Author Topic: Acquiring Magic Through Feats  (Read 1459 times)

Offline Ziegander

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Acquiring Magic Through Feats
« on: February 01, 2012, 04:38:23 PM »
Magical Aptitude
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, Knowledge (Arcane) 1 rank
Benefit: You have studied the magical arts more extensively than your fellows, and are rewarded with a +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks, as well as knowledge of a single 0-level arcane spell. More than that, you gain spell slots in which to prepare your spell, and any others you might learn (see below). Like a Wizard, you keep your known spells in a spellbook, you must prepare these spells before you can cast them, and you must rest for 8 hours to regain your spell slots. You have an arcane caster level equal to the combined total of your Bard, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Duskblade, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, and Wu Jen levels + 1/2 your levels in any other classes.

You do not automatically add spells to your spellbook and cannot independently research spells the way a Wizard can, but you can copy spells from other spellbooks or from scrolls into your spellbook.

To cast a spell you know you must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the spell's level. The saving throw DC of any spell you cast is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.

Magical Aptitude Spell Slots
(click to show/hide)

Special: A Bard, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Duskblade, Hexblade, Sorcerer, Wizard, or Wu Jen that takes this feat adds the spell slots gained to the spell slots they acquire through class levels. They do not necessarily need an Intelligence score to cast their spells, nor do they necessarily base the save DCs of their spells on Charisma, but rather cast spells learned from this feat in the same way as described in their class entries. Spells learned from this feat are, however, always recorded in a spellbook and must always be prepared like a Wizard's spells.

True Believer
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Cha 13, Knowledge (Religion) 1 rank, Must worship a deity
Benefit: You are a devout believer in the cause of the gods, and are blessed with a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks, as well as knowledge of a single 0-level divine spell. You may also use a relic (Complete Divine, pg 88) of the deity you worship. More than that, you gain spell slots in which to prepare your spell, and any others you might learn (see below). Like a Cleric, you designate a time for prayer, you must prepare these spells before you can cast them, and you must pray to regain your spell slots. You have a divine caster level equal to the combined total of your Archivist, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Shugenja, and Spirit Shaman levels + 1/2 your levels in any other classes.

You do not know every spell on your list like a Cleric or Druid does, nor do you gain the knowledge of new spells as you increase in level like a Favored Soul does, but you may learn new spells from an Archivist's prayerbook, or from divine scrolls in the same way that an Archivist does.

To cast a spell you know you must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level. The saving throw DC of any spell you cast is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.

True Believer Spell Slots
(click to show/hide)

Special: An Archivist, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Paladin, Ranger, Shugenja, or Spirit Shaman that takes this feat adds the spell slots gained to the spell slots they acquire through class levels. They do not necessarily need an Wisdom score to cast their spells, nor do they necessarily base the save DCs of their spells on Charisma, but rather cast spells learned from this feat in the same way as described in their class entries. Spells slots gained from this feat are, however only regained the way a Cleric regains her spell slots, and spells learned from this feat must always be prepared like a Cleric's spells.

Arcane Study
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, Magical Aptitude
Benefit: Add any two arcane spells that you have a high enough caster level to cast to your spellbook.
Special: You may take this feat up to three times.

Divine Right
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Cha 13, True Believer
Benefit: You learn any two divine spells that you have a high enough caster level to cast.
Special: You may take this feat up to three times.

Offline Prime32

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Re: Acquiring Magic Through Feats
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 04:53:38 PM »
With a variant rule where everyone gets one of those feats as a bonus feat?

Also, linking a similar set of feats.