The DDO Artificer Remove: All crafted related abilities, such as Craft Feats and the Craft Reserve with all the abilities pertaining to it.
Retain: Infusions, Craft Homunculus, Disable Trap, Bonus Feats.
Gain: Runearms, Battle Engineer, Repair Spells work on you at 1/2 rate (if non-construct).
RunearmYou can create and use a Runearm. Equipping this item limits usage of one of your hands but does not fully prevent it's use. Your hand cannot hold items or attack with weapons but it can be used to ready components for spells or disable traps. This creation draws off your magical abilities can cannot be used by anyone else. Once per round you can fire a Runearm at your opponents. The type of shot wildly varies based on the exact Runearm. The Save DCs (if any) are 10 + your Intelligence Modifier + the arm's charge level (see below). Additionally the magical field of energy produced by the Runearms imbue your melee, ranged, and natural attacks so they deal additional energy damage.
At the start of your turn you can start charging up, this in turn consumes an action based on the amount of time spent charging it. The longer the action, the higher the charge. You cannot charge the arm and forgo firing it, it will enter a cooling stage that disperses the charge preventing it from exploding on your arm if you attempt to with hold firing it to charge it even higher.
I: Uses a Swift Action and deals 1 point per two Artificer levels (minimum 1).
II: Uses a Move Action and deals 1d4 points per two Artificer levels.
III: Uses a Standard Action and deals 1d6 points per two Artificer levels.
IV: Uses a Full-Round Action and deals 1d8 points per two Artificer levels.
V: Uses a 1 Round Action, firing at the start of your next turn, it deals 1d12 points per two Artificer levels.The type of shot varies based on the Runearm it's self (see below), at the 1st, 4th, even every four levels beyond that you can create a new Runearm. While you can own any number of arms only one can be equipped at any given time.
Flame Warden (5ft line of fire, reflex halves)
Equipping this Runearm gives you Fire Resistance 5, your weapons deal +1 Fire damage.
Corruption of Nature (two standard shots, fort halves)
Equipping this Runearm gives you a +2 Insight bonus to Intelligence, your weapons deal +1d10 Acid damage, and any effect you create that deals Acid damage deals +1 per die, this includes Runearm Shots and elemental damage your weapons deal.
Battle EngineerAt the 1st level you learn to work around your Runearm's limitations, this allows you to reload it and use the reloading lever normally. At the 3rd level level any weapon you wield gains a stacking +1 Enhancement bonus. At the 6th level once per Encounter you can perform an Endless Fusillade, for one round your cross bow is treated as having the Splitting Enhancement. At the 10th level the stacking Enhancement bonus improves to +2.