Author Topic: I'm a total liar: Psionics?  (Read 7897 times)

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: I'm a total liar: Psionics?
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2012, 10:26:23 AM »
The only thing it really needs is more power points.
Yeah, but it's not like that's unique or cool or anything.

The psiwarrior already has several unique powers it can learn, making it stand from other psionic classes.
And it's a base class very similar to the fighter, which I think is intentionally generic. You can make an archer, a sword and board guy, a tripper, etc. It has to cover lots of "fighting man" archetypes.

The other thing the Psi Warrior could really use is a class specific free (or cost reduced) quicken power effect. I've read a few campaign reports where Psi Warriors had problems compared to martial adepts because they had to spend 2+ rounds buffing at the start of each combat.
If Linked Power is allowed, it goes a long way towards fixing this. Of course, you could just give it to them as a freebie, but with all their bonus feats, it's not really needed.
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Offline Cyclone Joker

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Re: I'm a total liar: Psionics?
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2012, 11:54:18 AM »
The other thing the Psi Warrior could really use is a class specific free (or cost reduced) quicken power effect. I've read a few campaign reports where Psi Warriors had problems compared to martial adepts because they had to spend 2+ rounds buffing at the start of each combat.
Long-duration buffs. The PsyWar has a lot of them. Use them.

Problem solved.

Offline Bauglir

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Re: I'm a total liar: Psionics?
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2012, 03:16:43 PM »
Yeah, the only thing that you could really do for the PsiWar is write some additional awesome powers for it to learn. It's deliberately modular with its class features, so the route to take is pretty much just writing up more modules.