Author Topic: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice  (Read 3936 times)

Offline bhu

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The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« on: February 28, 2013, 01:18:59 AM »


(Stat) Roll:  When you are asked to perform a (Stat roll), you roll the number of dice equal to the chosen stat.  In other words if you are asked to make a Luck roll, you roll a number of six sided dice equal to your Luck stat.  Any result of 5 or higher is a Success; any lower result is a failure.  You may then use any re-rolls you have for that stat in an attempt to get better results, minus any penalties to re-rolls you have due to an opponent. 
Passing: During the Speed Phase if you start with less Lap Points than another player, and end with more once this phase is over you are considered to be Passing him.

Repair Rolls: A Repair Roll is required to fix most problems, and successes are cumulative if you don’t get as many as you need.  For example if you need 2 successes to fix a problem, and you only get 1 success this round, you only need 1 success the next round.  If you need to repair an effect from the Spectacular Damage table you may repair 1 point of Damage to the Vehicle, or a non-damage effect such as loss of re-rolls.  The required successes are as follows:

Headlights Out or Flat Tire: 1 success
Worn Brakes, Coolant Leak, Fuel Leak: 2 successes
Any non-Damage Effect on the Spectacular Damage Chart: 3 successes
Fix 1 damage (or 1 Toughness if you are a Robot): 3 successes


You will require five d6 (per player if you all don’t want to use the same set), and paper/pencil for making car sheets.

Each player writes down these 4 stats for his vehicle: Defense, Handling, Offense, Speed.  He has 8 ‘points’ to distribute among these stats.  Stats cannot be lower than 1 or higher than 4.   

Each player then chooses a vehicle from the following list.  This vehicle modifies their stats (these modifiers do not count toward the minimum/maximum stat limit so you could have a 0 or a 5):

Big Ole Truck: +1 Defense, -1 Handling
Jeep: +1 Offense, -1 Speed
Sedan: +1 Offense, -1 Handling
Race Car: +1 Speed, -1 Defense
Smart Car: +1 Handling, -1 Offense
Jet Car: +1 Speed, -1 Handling
Motorcycle: +1 Defense, -1 Offense
Scooter: +1 Handling, -1 Defense

Each player writes down these 4 stats for his driver: Luck, Repair, Reaction, Toughness.  He has 8 ‘points’ to distribute among these stats.  Stats cannot be lower than 1 or higher than 4.   

Each Player then chooses a driver from the following list.  This vehicle modifies their stats (these modifiers do not count toward the minimum/maximum stat limit so you could have a 0 or a 5):

Trucker: +1 Reaction, -1 Repair
Soldier: +1 Repair, -1 Luck
Soccer Mom: +1 Luck, -1 Reaction
Race Car Driver: +1 Reaction, -1 Toughness
Dilletante: +1 Luck, -1 Toughness
Mechanic: +1 Repair, -1 Reaction
Biker: +1 Toughness, -1 Luck
Trained Bear: +1 Toughness, -1 Repair

Each Player then chooses 1 upgrade from the following list:

Vehicle Upgrades

Off-Road Tires: -2 when rolling on Bad road conditions.
Rain Tires: Ignore heavy rain results when rolling on Bad Weather.
Snow Tires: Ignore heavy snow/ice results when rolling on Bad Weather.
Sensory Array:  Ignore fog results when rolling on Bad Weather.
Improved Brakes: You may ignore Worn Brakes results.
Reinforced Headlights: You may ignore Headlights Out Results.
Reinforced Radiator: You may ignore Coolant Leak Results.
Spare Gas Tank: You may ignore Fuel Leak Results.
Armored Turret: Your opponent is –2 when rolling on a Weapon Hit result.
Ablative Armor: Your opponent is –2 when rolling on a Vehicle Hit result.
Armored Cage: Your opponent is –2 when rolling on a Driver Hit result.
Hardened Armor: Your opponent is –2 when rolling on a Armor Hit result.
Secondary Engine: Your opponent is –2 when rolling on a Engine Hit result.
Roll Cage: –2 when rolling on a Crash.
GPS: You may ignore Lost Results.
Roo Bar: You may re-roll as many Reaction dice as you wish when you are required to do so because of a roadkill or ginormous roadkill result when rolling on Bad road conditions.
Fire Extinguishers: You may ignore Fire Results.
Heavy Duty: Vehicle is destroyed at 15 damage as opposed to 10.
Camouflage: You may not be the target of Offense rolls if your vehicle is stopped.
Radar: You may ignore Camouflage.

Driver Upgrades

Paranoid: -2 when rolling on Bad Hitch Hiker
Weather Training: -2 when rolling on Bad Weather
Friends in Bad Places: You may ignore Ambush results.
Driver Training: -2 when rolling on the Whoops! Chart.
People Person: +2 when rolling on Good Hitch Hiker
The Knowledge: +1 when rolling on Short Cut or Lost
Connections: If a TV Interview comes up, instead of the first player being given first choice to be interviewed, you are.  If you decide not to, choice goes from first to last player as normal.
Mutant: Maximum Toughness is 8 instead of 4.
Weather Control Satellite as a Sponsor: +2 when rolling on Good Weather.
Robot: You may stop your Vehicle to make Repair Rolls to regain Toughness.


1.   Players begin their turn in order of highest to lowest number of Speed dice.  If there is a tie the one with the highest number of Lap Points goes first.  If they are still tied, have them all roll 1d6 and the highest goes first. 
2.   The first players turn has 3 phases: Luck, Speed/Repair, Offense.  In the Luck Phase the first player makes a Luck Roll.  If the first player has more Successes than Failures he rolls on the Woohoo! Chart.  If he has more Failures than Successes he rolls on the Oh Crap! Chart.  These charts determine possible events influencing the rest of the turn. 
3.   During the Speed/Repair Phase he makes a Speed Roll (or a Repair roll if Stopped).  You gain Lap Points equal to the number of Successes you have minus the number of Failures.  If you have more Failures than Successes you roll on the Whoops! Chart.  If your car begins the turn damaged and stopped you instead make a Repair Roll in an attempt to fix your vehicle.  If it is only damaged you may voluntarily stop your car to make a Repair Roll.
4.   During the Offense Phase he makes an Offense Roll if there is an applicable target.  He  may choose any 1 player who is within + or – 3 Lap Points of his own score to Attack or subtract re-rolls from if he has that option.  Penalties to re-rolls last until the beginning of your next turn. The player being attacked makes a Defense Roll, and if he has more Successes than his opponent he is safe.  If he has equal or less Successes, the attacker rolls on the Damage Chart.  If he has no successes at all the attacker rolls on the Spectacular Damage Chart. 
5.   Each succeeding player goes through the same phases, however in the Luck Phase they do nothing but deal with whatever event the first player may have caused. If he rolled a Bad Weather result for example the result he rolled applies to everyone for the turn. If there is no event, they skip directly to the Speed/Repair Phase.  Play progresses until one player achieves 20 Lap Points.  Other rules are listed with the appropriate chart or upgrade (or in the Glossary).


If you wish to do Campaigns, at the end of each game, the winner gets 1 Upgrade for either his Driver or his Vehicle.  He may choose from the beginning or Advance Upgrade lists.  Each Player also Earns Fame Points, and in between games they may trade in 5 FP for an upgrade (they get sponsors yo).
Fame Points
Kill an opposing driver or destroy their vehicle: 1 point
Get the maximum possible successes on any die roll without using re-rolls: 1 point
TV interview: 2 points
Go the whole game without rolling on the Oh Crap! Chart: 1 point
Go the whole game without rolling on the Whoops! Chart: 1 point
Go the whole game without rolling on the Damage Chart: 1 point
Go the whole game without rolling on the Spectacular Chart: 1 point
Be the only one to survive a race: 2 points
Finish the race: 1 point
Finish the race with 9 damage on your vehicle or only 1 Toughness left: 2 points
Max out 1 stat at 4 dice: 1 point

1 or less:  Good road conditions: 1-3 nothing happens, 4-5 all players get +1 to their Handling stat this turn, 6 or better all players get +1 Lap Point.
2:  Good Weather: 1-3 nothing happens, 4-5 all players get +1 to their Luck stat this turn, 6 or better all players get +1 Lap Point.
3: Good Hitch Hiker: Make a Reaction roll and get 1 success to roll on the following: 1 or less your car stops this turn and you get a Repair roll with +1 success, 2-3 your car stops this turn and you get sold good meth (add 1 to your Reaction stat for 2 turns), 4-5 your car stops this turn and you get healed (add 1 to your Toughness stat if it has been reduced), on a 6 your car stops this turn and the old gypsy woman blesses you (once per game you may automatically declare 1 die a success instead of rolling it).
4:  Short Cut: All players make a Reaction roll during the Luck Phase.  Any of them who get at least 1 success get +1 Lap Point per success this turn.
5:  Rest Stop: Each turn your car stops here your vehicle repairs one damage, your driver regains 1 Toughness, and you get 1 Repair roll at +1.
6 or better:  TV Interview: The first player may elect to stop this turn and gain 2 Fame Points.  If he doesn’t stop, each player gains the option until someone finally chooses to stop or the turn ends.

Oh Crap!
1 or less: Bad road conditions:  1 or less is a narrow road and everyone gets –1 Lap Point this turn, 2-3 means an impassible road and everyone’s car is stopped 1 turn, 4-5 is roadkill (make a Reaction roll and get 2 successes or roll on the Whoops! Chart), 6 or better is ginormous roadkill  (make a Reaction roll and get 2 successes or roll on the Spectacular Damage Chart)
2:  Bad Weather:  1 or less winds subtract 1 from everyone’s Speed stat this turn, 2-3 Fog subtracts 2 from everyone’s Reaction stat until another weather event is rolled, 4-5 heavy rain causes anyone who gets Lap Points during their turn to make a Handling roll to avoid a Spinout (avoiding Spinout requires 2 successes, this last until another weather event is rolled), 6 or better heavy snow and ice makes anyone who gets Lap Points during their turn to make a Handling roll to avoid a Crash (avoiding Crash requires 2 successes, this last until another weather event is rolled). 
3:  Bad Hitch hiker: Make a Reaction roll and get 1 success or roll on the following: 1 or less your car stops this turn, 2-3 your car stops this turn and you get sold bad meth (subtract 1 from your Reaction stat until you visit a Rest Stop), 4-5 your car stops this turn and you get mugged (subtract 1 from your Toughness stat until you visit a Rest Stop), on a 6 your car stops this turn and the old gypsy woman curses you (subtract 1 from your Luck stat until you visit a Rest Stop).
4:  Lost:  Each player makes a Reaction roll during the Luck Phase, and unless they get at least 2 successes they gain no Lap Points this turn.
5:  Mechanical failure: Every player makes a Luck roll during the Luck Phase of their turn.  Unless they get at least 1 success they roll on the Damage Chart with a –1.
6 or better:  Ambush: Every player must make a Reaction roll during the Luck Phase and get 2 success or roll on the Spectacular Damage chart.

1 or less:  Headlights Out: Car stops until repaired if this is a night race.  Opponent subtracts 1 from their Reaction stat in Bad Weather.
2:  Flat Tire: Car stops until repaired.
3:  Spinout: Car stops for this round, and opponent must make a Handling roll and get at least 2 successes or be hit by the player who is next in line (i.e. whose Lap Points total is closest to but not more than his own) unless that player gets 2 successes on a Reaction roll.  If there is a hit both cars roll on the Spectacular Damage chart.
4:  Ditched: Car stops for this round, and opponent must make a Handling roll and get at least 2 successes or his car stops until repaired.
5:  Roll on Damage chart.
6 or better:  Crash:  1 or less Vehicle takes 1 damage, 2-3 Vehicle takes 1 damage and you roll on the Damage chart, 4-5 Vehicle takes 2 damage, 6 or better Vehicle takes 2 damage and rolls on the Spectacular Damage chart. 

1 or less:  Flat Tire: Car stops until repaired.
2:  Worn Brakes: Subtract 2 from Reaction stat until repaired
3:  Coolant Leak:  During the Luck Phase each turn make a Luck roll.  On the first turn you need 1 success, and this goes up 1 success on each succeeding turn (i.e. 2 successes on the next turn, three on the turn after, etc.).  When you fail your car stops until repaired.
4:  Fuel Leak:  During the Luck Phase each turn make a Luck roll.  On the first turn you need 1 success, and this goes up 1 success on each succeeding turn (i.e. 2 successes on the next turn, three on the turn after, etc.).  When you fail your car stops until repaired.
5:  Fire:  During the Luck Phase each turn make a Luck roll.  On the first turn you need 4 successes, and this goes down 1 success on each succeeding turn (i.e. 3 successes on the next turn, 2 on the turn after, etc.).  Your car takes 1 damage each turn you fail to get the require successes.
6 or better:  Roll on Spectacular Damage chart.

Spectacular Damage
1 or less:  Driver hit: 1 or less means no effect, 2-3 Driver subtracts 1 from his Reaction stat, 4-5  Driver takes 1 damage, 6 or better Driver takes 2 Damage..  When the Driver takes damage equal to his Toughness he is dead.
2:  Suspension hit: 1 or less means no effect, 2-3 opponent loses all Handling re-rolls, 4-5 opponent subtracts 2 from their Handling stat, 6 or better car stops until repaired.
3:  Engine hit:  1 or less means no effect, 2-3 opponent loses all Speed re-rolls, 4-5 opponent subtracts 2 from their Speed stat, 6 or better car stops until repaired.
4:  Weapon Hit: 1 or less means no effect, 2-3 opponent loses all Offense re-rolls 4-5 the opponent subtracts 2 from their Offense stat, 6 or better the weapon is destroyed (during the Offense Phase you may now only subtract re-rolls from opponents or use upgrade weapons such as the Ram Plate or Blades).
5:  Armor Hit: 1 or less means no effect, 2-3 opponent loses all Defense re-rolls, 4-5 opponent subtracts 2 from their Defense stat, 6 or better opponent subtracts. 2 from their Defense stat and they Spinout.
6 or better:  Vehicle hit: 1 or less means no effect, 2-3 you may no longer subtract re-rolls from opponents, 4-5 Vehicle takes 1 damage, 6 or better Vehicle takes 2 damage.  When the Vehicle takes 10 damage it is destroyed.

Advance Vehicle Upgrades

+1 Defense (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Handling (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Offense (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Speed (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Defense reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Defense stat)
+1 Handling reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Handling stat)
+1 Offense reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Offense stat)
+1 Speed reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Speed stat)
Acid Fogger: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Defense reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
Gunk Spray: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Speed reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
EMP: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Offense reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
Oil Spray: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Handling reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
Long Range: You may make Offense Rolls against opponents with more Lap Points than yourself regardless of how much.
Run-Flat Tires: You may ignore Flat Tire results.
Improved Handling: You may ignore Spinout results.
Blades: You may make Offense Rolls against opponents you have passed this turn.
Ram Plate: You may make Offense Rolls against opponents you have passed this turn.  You roll on the Damage Chart at –1 to determine what happens to your Vehicle, and on the Damage Chart at +2 to determine what happens to their Vehicle.
Flamethrower: You no longer need to roll on the Damage Chart, you always choose the Fire Result (it also does 1 damage this turn).
Minelayer: You may attack any player with less Lap Points than yourself regardless of how much.
Rockets: +2 when rolling on the Damage or Spectacular Damage Chart.

Advance Driver Upgrades
+1 Luck (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Reaction (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Repair (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Toughness (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
+1 Luck reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Defense stat)
+1 Reaction reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Handling stat)
+1 Repair reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4, nor may it go higher than your Offense stat)
Gypsy Curse: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Luck reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
Master of Distraction: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Reaction reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)
Curse of the Carburetor Gods: Instead of rolling on the Damage chart you may cause a -1 to Opponents Repair reroll (can be taken multiple times, but cannot go higher than 4)

Offline Amechra

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 02:24:50 AM »
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

Offline bhu

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 02:07:39 AM »
Thoughts on what I can do to improve it?

Offline bhu

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2013, 12:16:10 AM »
For the reroll upgrades: would it be better to say that with the upgrade you can reroll as many dice as you want instead of 1 per upgrade?

Offline Garryl

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 01:37:08 AM »
To confirm, you roll N dice, and you have one success for each value of 5+ on the dice? So, for example, {5, 6, 3} would be 2 successes and 1 failure. Or do you take the sum of all the dice you rolled?

You're math is funky (and not in the good way). Luck phase comparing successes to failures means that you are most likely to get Woohoo! with exactly 1 Luck die, and most likely to get Oh Crap! with 5 dice. Even numbers of dice have the chance to provide no effect at all (lesser chances the more dice you have), but odd numbers of dice never will. However, this only matter for the player with the highest Speed, as nobody else ever gets the opportunity to generate effects on the Luck phase.

In fact, in any situation that compares your successes to failure, you average more by having fewer dice.

Simulations on
This shows your odds for success-failure, and for success-failure with a minimum of 0 (such as for Speed/Repair phase).

Offline bhu

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2013, 07:25:00 PM »
To confirm, you roll N dice, and you have one success for each value of 5+ on the dice? So, for example, {5, 6, 3} would be 2 successes and 1 failure.

That is correct. 

Any thoughts on what can be done with the Luck Phase?

Offline Amechra

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 08:16:22 PM »
I'm sorry, this is kinda silly, but...

Will there be a crossover expansion of this with Car Lesbians?
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

Offline bhu

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2013, 08:42:39 PM »
How did I not know this existed?  :twitch

Offline bhu

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Re: The Carburetor Gods Demand a Sacrifice
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 12:02:08 AM »
How about if i make luck a bonus instead of dice?  You roll 1d6 and add your Luck stat and if you meet a target DC you roll on the good table, if not you roll on the bad table.