A Kastigur (sp?) demon from the MM4 is a huge demon that has Improved Overrun. There is a combat setup whereby he will want to get past my PC's, who will try to stop him.
The Kastigur is Huge, filling a 15x15-foot space (technically a 15-foot cube?). As usual, the rules for overrun attacks are written from the perspective of a Medium character...
My PC's are in a line, and my demon wants to overrun them to knock them prone and get past them. Is this possible? If so, how?
Do I just initiate an overrun against all of them, the demon gets one check, and each person targeted gets to make a check to stop him?
It will actually get even more complicated than that. Many of my PC's will be air-born, so he'll be trying to push through a "wall" of them. Even though the rules don't call for it, should there be some kind of penalty to the PC's check if he is air-born (and thus has no ground to brace against...)?