Author Topic: Armored Spellcaster advice?  (Read 8085 times)

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2013, 02:17:53 PM »
Knowledge Devotion is a bit niche if you don't have skill points to spread around to the various knowledge skills, but the biggest thing about it is you'll always get at least a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.  In short, it blows both Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization out of the water (since +1 accuracy can be turned into +2 or more damage through PA).  Just get one rank in every Knowledge skill and you're good to go.

And yes, armor spikes are weapons you can use a duskblade's abilities though.  Since they're a light weapon though, you can't Power Attack with them.

Improved familiars can be within one step on each axis of a character's alignment.  A Neutral wizard could have a LE imp as a familiar, or a familiar of any other alignment since all are within one step of each axis from Neutral.  Your LN character could have anything but a CG, CN, or CE familiar.

Offline Endarire

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2013, 07:47:50 PM »
How complicated is complicated?  A Duskblade is downright simple compared to the full plethora of options available to you.  If you want something more powerful and more complicated than a straight Duskblade, a Wizard5/Crusader1/Jade Phoenix MageX/Abjurant ChampionY is handy.  Get a Spell Storing weapon and you're set!

If you're a fan of having wings and want something like a Fey'ri without the LA, consider Fire Elf with the Dragonborn template.

As for the complexities of Wizard spells, snuggle up with Treantmonk.  He broke down a lot of the complexities of being a Wizard.  In short, rely on Conjuration and Transmutation spells and pick other spells to taste.

Regarding gear, see Shax's Indispensible Haversack and Bunko's Bargain Basement.

If you want to cast your spells spontaneously, consider the feat Uncanny Forethought and the Spontaneous Wizard Guide.

If carrying a spellbook is a problem, consider the Easy Bake Wizard.

Kaiph: What's your current build in terms of classes, races, templates, feats, and gear?  What other questions have you?
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 08:03:28 PM by Endarire »

Offline Kaiph

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2013, 08:30:45 PM »
Duskblade IS super simple - that's why I like it! =) I think as time goes on I may ease into stuff that totally makes me a god (as that guide puts it) but right now, I really don't mind being an intimidating enforcer-type attack dog sent to beat the stuffing out of enemies. Our group does a LOT of roleplaying, to the point that we often have nights which last 4+ hours without a single instance of combat, so I don't mind not being the BEST gish in the world (I don't think I ever said I wanted the most optimized build/character, just one that wouldn't become useless like my last fighter), because who my character IS will be just as important.

Which is why I would like to play a fey'ri - if you didn't see my earlier post, I cleared the LA adjustment with my DM by taking the "lesser planetouched" option in the Player's Guide to Faerun. The super short and simple story is that fey'ri are bad (like, super bad) but kind of like Revan from Knights of the Old Republic, my character got brainwashed into becoming a weapon against her own kind. She's an adjudicator and attack dog that the organization controlling her sends into the field when someone basically needs to be taught a lesson. Flavor is pretty much as important as (if not moreso than) combat effectiveness.

My CURRENT build (which is to say the one I created before this thread) is Fighter 2/Duskblade 18. Here are my stats again, so you don't have to flip back a page:

16 STR / 19 DEX / 13 CON / 19 INT / 14 WIS / 13 CHA

In my DM's version of FR, you get one free regional/racial feat; I chose Enervative Healing, since she gets enervation 1/day from being a fey'ri and as a 4th-level spell from being Duskblade. My other two starting feats are Power Attack and Weapon Finesse - I chose Power Attack because smashy-smashy, and Weapon Finesse because my weapon (an elven courtblade) is basically a greatsword that crits on 18-20 and can be Finesse'd.

No templates, no other special gear. Down the line I'd like to get some mithral full plate (since it counts as medium and Duskblade makes it so that there's no spell failure while wearing medium armor) with armor spikes, as suggested earlier, so that I could threaten in a 5' range (assuming I change to a reach weapon to take advantage of that full channeling at level 13 Duskblade).

The fact that fey'ri have wings is something I thought more people would be leaping at to take advantage of - Leap Attack combined with Flyby and Greater Flyby seemed pretty good in my mind, but maybe I'm not thinking of how they'd work in battle correctly? I think it would be cool (though I understand if the rules don't allow it) to be able to leap at an enemy, use my wings to get over any enemies in the way, and ram into them so hard with my weapon that it not only damages them, but knocks them down, and I could take any subsequent turns slashing the crap out of them as they try to get away or back up on their feet, my damage imbued with spells.

Maybe I just want too much? XD

Offline linklord231

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2013, 08:43:02 PM »
What do you need the fighter levels for? 

You might consider a Duskblade-based Hood.  The basic strategy is Power Attack + Leap Attack + Battle Jump + Pounce (via Barbarian) + a few other things in order to turn your enemies into paste.  Dive bomb your opponent, Power Attack, and benefit from lots of stacking charge multipliers to do thousands of damage per round (you can lessen the damage if you feel like it's "too much" by taking fewer feats that stack charge multipliers). 

Since your group doesn't emphasize combat so much, don't forget to make yourself useful out of combat - either through skill points, utility spells, or whatever.  There's nothing worse than sitting out almost an entire game session because your character can't meaningfully contribute to a social interaction.
I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

Offline Kaiph

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2013, 01:32:45 PM »
Keep in mind this is the build I had BEFORE I visited Min/Max, so it's pretty unoptimized. That being said, the reason for the two-level Fighter dip was that losing two levels of Duskblade doesn't really hurt - you lose a 1 extra quick cast and a few spells per day, but Duskblades already get a ridiculous number of them - and it gave me bonus feats so I could get things like Weapon Finesse AND Power Attack (since my character currently wields a courtblade) early on.

Also, damage in the THOUSANDS? Really? Or are you just trying to make the build sound super cool? =P

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2013, 01:34:48 PM »
Damage in the thousands is entirely possible.  Take a look at

That one almost gets to 6,000 average damage before factoring in crits and such.  I believe the best-optimized build for damage is in the 9k to 10k range.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:44:22 PM by Jackinthegreen »

Offline Endarire

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2013, 07:25:06 PM »
One-shotting or one-rounding anything officially printed is quite possible with an optimal L20 Hood, or even before then!  See here for details and read the Attack Math section.

Offline Kaiph

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2013, 02:58:46 PM »
Here's a question: Do people think it would be a good combo to take Flyby Attack and Great Flyby Attack? Combined with my full channeling at level 13 of Duskblade, plus my character's high DEX, that would mean I could attack up to five separate targets and tag each of them with a spell channeled through my weapon, right?

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2013, 06:21:14 PM »
I'm not sure if it's possible to use the duskblade's channeling with Greater FBA.  The reason being is the channeling specifies a full attack action, but GFBA is its own full round action, so you can't use both at the same time.

Offline NunoM

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2013, 07:35:03 PM »
You could probably benefit from a weapon with the "Whirling" (basically, "Whirlwind Attack" in a +1) ability. You're already using a slashing weapon, so it's only a matter of placing yourself properly in the battlefield (Duskblade has spells for that) and unleash hell! This CAN be freely used with the full-attack channeling of the Duskblade.

Referring to a few posts back, Duskblade has all the Knowledge skills available, so it fits very nicely with Knowledge Devotion. A few ranks in these skills, along with a good INT score, can easily give you an average of +2 or even +3 bonus to attack and damage, to both the weapon attacks/damage AND the damage of channeled spells. Even more, if your DM allows it, you can boost a single check by +5/encounter, with the skill trick "Collector of Stories" from "Complete Scoundrel".

I'm currently playing a Duskblade, focused on battlefield movement and flanking. Using a two-handed reach weapon gives me excellent chances to use my "Combat Reflexes" feat; and i found that feats like "Vexing Flanker" and "Adaptable Flanker" help me convert each bonus to attack into double damage with Power Attack... That kicks a lot of butt! Even further: the weapon damage bonus from "Knowledge Devotion" also multiplies when the crits hit!

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2013, 08:13:12 PM »
Psi has a simple build:
Human or Azuran
raw Ardent 4
any +1 BAB class 2
any of: Slayer 9 or 10 ... Sanctified Mind 6 ... whatever that +1 PrC in Cpsi but just up to 4
Practiced Manifester feat

+19 BAB and 20 MLs, ~near full Ardent festing.
Assumes max use of Substitute Powers.
Not quite in the ballpark of the best Arcane or Divine Gish, unless recharge.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline zugschef

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2013, 08:28:16 PM »
What's Mystic Ranger from? I've never heard of it.
look at my sig.

Offline Demelain

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2013, 10:52:34 AM »
If you're going with primarily Dex, the Sword of Graceful Striking from the Arms and Equipment Guide p120 lets you replace STR with DEX for all melee damage calculations. It reverse engineers to either +1 or +2, depending on how you want to compare the disarm ability to the MiC Disarming (+2).
I'd suggest pricing it at +1, as it's not particularly over-powering and is more concept-enabling.

If you use an Elven Courtblade (Races of the Wild), you have a finessable two-handed weapon that lets you use DEX instead of STR. Meaning you get 1.5 DEX to damage.

Offline Kaiph

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2013, 09:46:13 PM »
@NunoM Where do you see "Whirling"? I'm having trouble finding that in any SRD materials or books I know of.

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Armored Spellcaster advice?
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2013, 02:34:21 PM »
The Whirling enhancement is in the Magic Item Compendium, page 46.