Thx everyone for replying.
There is a mini update due to my personal research AND master's restrictions.
Restrictions are (as i've mentionated) starting lv 8 [27000gp / 28000xp]
and only
3 books over the 3 core books. That was
tough, but "When the going gets tough, the tough get going".
So i chose
Eberron Capaign Settings (obv, for artificer) as #2 i was guessing
FiendFolio for the Karoti discount,
that's a too huge bonus vs Magical Artisan from forgotten realms capign settings(sorry awaken dmgolem, what gold tricks are you talking about ? )Iron Man has the CLs + gold tricks, to build that armor
And i was tinking about the #3 ..
Unhearted Arcana for Item Familiar (xp bonus, skillpoints bonus, spell bonus, intelligent item before CL15 [@CL7]) and for using
Craft Points rules [lol: matter creation and spark giving tecniques for the ultimate demiurge]
Weapons of Legacy for some more silliness.
I'm talking about WoL 'cose as everyone knows pre-legacy item has the +1/4000mo market price restriction when founding one..
Conversely, magic items that carry more than minor power do not make suitable candidates for legacy items. Therefore, weapons and armor with a +2 or higher effective enhancement bonus cannot become legacy weapons, nor can other magic items whose market price is above 4,000 gp. Weapons and armor made of special materials that increase their market price are still viable candidate items, as long as their initial enhancement bonus is no more than +1.
But there isn't
any rule about interdiction for adding new powers later with normal crafting...
leaving the spell-effect things to core-only. What do you suggest?
Now talk about some
The Wight Thing: Master wants semi core-only? there is a nice trick to make XP cost obsolete: tame a wight as laboratory assistant
Step 1: Get level drained. This sets your XP exactly halfway between your current (pre-drained) level and your last level.
A character who loses a level instantly loses one Hit Die. The character’s base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and special class abilities are now reduced to the new, lower level. Likewise, the character loses any ability score gain, skill ranks, and any feat associated with the level (if applicable). If the exact ability score or skill ranks increased from a level now lost is unknown (or the player has forgotten), lose 1 point from the highest ability score or ranks from the highest-ranked skills. If a familiar or companion creature has abilities tied to a character who has lost a level, the creature’s abilities are adjusted to fit the character’s new level.
The victim’s experience point total is immediately set to the midpoint of the previous level.
Step 2: Burn all of your available XP making stuff.
Step 3: Get a restoration cast on you, removing the negative level and resetting your XP to the minimum for your original level.
Repeat as necessary. This does cost you 100gp per casting, but that's a pittance compared to what you'll be saving by making all of your own gear.
Obw it needs some artificer juice to fit my portable hole with Omunculi:
Collar of apprentice wight
Command Undead – Continuous [2x3x2000 x1/2] 6000gp
Bracelets of good undead
Halt Undead – Command W. 50 Char. [2x3x1800 x1/2 ] 5400gp
Imbue one to embue them all - aka: reducing "Multiple different abilities" cost increase Cost increase for adding properties/build object with different abilities is x1.5 ... stacking about 25 differetn enchatments with 1.5 cost increase was to expensive... Then arrived a flash of inspiration: by DND rules, body has 12 slots and Full plate cover all of them (rings exluded, btw) so i can apply "Multiple different abilities -
Multiply lower item cost by 1.5" 12 time having the 12 most expensive enchantment not multiplied and charge items separated for replacing without spending x1.5 cost to add a new property.
Finally enchatments. Core only i couldn't find something better, if you know, please tell me
Weaponry - Ready to get Quikened
Missiles - M. Missile Empowered – 50 Charges [2+1x8x750] 18000gp
Unibeam - Lightning Bolt Empowered – 50 Charges 3/d [2+3x8x750 x3/5] 18000gp
Repulsor - Sorching Ray Empowered – 50 Charges [2+2x7x750] 21000gp
Static Charge - Invoke Lightning – Command Word 2/d [3x5x1800 x2/5] 10800gp
ECM - Dispel Magic - 50 Charges 3/d [3x8x750 x 3/5] 10800gp
Combat Exoskeleton - Divine Power – 50 Charges 3/d [4x7x750 x3/5] 12600gp
ShieldingHardned Shield - Magic Immunity [Dispel Magic] – 50 Charges 3/d [4x8x750] 14400gp
Repulsor field - Magic Resistance 50 Charges 3/d [4x7x750 x3/5] 12600gp
Shield – Continuous [1x1x2000 x2] 4000gp
Entropic Shield – Continuous [1x1x2000 x2] 4000gp
Shield of Faith – Continuous [1x1x2000 x2] 4000gp
Resistence – Continuous [1/2x1x2000] 1000gp
SoftwareAnti Thief - Sleep Symbol – Command Word 1/d [5x9x1800 x 1/5] 16200gp
Allarm – Command Word [1x1x1800] 1800gp
iFind my Owner - Localize Creature – Command Word 1/d [4x7x1800 x1/5] 10000gp
iCame to my Owner - Teleport – Command Word 1/d [5x9x1800 x2/5] 8100gp
Cloak Nanosuit - Invisibility – Command Word 3/d [2x3x1800 3/5] 6480gp
Alter Self – Continuous [1x1x2000 x2] 4000gp
Agumented Reality - True Seeing – Command Word 1/d [5x9x1800 x2/5] 8100gp
Detect thoughts – Command Word 2/d [2x3x1800 x2/5] 4350gp
See invisibility – Command Word 2/d [2x3x1800 x2/5] 4350gp
Detect Magic – Continuous [1/2x1x2000 x2] 2000gp
HardwareLife Support - Restoration – Command Word 1/d [4x7x1800 x 1/5 + 50x100gp] 15080gp
Restoration, Lesser – Command Word [2x3x1800] 10800gp
Cure Light Wounds – Command Word [1x1x1800] 1800gp
Underwater System - Breathe Underwater – Command Word 1/d [3x5x1800 x 1/5] 5400gp
Self Propulsion - Fly – Command Word 2/d [3x5x1800 x2/5] 11200gp
Expeditous Retreat – Continuous [1x1x2000 x2] 4000gp
Unseen Servant – Continuous [1x1x2000] 2000gp
Fancy Arc Reactor Light - Light – Continuous [1/2x1x2000] 1000gp