So it will have to be worked out with your DM what actually triggers the rune or can be used to disarm them, can you paint over them to prevent them from going off? What if you destroy the object its etched on, can you burn it off? This will vary by DM so make sure to discuss it with them first. Remember that failure to disarm a magic trap's DC by 5 or more automatically triggers it and Explosive Runes has a DC of 28. Don't forget the -2 penalty for not using the correct tools.
Take one rank in disable device since it is trained only, now take the ways you worked out with your DM about what can count for disarm attempts and use them as a means of creating a trigger. For example possible ways to cause the runes to trigger, etch them on objects that tend to be destroyed on impact such as a crossbow bolt or clay jar. Put them on flammable material and ignite for a time released trigger mechanism. Send small summoned creatures with an etched item to read the runes while next to targets. Binder's with the Malphus summoned Raven/Dove are great for this.
Use glass vials filled with paint to try and cover the rune while targets are near, or setup some sort of Mine with the rune on the bottom layer and a paint filled vessel above it that will break and seep onto the rune when stepped on.