Coure EladrinHD: d8
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Eladrin Body, Weapon Finesse, Freemagic, +2 Dex, -2 Str, +1 Cha |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Eladrin Soul, Alternate Form, Skyreach, Sacred Aegis, +1 Dex, +1 Cha |
Skill Points: 6 + Int Modifier (x4 at 1st level)
Skills : Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (the Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Coures are proficient in all simple weapons as well as daggers, crossbows and rapiers. They are proficient with light armor, but not shields.
Eladrin Body (Ex): A coure eladrin loses all other racial bonuses and gains outsider traits (essentially 60' darkvision), the chaotic subtype, the good subtype and the Eladrin subtype (but not any statistical benefits of the eladrin subtype, see Eladrin Soul below instead). She is a tiny outsider with a base speed of 20 feet and a reach of zero feet. A coure's heart is bigger than her stature and she counts as a small creature whenever it would be disadvantageous to her (resulting in her having tiny sized penalties to grapples and small sized benefits to armor class, attacks and hide checks). Those coures who live long enough to pick up some wisdom gain the full benefits of tiny size at 4th level (+2 Size bonus to attacks and armor class, +8 Size bonus to hide) A typical coure is 1'8" to 2' tall and weighs between 10 and 15 lbs.
Weapon Finesse (Ex): A Coure Eladrin gains weapon finesse as a bonus feat at first level, even if she doesn't meet the requirements.
Freemagic (Sla): A coure eladrin is itinerant and relies on her celestial magic to protect her and warn her of danger. A 1st level coure can cast detect evil and detect magic 3/day as well as dancing lights, faerie fire, magic missile and sleep once per day. Caster level equals HD. Save DCs are based on Charisma.
At 2nd level, she can use all her SLA's 3 times per day.
Alternatively, a coure may forgo the use of all spell like abilities to draw more deeply upon the power of arborea, and gain the ability to cast spells as a first level sorcerer or bard at 2nd level.
Additionally, Coures who take levels in a class that grants access to a familiar do not gain that benefit.
Ability Score increase (Ex): A Coure begins play with ability score adjustments of +2 to Dex, +1 Cha and -2 Strength. At 2nd level, she gains +1 Dex and +1 Cha.
Eladrin Soul(Ex): A second level coure gains resistance to electricity equal to her level, as well as a bonus on saves against petrification equal to her level. She gains resistance to cold and fire equal to half her level.
Alternate Form (Su): While regarded as the least of the eladrin, the flighty coures retain their larger kin's ability to shift into a primal form evocative of their true nature. At second level, a coure can shift into the form of a ball of brightly shining light as a standard action that gives off illumination as a torch. She is not strictly formless and still retains a physical body, but has a number of properties reminescant of a will o' wisp or lantern archon. First, she hovers about 2 inches off the ground at all times, being able to neither jump higher nor actually touch the surface, making her immune ot difficult terrain but unable to climb sheer walls. Secondly, she cannot wield any weapons and as per the rules of alternate form, all her equipment melds into her. She can cast spells that do not require somatic components but cannot otherwise use her spells or spell like abilities. She can change the illumination she gives off as a free action once per turn. Reducing the illumination to nothing grants her a +4 racial bonus on hide checks. While in alternate form, she has a +4 racial bonus on move silently checks. In all other respects this functions as the alternate form special ability.
At 4th level, she can instead fly at her speed and becomes more transient in her alternate form, gaining 50% miss chance against nonmagical attacks and 20% miss chance against magical attacks. Her bonuses to hide and move silently while in this form improve to +8.
At 9th level, she is fully abstract in this form, gaining all the benefits of the incorporeal type while in alternate form. She no longer makes any noise unless she so desires and can extinguish her light to render herself completely invisible. The benefits of the incorporeal subtype replace the miss chances listed previously.
Skyreach (Ex): A second level coure's wings are not strong enough to lift her into flight yet, but they can launch her towards the sky. She gains a +8 racial bonus on jump checks (for a total of +2 after including the penalty for slower movement speed) and can always choose to take 10 on a jump check, even when threatened or distracted.
At 4th level, a coure ascends to the skies, gaining a fly speed of 30' (poor). At 6th level this improves to 60' (perfect) thanks to long hours of practice.
Sacred Aegis: A second level coure is afforded the same protections as every other eladrin in the fight against evil, and is constantly guarded by a protection from evil effect with a caster level of her HD, as well as a comprehend languages effect with a caster level equal to her HD. At 7th level this improves to a magic circle against evil and tongues instead.
Ah, the coure, favourite familiar of exalted arcanists, pretty cute lil thing and as good at being a fairy as a pixie, only she's the right size category.
Handing out flight + incorporeal alternate form is pretty much impossible for a 2nd level adventurer so a lot of the coure's iconic abilities load in later. She can't turn invisible like a pixie can until level 9, and anyways can't fight effectively while invisible but has high dex and free weapon finesse as well as a jump bonus and tumble in class for those wanting to make a sneaky killer out of her.
I gave her lots of skill points since the flavor of a coure seems closer to the playful trickster than the Don Quixote other Eladrin fall towards.
This class feels kind of lacking to me actually, nothing about it really screams 'eladrin' compared to the Ghaele or Bralani. Probably because it's crammed into two levels. Any advice?
Useful feats you may not be aware of: Quick Change (to swap in and out of alternate form faster).
Notes: If using the Unearthed Arcana optional partial BAB rules, a Coure's BAB stacks as though it were rogue BAB.