Author Topic: Building seven dwarven builds.  (Read 1772 times)

Offline SolEiji

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Building seven dwarven builds.
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:14:47 AM »
Hmm, I've loads of NPCs to make for an upcoming event and I figure maybe I can ease my load by crowdsourcing a bit.  Hopefully my players aren't reading this though.  The situation is that I have seven dwarven mafia members who all have their gimmick, Dick Tracy style.  I have the names and the concepts, but not the builds yet, maybe you can help me figure good builds for them.

Their expected level is either 8 or 9, using 3.P (Pathfinder mostly, with 3.5e whenever it's not replaced by Pathfinder).  I'll probably use an array of 15-14-13-12-11-10 for their stats.  No real notable houserules.  The dwarves are...

Talky: The face of the mafia, he needs to have a way with words, and of course a method of protecting himself if he needs to make some... corrective action.  I figure this guy would be swarming with minions.

Thuggy: The muscle of the group, he is usually there to give people free hugs and intensive medical care when needed.  I figured this one was a grappler build, or a pugilist of some kind.

Hairy: The one with the biggest beard, he looks like cousin It with all the hair.  I was imagining his natural coat of hide gave him lots of armor and/or health, making him the group tank.  What method of attack he used, I'm not sure, but I played with the idea of controling swarms of vermin he keeps in his forest of hair.

Sparky: Group pyro with the scorched beard, and probably involved with the deconstruction of buildings, sometimes with people in them.  I was thinking with the focus on fire and explosives me might be an alchemist.

Sharky: The second party face, he's a loan shark and will need to do a lot of tracking, and a lot of hurting to those who don't pay up.

Spooky: Some fear based build, be it magic or intimidation.  I was going to dip into the fear handbook for inspiration.

Dopey: Local pimp and drug dealer.  With the drug focus I imagined alchemist again, or some kind of debuffer/buffer with status effects.  Also, swag.

I'd stat out the Beardfather, but I don't think he'll be encountered yet.  It's not something they could win either, he's be like... level 14.

Can you help me be lazy lighten my workload?

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Building seven dwarven builds.
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 06:43:38 PM »
Nada?  No ideas?

....ah well....  :(

Offline Cyclone Joker

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Re: Building seven dwarven builds.
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 07:33:49 PM »



Spooky needs to be a Dread Necro/Dread Witch, Thuggy should be a PsyWar or a Bear Warrior(Maybe with Deepwarden or that dwarf initiator), and... well, that's all I got.

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Building seven dwarven builds.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 10:14:40 PM »
These are good, more like these!   :clap