Kin'le "Slaughter Beast"
Changeling male
Level Progression/Stats Before Items:
Str 21 +5 (15 Rolled, +2 Level 4/8, +4 Morphic Body)
Dex 14 +4 (18 Rolled, )
Con 18 +4 (14 Rolled, +4 Morphic Body)
Int 14 +2 (14 Rolled, )
Wis 12 +1 (12 Rolled, )
Cha 08 -1 (08 Rolled, )
1: Feat Rogue 1
2: Barbarian 1 - Lion Totem (CC), Whirling Frenzy
3: Fighter 1
4: Fighter 2
5: Feat Rogue 2
6: Warshaper 1
7: Warshaper 2
8: Warshaper 3
9: Swordsage 1
10: Swordsage 2
11: ?? Warshaper 4 (Fast healing 2 is nice but worth the level?)
12: Fighter 3 (ewe... Need Imp Init)
13: Fighter 4 (ewe... Need Imp Init)
14: Cobra Strike Monk 1
15: Cobra Strike Monk 2
16: Masters of Nine 1
17: Masters of Nine 2
18: Masters of Nine 3
19: Masters of Nine 4
20: Masters of Nine 5
Feat Progression:
1) Battle Jump
Flaw) Combat Reflexes
Flaw) Aberration Blood
Rg) Power Attack
Ft) Improved Bull Rush
3) Inhuman Reach
Rg) Leap Attack
6) Multiattack
9) Shock Trooper
12) Adaptive Style
Ft) Improved Initiative
Mk) Dodge
Mk) Improved Unarmed Strike
Mk) Mobility
15) Sidestep
18) Robilar's Gambit
Allowed Sources: All 1st party WotC, No Dragon.
Game is starting at level 8, the tactics being to use Leaping Dragon Stance and Battle Jump to Charge under most normal circumstances, then switching to thicket of blades to lock down any allies of the target (or the target if they survive) that might try to approach you with the lower AC. Robilars Gambit + Sidestep if they manage to attack you somehow to reduce damage (not to mention the counter attack).
Warblade counters to shore up saves, and ranged attacks will be a danger. Thoughts?
Edit: Dropped the Warblade/Crusader levels for 2 levels of Sword sage (sword sage has 6 disciplines available and enough known maneuvers to meet MoN reqs, 2nd level grants a new stance to get Leaping Dragon at level 10, leaves level 11 open for a BAB +1 class. Thicket from MoN