Work favorable weather.
Trouble: Fair Winds Bring Ill News - Theres never any good tidings to bring
Compel to Make Phil's deliveries or tidings unpleasant to the recipient.
Invoke to Deal with the inevitable wrath that results.
Other AspectsBackground -
Son of the Wind - Phil is a half Sylph, his mother is one of these fey of the winds, never staying in one place long. This heritage manifested in his teens, giving him a measure of the same mastery over wind and weather, along with a set of racing wings and an allergy to iron.
Compel to Make the local weather influence his moods, Induce an iron allergy from contact
Invoke to Alter the weather, gain favorable reactions from weather spirits.
Rising Conflict -
Aunts Full of Hot Air - Finding out you aren't truly human was a shock. Meeting your mother's parade of sisters is another one. Gossip is in the air as Phil tries to find a place in this new world, and get a grip on his talents. Even if he winds up bound to a dozen well intended fae ladies in the process.
Compel to Have one of Phil's aunts call in a favor, get dragged into supernatural politics, get nagged at.
Invoke to Have a contact at hand that knows of the situation, call for support or guidance.
First Adventure -
Down town and Cross Country - A simple message becomes a high stakes pursuit. Delivering a simple message between lords of Summer and Winter, as part of an ongoing chess match. The content, 'Checkmate' was bad enough, until one foxy scion decides hes the perfect bait to take the heat off one of her schemes. The run becomes a long chase covering two worlds, ten cities and a dozen countries on foot, as their rivals move to break this destiny, and find out what is all the fuss about.
Compel to Make Phil wind up in unexpected places in a pinch, get chased, or to have to pursue something.
Invoke to Find a way in unfamiliar places. Draw upon great endurance. Deal with pursuit.
Guest Starring I(Lilly "Kitty" Dachner) -
Tailwind of Trouble - How messy could sending a wedding invitation be? Phil winds up being tossed from one plot to another at the Life Ball, with every turn adding more trouble to his heels. It somehow blows over, without blowing up, other than the bit where he's best man at a wedding between his aunt and a cantaloupe. Next time maybe he should just use FedEx.
Compel to Be the favored fall guy in any circumstance. Wind up in ridiculous circumstances. Gain more trouble while already in trouble.
Invoke to Remain composed even in a clusterfuck. Predict the worst. Survive absurd amounts of trouble.
Guest Starring II(Arsene) -
Fool's Fair Winds - Phil, as always, plays the sucker in the gentleman thief's misadventures. Contracted to deliver a gift to a Black Court noble, Phil winds up getting the package swapped and stolen...wwhich was a good thing, given that the 'gift' had been a simple, old cross...burned with Joan of Arc at the stake. Good thing Arsene swiped the package hmm?
Compel to Get in a situation with no information. Pick dumb options from misinformation. Doing things without realizing it.
Invoke to Be lucky when acting without information, Gain favorable outcomes to unthinking actions. Do the right thing for all the wrong reasons.
Refresh and Fate Points - Chest Deep
Base 8
Total Adjustment -7
Effective 1
Fate Points 2
Skills 30/30
Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Athletics, Lore,
Good (+3): Endurance, Stealth
Fair (+2): Driving, Survival, Weapons
Average(+1): Awareness, Contacts, Discipline, Presence, Resources
StressPhysical: XXXOOO, Armor 1(exept against iron)
Social: OOO,
Mental: XXXO, Extra mild consequence,
Consequences:List consequences taken here along with value
StuntsPowersSponsored Magic(Aeolean Magic) [-4]: Aeolean Magic draws upon the power of Court of Winds, allowing you to cast spells that fall under its purview: deception, discovery, release, travel, weather.
Aeolean Magic can be used as an element for evocation, allowing evocation spell effects within it's purview. This includes the ability to produce weather effects, but with an evocation spell's methods and speed.
Aeolean evocations always includes the weather in some way, raising fog to obscure, creating images in mists, calling lightning to strike or whirlwinds to rend. Aeolean compels tends to make the user's temper more closely adhere to the weather.
Phil draws upon this power through his bloodline and his bindings to his 'aunts'.
Aeolean Magic grants four focus item slots.
Conductor's Baton Wand - +3 to Offensive Air Control
Enchanted Item x2 - Whirlwind Barrier Amulet(Block 4), Bag of Winds(Manuever, Violent Winds(Scene) 2 exchange)
Human Form [+1] : Phil takes on a clear fae aspect when tapping into his heritage, sprouting wings and taking on a lean, almost feral aspect. His eyes and hair turn a pale shade of blue in his true form.
Wings [-1] : You can fly, eliminating or reducing certain kinds of borders and enabling travel upwards into zones that can't normally be reached.
Winged flight is governed by the Athletics skill.
Phil's wings are insectile, sleek and swept back, but colored in a variety of pastel shades.
Inhuman Speed [-2] : Your Alertness is at +4 for the purpose of determining initiative.
All Athletics checks are made at +1, including dodging. When sprinting this bonus is increased to +2.
When moving as part of another physical activity, you may move one zone without taking the -1 penalty for a supplemental action.
Difficulty factors due to moving are reduced by 2 when rolling Stealth.
Catch(cold iron) [+3(technically +4)] : Much like his fey parentage, touching cold iron causes discomfort, while actually being wounded by iron bypasses his faerie durability.
Inhuman Recovery [-2] : You're able to recover from physical harm that would normally leave people permanently damaged. You can recover totally from any consequence, including extreme ones, with nothing needed but time.
Out of combat, physical consequences are treated as if they are one level lower in severity for the purpose of recovery.
Endurance never restricts other skills from lack of rest. Skipping a night of sleep has no ill effects.
In combat, once per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequenvce as a supplemental action.
Inhuman Toughness [-2] : You naturally have Armor: 1 and two additional boxes of physical stress capacity.
Rotes 3/4
Gale Blast
Type Air(wind) evocation, offensive transport
Power 5 shifts of movement
Control Roll Discipline(+1), plus Wand(+3), Phil always takes 1 physical backlash from the rote version.
Target One target in line-of-sight, inflicting movement
Duration Two exchanges
Opposed by Target’s Athletics skill, magical blocks, or some other skill as determined in play
Effect The target is seized by a hurricane-force blast of wind and hurled in the direction of choice, crossing a total number of zones and borders ratings equal to the shifts in power.
Variations By invoking an aspect such as Wall in the Path, this spell can be used to inflict damage, by chucking the target into a suitably resisting obstacle.
Fog the Senses
Type Air(sensory) evocation, offensive maneuver
Power 3(effect) + 2(duration) = 5 shifts
Control Roll Discipline(+1) + Wand(+3), Phil takes 1 physical stress from this rote unless aspects are applied
Target One scene
Duration Three exchanges
Opposed by -
Effect This spell places the aspect Choked in Fog to the scene for three exchanges, as mist forms from the air.
Pocket Tornado
Type Air(wind) evocation, offensive block(grapple)
Power 3(effect) + 2(zone) + 2(duration) = 7 shifts
Control On the first round, roll Discipline(+1), plus Wand(+3), Phil always takes 3 physical backlash and 2 additional mental stress from the rote version, unless he tags aspects to mitigate.
Target One zone
Duration Three exchanges
Opposed by Target’s Athletics skill, or Might skill in the first round(once picked off the ground, Might cannot be applied without some form of leverage like wings or rope)
Effect A small tornado seizes everyone in the area, trapping them in the wind while it lasts. The first round establishes the grapple. Each round thereafter, the targets roll Athletics to grab hold of something and break free. If the roll fails to beat the spell's effect(Good + 3), the targets are inflicted with the aspect Everything is Spinning.
Targets entering the zone while the tornado is in effect also risk being sucked in.
Variations By invoking aspects such as Violent Winds, backlash is reduced and the ease of escape is greatly diminished.