Author Topic: Gaoler of Frostflame, "Let's get Dangerous!" (3.5 Base, Peach appreciated)  (Read 2056 times)

Offline WaylanderX

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The first of my classes I created and posted on Giantitp that I wanted to try here. Got some other classes incoming if this one gets enough interest :P.

Gaoler of Frostflame

Art by CohenR

Die in righteous fire! Or frost.....The hell, I'll do both!

The Gaoler of Frostflame is a master of both fire and ice. However, to master and balance both elements, he is forced to build up his spells to keep in control. While he takes longer to cast powerfull spells, normal arcane and divine spell pale in power when compared to the total mayhem these spells can create. So if you thread this path.....Chain carefully...

Adventures: Most Gaolers adventure to increase their mastery of the 2 elements they master. Sometimes, a Gaoler can be found adventuring to eliminate or belittle arcane casters who claim to have mastered fire and ice.

Characteristics: The Gaoler of Frostflame is a full caster with a twist, he must combo his spells together. Beginning with a humble Entry Chain, on high levels he can build up towards a awe inspiring Primal Chain to unleash devestation on his foes, make them incapable of doing anything or reduce them to mere husks of them former selves. 

Alignment: A gaoler can be of any alignment, as the forces of fire and ice are not of any particular alignment themselves. 

Religion: Any god who suits his alignment if any. Most of the time if they worship a god, they worship gods that are aligned with fire or ice.

Background: All Gaolers of Frostflame are born with the drive to control fire and ice above all else, they are obsessed with controlling the elements. At a young age (Exact age depends on race) they are collected by a agency of Gaolers in charge with teaching the young ones the ropes. It takes 7 years to learn all the tricks and trades to become a level 1 Gaoler. They often are seems wielding double scythes, which it to a Gaoler like a staff is to a Wizard. It symbolises balance and the power derived from it. As such, to further symbolise the connection the Gaolers have between frost and fire, one head is colored icy blue and the other flaming red.

Races: Every race can become a Gaoler, as every race has a inherent fascination towards fire or/and ice.

Other Classes: They view martial classes quite neutrally, seeing them as valuable allies or despensible meatshields, depending on the alignment. They view other caster with something of a superiority complex. When confronted with a fire or ice using caster other then another Gaoler, this turns into hate and contempt or pity and belittleling depending on his alignment.

Role: A gaoler can be a controller, blaster of debuffer aswell as a limited fire and frost damage soak.

Adaptation: You can change the elements the gaolers use to for example electricity and acid. Also, you can incorperate positive and negative energy damage for a more antihero/villain feel. 

Gaolers of Frostflame have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence determines your bonusspells and the DC and checks of your Control Chains. Wisdom determines your DC for your other spells and your ability to hit with ranged touch spells. As always, Con and Dex are decent secondary/tertairy stats
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting Age: Earliest Adult Age of Race + 7 years .
Starting Gold: 7d4x10.

Class Skills
The Gaoler of Frostflame's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb, Concentration, Craft, Gather Information, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (The Planes) Profession, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival

Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As a Gaoler, you are proficient with all simple weapons, scythe, Two Bladed Scythe and light armor.
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Table: The Gaoler of FrostflameHD: d8





Ashen-Frost Burst 2d4, Chains (Entry), Paths
Two World Trance (+5/+2)
Ashen-Frost Burst 4d4, Endurance
Fricesouled Inspiration
Ashen-Frost Burst 6d4, Elemental Empathy
New Chain (Mid)
Ashen-Frost Burst 8d4, Elemental Extraction (Small)
Heat Seeker, Two World Trance (+10/+4)
Ashen-Frost Burst 10d4
Steam Rush (1/day)
Ashen-Frost Burst 12d4, New Chain (End)
Steam Rush (2/day), Elemental Extraction (Medium)
Two World Trance (+15/+6)
Ashen-Frost Burst 14d4
Steam Rush (3/day)
New Chain (Primal)
Ashen-Frost Burst 16d4, Elemental Extraction (Large)
Two World Trance (Immune/+8)
Steam Rush (4/day), Child of the Arctic Volcano
Ashen-Frost Burst 18d4, Frostfire Ascencion

Chains (Ex): At level 1 you gain a form of spellcasting known as Chaining. Chains count as Spelllike Abilities. This magic relies on comboing lower spells with higher level spells to achieve greater effect then normal types of magic. The basic spell the Gaoler uses is the Ashen-Frost Burst, which he can use every 3 rounds at will. The other chains are not at will, but are castable a number of times per day, as seen in the Table. The order in which the mage must use his spells is: Ashen-Frost Burst --> Entry Chain --> Mid Chain --> End Chain --> Primal Chain. After you cast a chain or Ashenfrost Burst, you have 3 rounds to cast a follow-up or else the current combo is lost. He gains access to Entry Chains on level 1, Mid Chains on level 6, End Chain on level 11, Primal Chains on level 16. Entry Chains have a DC of 12+Wisdom Mod, Mid Chains a DC of 14+Wisdom Mod, End Chains a DC of 17+Wisdom Mod and Primal Chains a DC of 20+Wisdom Mod.

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You can recall used Chain Slots by making a Int Check DC 15 for Entry Chains, DC 17 for Mid Chains, DC 19 for End Chains and DC 21 for Primal Chains. Each time you try to recall any slot, the DC for regaining another one becomes 2 higher. You can recall Chains a total of times of class level divided by 2 plus your Int Modifier per day regardless of succeeding or failing the check.

Paths (Ex): On level 1, you pick one of the paths as your primary path: Destruction of the Material, Controlling the Material and Weakening the Material.  This determines your main school of Chains. Destruction of the Material is damage related, Controlling the Material is Crowd Control related and Weakening the Material is debuff related. Your primary path adds a certain bonus to your Chains in that category. Some spells also have different effects if you focus in that School.

Destruction of the Material: You gain a +1 bonus on every damage die for all Chains. This damage increase excludes your Ashen-Frost Burst.

In addition, in exchange for ending your combo with your Ashen-Frost Burst, you deal +1 damage per 2d4 dice your Burst has. This damage is untyped damage. If you use this feature, Ashen-Frost Burst has no cooldown. 

Controlling the Material: You gain +2 bonus on any Opposed Check made by a Entry Chain, +4 on a Mid Chain, +6 on a End Chain and +8 on a Primal Chain.
Weakening the Material: You gain a + 2 bonus on the DC of Chains of this path.

In addition, in exchange for ending your combo with your Ashen-Frost Burst, you overheat the natural or manufactured defenses the creature might possess, reducing its AC by 1 for every 2d4 damage your burst deals (Penalties don't stack, higher values supersedes) for 1 round. If you use this feature, Ashen-Frost Burst has no cooldown.   

Summoning The Immaterial: Your Elemental Extraction companion gains +2 Str and +2 Con per 5 levels. (Min +2 at level 5, Max +8 at level 20). Elementals you summon gain a +2 Str and +2 Con boost per level of the Chain. (Min +2 for Entry Chains, Max +8 for Primal Chains) Every elemental you summon has hitpoint based on your total hitpoints. Entry chains have 50% your health. Mid chains have 75% your health. End Chains have 100% your health. Primal Chains have 150% your health. This replaces the standard hp in their description further below. They use your BAB, but their own saves, as noted. Their total AB is determined by your Wisdom modifier, but in what degree is noted in the Chain itself.
In addition, in exchange for ending your combo with your Ashen-Frost Burst, you can instead heal an allied elemental for an amount equal to your Ashen-Frost burst damage. If you use this feature, Ashen-Frost Burst has no cooldown.

In addition, in exchange for ending your combo with your Ashen-Frost Burst, you infuse the soil below the target with ice, making everything within a 5 ft. radius + 5 ft. per 4d4 of damage difficult terrain for 1 round. If you use this feature, Ashen-Frost Burst has no cooldown.   

After picking your primary path, you choose your secondary path. This path grants no additional bonus, but you can cast Chains out of that school. You cannot cast any Chains from any of the paths you did not choose. (See it as a sort of prohibited schools thing)

Ashen-Frost Burst (Sp): The basic ability of the Gaoler is the Ashen-Frost Burst. The mage unleashes a blast of cold and fire magic to destroy his enemies and is also used as a important focus for the other abilities of the mage.  This ability works exactly like a Eldritch blast from the warlock, except it deals 1d4 frost and 1d4 fire damage. Also, you can only fire the burst once every 3 rounds, so you’ll be forced to chain your abilities together.

Two World Trance (Ex): At level 2, a Gaoler can go into a trance as a free action that gains him better senses and resistance against the elements he is the master off. When he goes into trance, he gains cold and fire resistance 5, this increases to +10 on level 8, to +15 on level 13, and to total immunity on level 18.
He also gains +2 wisdom during this trance, this increases by +2 on every increment the resistance also increases, up to a maximum of +8 Wisdom. This Trance lasts a total number of rounds equal to your unmodified Wisdom Modifier.  You may enter a trance 1/day for every 3 class levels you possess (minimum of 1). At the end of this trance you are dazed for 1 round.

Endurance (Ex): At level 3, you gain Endurance as a bonus feat.

Fricesouled Inspiration (Sp): At level 4, the Gaoler gains enough elemental stamina to use his magic to perform minor magic tricks to utilize out of combat. You gain the following first level spells as spelllike abilities a number of times per day equal to your Int modifier times three (in total, not seperatly): Tenser’s Floating Disk (Ice version), Hot Air Lifting (Buoyant Lifting), Second Wind, Ebon Ice Lens (Ebon Eyes), Greater Mage Hand, Raging Flame, Slide, Slow Burn. 

Elemental Empathy (Ex): At level 5, you gain your Int bonus or Wis bonus (whichever is highest) on Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information and Intimidate versus creatures with the Elemental type.

Elemental Extraction (Su): At level 7, you gain the ability to extract Elemental energy from a source of heat or cold and transform that energy into a elemental being. For this, you need one source of heat, such as a fire, or a source of cold, such as a big part of ice or a place with freezing winds. The reqs are up to the dm, but should be in line with the examples made above. The ceremony takes Class level x2 minutes to complete. The created elemental lasts Class level hours and is obidient to you in all ways, understands all your languages and is only able to move a distance from you equal to 10 ft/Class level. For the rest it has the normal stats of a elemental of its kind, as discribed in the Monster Manual or in this post. At seventh level youll be able to create a small fire or ice elemental (Ice elemental discribed in this post), as appropriate for the resources avaible. This changes into a medium elemental at level 12, and a large elemental at level 17. You can only have 1 elemental active at a time.   

Ice Elementals
All elementals are in the thread Waylander's Elemental Compedium.

Heat Seeker (Su): At level 8, you gain a bonus on ranged touch attacks equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Steam Rush (Su): At level 10, once a day, you can use your Ashen-Frost Burst as a swift action. This allows you to fire a Entry Chain in the same round, to root a enemy knight for example. You can also use it to skip a Entry Chain to fire a Mid Chain after a Ashenfrost burst. Doing this also uses up one charge. It is possible to fire a Ashenfrost burst as a swift action and firing a Mid Chain as a standard action in the same round, but this uses up 2 charges. 

Child of the Arctic Volcano (Su): At level 19, whenever the Gaoler would take fire or frost damage from Any source, he heals a amount equal to the damage he would take up to his resistance for that energy type. For example, if you get hit by a 60 damage fireball and you have fire resistance 35, you heal 35 hp and take 25 fire damage. If you have immunities for one or the other, you heal the damage otherwise dealt.

Frostfire Ascencion (Ex): At 20th level, you reach the pinnacle of control over the powers of heat and cold. You can treat your secondary path as a second primary path and you gain the mastery bonus for that path, including the extra spell effects. In addition, you gain bonuses according to the primary path you have choosen:

Destruction of the Material: When using Steamrush, you can instead of skipping an Entry chain, skip an Entry chain and a Mid chain, allowing you to fire an Ashenfrost Burst and an End chain in the same round.

Controlling the Material: All Bushrush Chains have their effect doubled. The duration of all other spells (Walls and snares and the like) are increased by 50%.

Weakening the Material: All single target debuffs bounce except for Primal Chains bounce to a second target. All targets of multitarget debuffs take an extra 1d4 damage/Chain lvl on a random ability score.

Summoning The Immaterial: The health of all elementals you summon is increased by 50%. In addition, all damage it deals is increased by 1d6/3 casterlevels.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:39:47 AM by WaylanderX »

Offline WaylanderX

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Re: Gaoler of Frostflame (3.5 Base)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 06:27:10 PM »

Entry Chains
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Mid Chains
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End Chains
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Primal Chains
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Alternative Class Features

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New Kinds Of Elementals
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PRC's Temperamental Architect - Controller based PRC with Chain Casting
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:07:30 PM by WaylanderX »