Author Topic: Book of Dragons  (Read 20487 times)

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2016, 07:43:26 PM »
MUDRAKER (Large, Tracker)

A mudraker is a close relative to Thunderclaw, at least judging by its apperance. It is a mainly aquatic dragon, living in the waters along the coastlines, or in swamp areas, where it competes with other aquatic predators, such as alligators. It is assigned to the tracker class (rather than tidal) based not on its sense of smell, but on its sonar abilities, which give it a distinct adventage in water, especially murky one.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A mudraker prefers fighting in water over air. Since its breath weapon works even better below the surface, it will happily make use of any cover a body of water can give it. Thanks to its abilities it is extremely difficult to sneak upon.

Vibration sense: a  mudraker posseses an extra sense - it grants it a racial bonus to hearing for the purpose of detecting enemies. When submerged, it acts like tremorsense, except it detects creatures touching the water around it. It can also project an active sonar effect in its front cone, effectively gaining blindsight. (I've always thought that blindsense is too little for creatures with sonar abilities)

Breath attack: a cone of sound (7 shots). Instead of using the attack directly to damage/stun (deafen) opponents, a mudraker can modulate the vibrations to move the water in front of it, creating a wave that trips/bullrushes opponents.

Training tips: Despite their appearance, mudrakers are surprisingly friendly, and playful, enjoying fooling around in water or basking in the sun. They can be trained relatively easily, though 'playful' for a creature of this size might mean the hopeful trainer will get his share of getting randomly tail-swept into water.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:51:26 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2016, 07:16:52 PM »
WINDGNASHER (Large, tracker)

A Windgnasher is a tracker class dragon, possessing both incridible sense of smell and keen eyesight

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A windgnasher will use its senses to locate the enemy before it is found, and then fight at range, letting other dragons take the front line if possible. If forced into close combat, it uses a bite and a tail club.

Breath attack: long ranged explosive projectile (cold)

Tracker class: A windgnasher can track by scent in the air without the proper epic feat

Training tips: A windgnasher isn't a very aggressive dragon, which is a good thing because it is very difficult to approach one stealthily, Once it gets used to humans, it might be a bit troublesome with its tendency to ignore a presons personal space trying to sniff them.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:51:45 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2016, 07:37:04 PM »
PRICKLEBOGGLE (diminutive to large, sharp, cold subtype)

Prickleboggles are social dragons gifted with a rare ability - their breath can facilitate healing. They use it to form symbiotic relationships with larger dragons, keeping them healthy and free of parasites in return for protection.

While they can grow up to a large size, most prickleboggles are no bigger than a terrible terror.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a large prickleboggle can fight using its primary breath weapon, as well as its sharp claws, horns and fins. The smaller ones will try to avoid combat altogether, leaving it to their larger neighbours while providing support with their healing breath.

Breath attack: (12 shots) either a cold projectile (touch attack) or a short-ranged breath of healing particles - these provide a small amount of healing, prevent infections, and soothe pain (they can be used to calm a raging creature)

Defensive skin: a prickleboggle's skin is highly resistant, negating the weakness of the cold subtype, and providing some fire resistance on top of it - essential for a small dragon that might get accidentally caught in some friendly fire.

Training: a prickleboggle is a boon to any dragon trainer. It easily forms bonds with other creatures. The problem is, it is likely already attached to some much bigger dragon. If you tame a large one, a saddle blanket is advised when riding one - their natural cold becomes discomfortable during long flights.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:52:06 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2016, 08:04:37 PM »
RAINCUTTER (Huge, sharp)

Raincutters are huge dragons, often found in damp forests or hot marshes. In addition to eating fish, they're also known to dig in wet soil, filtering the mud through their teeth in search of worms and grubs.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A raincutter can use its head fin for a fly-by attack. When fighting on land, it strikes with either a bite or a head fin swipe, plus a tail slap and two wing slaps. Their bite has some average power venom, (and might get mud into the wound, but that's the least of your worries)

Breath attack: (10 shots) a small fireball. The breath attack is oil-based and will not have reduced effectiveness in wet environment.

Training: raincutters dislike hot weather, and feel the best with constant access to water. They are said ton be very loyal, but such loyalty may result in them bringing their trainer grubs to eat.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:52:23 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2016, 08:17:31 PM »
SCUTTLECLAW (large, sharp)

Scuttleclaws are known for two things. The first is their hyperactivity. The second is their tendency to bite things they get curious about. The short muzzle and powerful muscles result in a very respectable jaw strength.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a scuttleclaw will use its breath attack, and then bite. Its quick reflexes will often allow it to act first, giving it some flexibility in choosing opponents.

breath attack: (8 shots) a gout of green flame ( line or ranged touch?)

Training tips: A scuttleclaw is very energetic, capable of flying over long distances with a rider only slightly smaller than itself. (up to within the same size category). On the other hand, getting them to focus on any task requires some patience, as they're prone to getting distracted - young specimen are particularly unruly.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:52:42 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2016, 08:32:24 PM »
SHIVERTOOTH (large/huge , sharp, cold subtype)

A shivertooth is a mischievious prankster, a graceful flier, and , if the situation calls for it, a deadly combatant.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: Shivertooths prefer close combat - with their sharp claws, and various spines covering their bodies they have a lot of opportunities to cause harm. Their preferred method of combat is to snake through the battlefield, using their high dexterity to avoid attacks of opportunity, while using their natural weapons to inflict bleeding wounds on as many opponents as possible.

Breath attack:(4 shots) an explosive cold 'fireball'

Training tips: A shivertooth is tricky to train, due to its mischivious nature - a prank from a creature of its size can be quite damaging. A well trained shivertooth becomes a fast and graceful flying mount, sure to make an impression.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:52:54 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2016, 08:03:24 PM »
THORNRIDGE (large/huge, sharp)

Assigned to the sharp class more for its fearsome appearance than any practical qualities,  a thornridge is a calm dragon, content to stay out of trouble, unless its flightmates are in danger.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A thornridge will use its breath attack, and then claw and bite.

Breath attack: a cone of flame. A smaller flame can be maintained in the mouth to serve as a light source.

Training tips: Despite its appearance, a thornridge doesn't cause much trouble, it is quite happy to stay out of the spotlight, though it will step in to protect its friends, or to break any fights within the group - with its size, a small display of power is usually enough to diffuse a conflict.

notes: that's not much info, but it does appear in the movie, so I felt I should include one.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:53:07 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2016, 06:45:38 AM »
SEASHOCKER (large/huge, tidal)

Seashockers are cunning aquatic dragons who hunt in the deep, cold waters. They move in schools, coordinating their efforts to corral potential prey, and to defend from larger sea monsters, especially scauldrons. They spend nearly all their life in the water - they are poor fliers, and lack the limbs to move on land.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A seashocker will use its sonar ability to locate the target, then approach stealthily and charge in with a double bite.

Lightning bite: (12 charges) a seashocker can fill its mouth with lightning, greatly increasing the bite damage.

overcharge: pressing both heads together releases most of a seashocker's energy in a spherical concussive blast around it, shocking and blasting away other creatures. Seashockers don't do this naturally though, and a rider who forces an overcharge will find himself at the heart of the blast, making it a desperate technique to use.

bioluminescence: seashockers can use a bit of their energy to glow in the dark - and some use it as a trick to attract prey in the depths.

Bladed fin: the fins on the back of a seashocker are very hard and sharp - seashockers use them to carve through ice when surfacing in arctic environment, but they can use them for a swim-by attack as well.

two heads: as a two headed dragon with sonar ability, a seashocker is guite hard to sneak upon. It can also make two bite attacks on a charge.

poison? ( seashocker's stats mention strong poison, but there is nothing in the description. Perhaps they have a venomous stinger like a stingray. )

Training tips: not many vikings try to tame a seashocker. Besides their animosity towards scauldrons, seashockers feel the best way below the surface, where few vikings have business going. That being said, seashockers are smart, and can be taught complex tactics.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:53:21 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2016, 01:12:10 PM »
SLIQUIFIER (large/huge, tidal)

A Sliquifier is an endangered species of aquatic dragon. Strangely, the reason for them being so rare is due to large aquatic monsters rather than to humans - while they can outrun predators time and time again, finding a safe haven to rest in is becoming harder and harder.

While its epithet of a 'supersonic swimmer' is a typical viking exaggeration, a motivated sliquifier can swim faster than most dragons can fly.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a sliquifier will use its speed to avoid a fight. Failing that, it uses a breath weapon on the move, trying to add its own speed to that of the blast. If cornered and forced into close combat, it bites, claws and tail slaps.

Breath attack: ( 4 shots) a line of acid.

Training tips: Sliquifiers have fully functional legs, and can function on land, as long as they stay close to water. They are very loyal companions, and steeds, but sadly, no human could stay in the saddle while they swim at full speed - though there are stories of vikings training particularly large sliquifiers to let them curl up in their mouths.

Obviously, keeping sliquifiers and scauldrons in the same area may be problematic.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:53:42 PM by bhu »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2016, 01:52:11 PM »
DEATH SONG (huge, mystery)

A death song is an insidious, solitary predator. It hides among the trees on jungle islands, waiting for creatures it might lure in and devour. Its beautiful looks hide power muscles, and a voracious apetite that doesn't even spare other death songs.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A deathsong will lure its prey close, attack from ambush, using its breath attack to immobilise its prey, then drag it to its nest to devour. Deathsongs avoid suffocating their targets with their breath attack, which might suggest they like to eat their prey alive.

siren's call: A death song can create a sonic effect that puts other dragons in a trance, causing them to wander closer to its nest. It can target a specific area up to a mile away, if there is no terrain in the way. the deathsong is not completely immune to the effect, and might even daze itself if it is tricked into using the call in an enclosed space.

breath attack: (8 shots) a glob of rapidly hardening resin. It can be melted with fire, but it is unlikely to help a dragon that is already trapped, unless it can self-ignite like some stokers do.

Training tips: a death song is extremely hard to train, given its agressively solitary attitude. It also eats other dragons.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:53:56 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2016, 02:13:30 PM »
FLIGHTMARE (medium/large, mystery)

Viking legends tell of a ghost-like dragon that sometimes appears on dark nights, announcing its presence with a blood-curdling scream, and leaving its victims transfixed with terror. The flightmare is the source of these stories.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a disturbed flightmare will fly up to the enemy, and use a breath attack.

Breath attack: a spray of toxic mist. It covers the target in a glossy film, and paralyses so rapidly, the victim is left standing as a living statue. The liquid also drains heat from the target - a flightmare can use it for a coup de grace as a full round action.

bioluminescence: a flightmare's diet includes a kind of glowing algae, (following their concentrations is the reason for a flightmare's migratory lifestyle, which explains its rare appearances) It allows a flightmare to glow in the dark, and if it has recently eaten, it can briefly supercharge the ability, glowing like a beacon in the dark and briefly blinding nearby creatures.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:54:08 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2016, 02:25:31 PM »
GOBSUCKER: (large, mystery)

The evolution of dragons has created many unique, and wonderful abilities. But for every useful ability, there will be a quirky or useless one somewhere down the road. Gobsucker is just the unlucky dragon, a close relative of gronkle, which flies using explosive farts.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: never sneak up on a gobsucker. Try not to stand in front of one either - that heavy head is quite sturdy, and great for ramming.

explosive fart: a cone of flame behind the gobsucker, giving it enough propulsion to properly take off (unlike gronkles, gobsuckers cannot hover) or increaing its movement in straight like. It otherwise works just like a breath attack, with normal shots limit.

Training tips:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:54:24 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2016, 02:38:13 PM »
SWEET DEATH (large, mystery)

Sweet death is a patient predator, who hunts on land, luring animals with its sweet scent, and then striking from ambush. It has a tunneling ability, allowing it to hide just under the surface, and a multi-pronged tongue that emits an intense, sweet smell.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a sweet death will hide (either underground, or among the local plant life), sticking its tongue out to resemble a sapling or a flower, and waiting for prey to approach. It then grapples with its mouth and uses claws. Against bigger animals, it employs its breath attack, in hopes of crippling the target and making it easy pickings.

Breath attack: (5 shots), a glob of acid (ranged touch)

Training tips: it is possible to train a sweet death, but caution must be taken, especially if children are around - the dragon's smell might cause unaware people or animals to wander close to its enclosure.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:54:43 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #53 on: June 17, 2016, 03:15:38 PM »
SKRILL (large, strike)

Skrill is the staple of the strike class. A cunning predator, and an agile flier, it is rarely seen, except during violent storms, which it chases to bask in their power.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: A skrill is one of the most feared dragons. It fights almost exclusively from the air, using a combination of great flying speed, coloration that blends with the stormy sky, and terrifying firepower. It can use its attacks with great precision, and its natural cunning makes it hard to lure one into a trap.

Breath attack: (4 shots) a lightning blast ( a line or a ranged touch) a skrill usually recharges from outside sources, usually lightning storms - 4 shots is as much energy as it can store for later, and the charge will dissipate if it is submerged in water.

Child of storms: A skrill attracts nearby lightning attacks, storing their energy. It suffers no harm from electricity attacks. Furthermore, it gains extra abilities while flying in a storm: it becomes a living lightning rod, and can use the extra energy in a number of ways.

Instant recharge: a skrill can recover spent breath attack charges by attracting a lightning onto itselt. It will spam ranged attacks in battle as long as recharge is available.

Supercharge: a skrill can harnass the power of a lightning bolt to empower a breath attack - it also adds 'cone' to available breath attack options.

Ride the lightning: a skrill can channel a lightning strike into an electromagnetic slingshot effect, propelling itself in a straight line so fast, it seems to be teleporting. The effect is straining for the skrill and will only be used once per encounter, often to escape if the battle is turning against it. The effect has a range of about a mile and is limited by line of sight.

Lightning field: a skrill can channel lightning along its wings, briefly projecting an energy field that shocks anyone who comes too close, and dissipates incoming energy attacks, protecting it from breaths of other dragons.

Training tips: a skrill is very hard to train - a viking must be able to survive long enough to gain its trust, and have anough of a personality to gain its obedience.

A skrill is able to hibernate, and can be frozen for decades without suffering visible harm.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:55:03 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2016, 03:28:31 PM »
THREADTAIL (huge, strike)

Perhaps the least vicious of the strike class, a threadtail is a relatively social, and calm. But do not be fooled, if sufficiently provoked, it can be as deadly as any striker.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: a threadtail uses its power mostly to keep out of trouble - if its bright coloration doesn't work as a warning, it will breath fire, and use its poison effect to makie itself unedable.

Breath attack: small, precise fireballs, similar to those of a deadly nadder.

Poisonous skin: a threadtail's skin can secret a layer of toxic mucus. The toxin is unpleasant for the dragon itself - threadtail can often be seen rolling in dragonberry bushes to relieve the itching.

Training tips: A threadtail doesn't have a difficul personality, but being a huge, poisonous dragon, it is rather troublesome to keep either way.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:55:15 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #55 on: June 17, 2016, 03:40:12 PM »
FOREVERWING (collosal+, boulder?)

A foreverwing can live for centuries, and sleep through most of it. A natural alpha, it leaves the task of gathering food to its underlings, while providing them with a safe haven, protecting the nearby area just with its presence. It spends most of its like half-buried in the ground, and seems to be content just being a mountain.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Combat: presumably a foreverwing can fly, tunnel or breathe fire. But since its slow metabolism allows it to stay in one place without foraging trips, and its sheer power deters all but the most insane attackers, it doesn't really get a chance to fight.

Natural alpha: a foreverwing will naturally attract other dragons as followers. It seems to have a long range empathy power, allowing it to wordlessly communicate simple intents to creatures in considerable radius.

Plant symbiosis: Plants grow on foreverwing's body, and its dragon followers also become more plant-like in appearance over time. It is not certain whether the transformation provides any substantial benefits (reduced need for food? poison resistance?) or just serves to camouflage them in forest environment.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:55:28 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #56 on: June 17, 2016, 04:14:54 PM »
BEWILDERBEAST (Collosal+, tidal)

Bewilderbeast is an extremely rare dragon. It lives in cold oceans, using its breath weapon to construct giant nests of green ice, always surrounded by a flight of other dragons who serve it in return for protection. A bewilderbeast hunts in open waters, using its giant body, as well as the help of its followers, to corral hundreds of fish into its mouth - it can easily eat as much as a whole school of sperm whales.

While it cannot fly, it is a powerful swimmer, and capable of emerging on land as well.

                      <Creature>, <Class level> <Class>
                      <Size> <Type> (<Subtypes>)
Hit Dice:             <# of HD>d<Die size>+<(Con mod) x (# of HD)> (<average # of hp> hp)
Speed:                <#> ft. (<speed / 5> squares)
Armor Class:          <#> (<AC bonus types>), touch <#>, flat-footed <#>
Base Attack/Grapple:  <#>/<#>
Attack:               <Melee Weapon> <AB> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <AB> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Full Attack:          <# of weapons> <Melee weapon> <ABs> melee (<Weapon Damage>) or <Ranged Weapon> <ABs> ranged (<Weapon Damage>)
Space/Reach:          <#> ft./<#> ft.
Special Attacks:      <>
Special Qualities:    <>
Saves:                Fort <#>, Ref <#>, Will <#>
Abilities:            Str <#>, Dex <#>, Con <#>, Int <#>, Wis <#>, Cha <#>
Skills:               <Racial class skills and modifiers>
Feats:                <Bonus feat>B, <feats>
Environment:          <climate> <terrain>
Organization:         <>
Challenge Rating:     <##>
Treasure:             <>
Alignment:            <>
Advancement:          <>
Level Adjustment:     +<#>

Voice of the Alpha: A bewilderbeast possesses a sonic ability that affects other dragons. It amplifies the normal effects of dragon group hierarchy and changes it into a full blown compulsion effect - unless the dragons are already bound to another natural alpha, they must obey the bewilderbeast's call.

The effect can be further amplified by establishing eye contact.  However, the ability has its weakness - it relies on the dragons' social hierarchy instincts. Unusual dragons, who are not a part of the normal pecking order, might resist the call. Those bound to another natural alpha are protected. Finally, a bewilderbeast cannot use the ability to resolve a dominance challenge - it is only the winner that gets to rule as the alpha.

Combat: At over twice the weight of a red death, a bewilderbeast is too big to properly aim attacks at anything that isn't at least colossal - it tends to attack simply by moving, crushing anything that fails to get out of the way, or by using its breath attack.

Against properly sized opponents, a bewilderbeast will ram with all its weight, trying to use its mass and its horns. If the enemy is standing rather than swimming, the bewilderbeast will use its horns like a giant forklift to initiate a trip attempt - since they point downward, they can be used to gore a prone target for massive damage.

Breath attack: a bewilderbeast vomits forth a giant wave of water, which instantly freezes, creating a mass of rapidly expanding, green ice. The cold damage is negligable compared to crushing - the ice pushes with enough force to sweep houses away and raise ships meters into the air. Those at the center of the attack get trapped in the water as it freezes and end up embedded in ice, often whole meters away from the surface, leaving them to die of suffocation.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 08:55:48 PM by bhu »

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2016, 04:19:10 PM »
And there you have it. With the series, and the games, there are always more dragons. But I think I've covered all I cared about. Now you can play with this.  :D

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Re: Book of Dragons
« Reply #58 on: June 17, 2016, 08:06:56 PM »
holy crap!