Symbiont | GP Equivalent
Angel Claw|8,000 Breed Leech|2,000 Carapace Shell|1000 Cladonil|8,000 Control Slug|8,000 Clockwork Herald|2,000 Crawling Gauntlet|2,000 Detection Worm|2,000 Dockman|4,000 Eldritch Claw|15,000 Flame Glove|2,000 Heart Scarab|10,000 Hulk Skin|No gp value* Jade Sludge|2,000 Keratin Sage|6,000 Perception Tentacle|2,000 Restless Armor|500 Shadow Sibling|8,000 Skewer Ant|750 Sob Sister|6,000 Spellfilter Claw|8,000 Spellknight|15,000 Spellwurm|8,000 Skull Mantle|15,000 Sky Scourge|15,000 Stormstalk|4,000 Swiftjerkers|10,000 Tentacle Whip|8,000 Tongueworm|25,000 Throwing Scarab|1,000 Winter Cyst|4,000
* Minor Artifact level Symbiont
Angel Claw Angel claw is a creature that resembles skinless arms and shoulders. The overly large “shoulder blades” that give to the “angel” portion of this symbiont name, each have two deep purple eyes that scan about seeking a suitable host. When attached to a host, it effectively hugs the host with its tri-clawed feet reaching out beyond the hands of its mount. Angel Claw CR 1 XP 100 Chaotic Good Small Aberration (symbiont) Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, Touch 15, flatfooted 12; (+4 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural) hp 5 (1d8+1) Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 Claws +5 (2d4) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10, Ego 4 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 13 Feats Improved Natural Attack (Claws), Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +6, Stealth +8 Languages Capable of speech, usually speaks Elven
Host Benefits
The host gains two natural claw attacks that deal 2d4 damage each. Damage from angel claws are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d3 Dexterity, 1d2 Strength Body Slot: Hands
Environment forest or underground Organization hive (30-50) Treasure none
The angel claws are an elven creation from a war lost to time. When the battleground that saw their use was swallowed into the earth, most angel claws found hibernation to be the best option to wait out the centuries. Whether they were found and brought back, or found their own way back to the surface is unknown. They have since found pleasant cohabitation with elves to help them climb trees, as tools of war, or as defenders of certain locations. A hive of angel claws close their “arms” inward and cling to the base of a tree, giving the tree a white bone-like visage. When alerted, the white tree comes alive with hundreds of purple specks as the angel claws assess the threat.
Breed Leech An eyeless black slug pulls itself forward, its tri-mandibled mouth clacking and grasping, seeking to attach itself to living flesh. Breed Leech CR 1/2 XP 50 Neutral Tiny Aberration (symbiont) Init +2; Senses blindsight 60 ft., Perception +3
AC 15, Touch 14, flatfooted 13; (+2 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 20 ft. Melee Bite +4 (1d3-2) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 10, Ego 2 Base Atk +0; CMB -4; CMD 14 Feats Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +3, Stealth +10 Languages Usually Aklo
Host Benefits
Bolster Body (Ex): While a breed leech is attached to a creature, the host is flooded with bolstering chemicals. The supercharged host gains 5 bonus hit points per day (which replace any leftover bonus hit points granted by the breed leech on the previous day) and a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d2 Constitution Body Slot: n/a
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
Breed leeches are an extraordinary turn in symbiont evolution. Instilled in each leech is an infection that changes a regular pregnancy if allowed to run its course. The resulting child is born a symbiont half-blood. The breed leech attaches with its tri-mandibled mouth, usually on the back of the upper arm, the shoulder, or the lower leg. As such, it is not usually visible on creatures that wear clothing.
Carapace Shell Moving with a clattering sound, the misshapen crab-like creature amble about seeking sustenance or a host. Much larger than the restless armor, this evolutionary throwback seems to precede the restless armor. Stronger, larger, but not intelligent, the carapace shell is sometimes thought to be a better symbiont than the restless armor. Carapace Shell CR 1 XP 100 Neutral Small Aberration (symbiont) Init +1; Senses Perception +7
AC 18, Touch 12, flatfooted 17; (+1 Dex, +1 size, +6 natural) hp 8 (1d8+4) Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 20 ft. Melee Bite +1 (1d4) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6, Ego 3 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10 Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple Skills Perception +7, Stealth +5 Languages Usually Aklo
Host Benefits
The host gains a +5 armor bonus. A carapace shell has a -4 armor check penalty, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. The host is treated as wearing medium armor. There is no penalty for sleeping in the symbiont. It can be enchanted as regular armor but costs 1.5 times the normal price.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d4 Strength Body Slot: Armor
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
Carapace shells are in every way physically like a restless armor except in mass, color of its eye, and natural armor shape. The shell only has upwards of 30 or so chitinous plates versus the restless armor’s roughly 300; the shell’s plates are larger and thicker however. The shell has a blue eye and is covered by a single plate, as opposed to the series of smaller plates covering the restless armor’s red eye.
Cladonil The leafy fronds of this plant sway with the wind, but sometimes when one is paying close attention, they can see the foliage moved of its own accord. Cladonil CR 1/10 XP 10 Neutral Good Diminutive Plant (symbiont) Init +0; Senses blindsense 20 ft., Perception +2
AC 14, Touch 14, flatfooted 14; (+4 size) hp 2 (1d4) Fort -1, Ref 0, Will 0
Speed 5 ft., climb 10 ft. Melee n/a Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 10, Ego 5 Base Atk 0; CMB -9; CMD 1 Feats Alertness Skills Stealth +16 (+36 in natural terrain) Languages Usually Elven
Special Abilities
Barkskin (Su): This functions exactly like the druid spell of the same name. 1/day, CL 9.
Natural Appearance (Ex): A cladonil has a +20 bonus on Stealth checks in natural terrain due to a mundane plant appearance.
Host Benefits
Bolstered Body (Ex): The cladonil’s fronds can move with the muscles of the host and give him strength. The cladonil gives the host a constant +2 enhancement bonus to his Strength score while attached.
The host enjoys a +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks when in natural terrain. The host may also command the cladonil to use the barkskin ability on the host.
Symbiosis Cost: 1 Constitution, 1 Strength Body Slot: Belts
Environment forest Organization solitary or patch (5-30) Treasure none
The patches of lichen sit on the surface of the host's body, soaking as much sunlight as possible. When in need, the leafy protuberances lay flat along the host's body and move with him, giving off the smell of fresh cut grass with every move. Cladonil have no natural forms of attack, and as such seek out hosts to bear them and provide protection. When in their monthly mating season, several cladonil wrap around each other and within days a clutch of 3-5 eggs are formed.
Control Slug This small bruise-violet slug resembles a manta ray. It writhes when agitated and produces a sound not unlike a rattlesnake before leaping into the air and screeching with an unearthly cry. Control Slug CR 1 XP 100 Chaotic Neutral Tiny Aberration (symbiont) Init +6; Senses , Perception +3
AC 15, Touch 14, flatfooted 13; (+2 Dex, +4 size, +1 natural) hp 4 (1d8) Fort 0, Ref +0, Will +1
Speed 10 ft. Melee Bite +4 (1d2-2 plus poison) Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 15, Ego 7 Base Atk +2; CMB -4; CMD 5 Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +27 (+30 racial bonus), Stealth +9 Languages Usually Aklo
Special Abilities
Poison (Ex): The control slug deals poison damage upon hitting with a bite attack. Initial damage stuns the victim for 1 round, secondary damage is none. DC to negate is Fortitude 11.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): (DC 12+ spell level) charm person 3/day, dominate person 1/day. These abilities are supressed when attached to a host.
Host Benefits
The host is able to make use of the control slug's charm person spell-like ability once per day using his own or the control slug's Charisma modifier to determine save DC (whichever is better).
Symbiosis Cost: 1d3 Constitution Body Slot: Belts
Environment shorelines and city sewers Organization solitary or pod (2-5) Treasure none
A control slug hides on the small of the host's back, digging under-side teeth and tail appendage into the host's spine for nourishment and to link to its host's nervous system. When mating during their yearly mating cycle, swarms of male control slugs writhe in a ball around one female. The mating ball lasts until the first egg is spawned, signaling the dispersal of the males. A female control slug will normally have 5-6 eggs.
Clockwork Herald The small workings of this symbiont almost seem mechanical. To the distant eye it appears to be a hummingbird save for the clear lens that functions as its torso. The creature sinks one wing into the flesh of the forehead with the lens covering an eye while the second wing covers the nearby ear. Clockwork Herald CR 1/2 XP 50 Lawful Evil Diminutive Aberration (symbiont) Init +7; Senses darkvision 90ft, eagle senses; Perception +4
AC 19, Touch 17, flatfooted 16; (+3 Dex, +4 size, +2 natural) hp 5 (1d10) Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 20 ft., fly 100ft. (perfect) Melee Bite +7 (1d3-2) Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 6, Ego 7 Base Atk +0; CMB -6; CMD 9 Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse Skills Stealth +18 Languages The clockwork herald usually speaks Aklo but can learn one additional language (except secret languages) that it’s host can communicate with.
Special Abilities
Solar Focus (Sp): When threatened during a clear and sunny day, a group of at least 10 of these tiny flyers will focus the rays of the sun into a painful beam in efforts to drive away attackers. As a full-round action, at least ten clockwork heralds arrange in a fractal formation and deal 10 points of fire damage to a target within 50 feet (DC 10 Reflex save for half damage). Each additional herald in the array adds one point of fire damage and +1 to the save DC. No herald may use this ability more than once within 10 rounds.
Host Benefits
Eagles Senses (Ex): The clockwork herald enhances hearing and sight. The herald provides a circumstance bonus of +2 on Perception checks to the host.
Instant Recognition (Su): While wearing the herald, the host can record a person’s defining factors (i.e. features, voice, body build/stance, etc.) and ass it to the herald’s memory. Memorizing the person has the following requirements; the host must be within 30 feet of the person, the herald must be able to see and hear the person, the host and person must not be attacking or threatened. There are a total of 10 personnel slots available in the herald’s memory. A 10 word note can be added with each person. Each person viewed through the herald that is within its memory glows a bright orange. Bluffing the herald requires a DC 35 Disguise check.
Message Receiver (Su): This function allows the message spell to be received by the Herald from any distance, unless the sender and host aren't on the same plane or one is in an extra-dimensional space. The message is only heard by the host, then can be recorded and saved by the herald at the request of the host; a total of 5 messages can be stored at any time. The Herald can play any of the stored messages at the request of the host. The sender must add themselves to the clockwork herald's memory to use this function.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d2 Wisdom Body Slot: Eyes (partial)
Environment any Organization solitary, flock (20-50) Treasure none
The clockwork herald is simply an evolution to blend in with the changing of times.
Crawling Gauntlet A reddish blot spiders forward on five legs. As it scampers closer, its shape resolves into palm, fingers, and trailing forearm—the creature is a disembodied hand, grasping its way forward, eager to clutch and choke. A resinous crust covers the gauntlet, giving it an even more ominous appearance.Crawling Gauntlet CR 1XP 100Lawful Neutral Tiny Aberration (symbiont) Init +8; Senses Perception +3 DefensesAC 17, Touch 16, flatfooted 13; (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 OffensesSpeed 20 ft. Melee Claw +6 (1d4-2 plus strangle) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. StatisticsStr 6, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 10, Ego 3 Base Atk +0; CMB -5; CMD 9 Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +3, Stealth +12 Languages Usually Aklo Host BenefitsA creature with an attached crawling gauntlet gains a natural claw attack. The damage dealt by this claw attack depends on the creature’s size, as indicated below. Size|Claw Damage Small|1d4 Medium|1d6 Large|1d8 Huge|2d6 Gargantuan|2d8 Colossal|2d12 Symbiosis Cost: 1d2 Constitution Body Slot: Hands (partial)
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
The crawling gauntlet was the first symbiont to bond with man-kind. The gauntlet allowed early man-kind to defend itself against other predators within the world that were naturally armed. Once man-kind developed tools and weapons, the crawling gauntlets became more of status symbols and family heirlooms. |
Detection Worm This abnormally large slugs pulse various colors randomly and have human-like teeth sprouting from their back. These teeth are placed over the eye socket of a host and sink deep into the bone to cover the eye; it then sends hair sized filaments into the host’s brain. The two ends of the worm whisk back and forth scanning at the host’s request, flailing about when they sense an aberration near. Detection Worm CR 1/2 XP 50 Lawful Neutral Diminutive Aberration (symbiont) Init +1; Senses Perception +7
AC 15, Touch 15, flatfooted 14; (+1 Dex, +4 size) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +5
Speed 10 ft. Melee Bite +5 (1d2-5) Space 1-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 16, Cha 2, Ego 6 Base Atk 0; CMB -1; CMD 11 Feats Stealthy, Weapon Finesse Skills Stealth +18 Languages Usually Aklo
Special Abilities
Detect Aberrations (Su): The detection worm is always considered to have detect aberrations spell active. It functions as normal and at 1st caster level.
Detection Net (Su): Detection worms can sense the results of other detection worms’ detect aberrations ability as long as the effect overlaps by 5 feet or more. For example, the first worm has a detection range of thirty feet. If a second worm’s field overlaps the first worm’s field by 5 feet, they can both sense each other’s entire field. If a third worm’s field enters the field of the second worm opposite from the first worm, all three worms can sense each other’s fields. For each detection worm that is a part of the detecting net, the caster level of the effect is increased by 1 up to a maximum of 20th caster level. More worms can be a part of the net, but the caster level never increases beyond 20. This ability is suppressed when the worm is attached to a host.
Host Benefits
Detect Aberrations (Su): The detection worm is always considered to have detect aberrations spell active. It functions as normal and at a caster level equal to the host’s character level plus 1.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d3 Wisdom Body Slot: Eyes (partial)
Environment underground Organization nest (10-20) Treasure none
Detection worms are very small, almost unnoticeable, naturally occurring symbiont that breed true. They have the ability to know where other aberrations hide, usually ferreting them out despite any wards or protections they may have.
Dockman The massively burly figure, scarcely humanoid, lurches about on a heavy frame. Its meaty three fingered hand can easily engulf a human boy. The pink polyps protruding from its chest squirm when danger is about. A dockman encloses most of the host’s body, including legs, arms, and parts of the chest. Dockman CR 1 XP 100 Neutral Large Plant (symbiont) Init -1; Senses Perception +9
AC 15, Touch 8, flatfooted 15; (-1 Dex, -1 size, +7 Natural) hp 42 (7d8+14) Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 10 ft. Melee N/A Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Str 26, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 11, Ego 4 Base Atk 4; CMB +13; CMD 22 Feats Great Fortitude, Endurance Skills Acrobatics +18 (for jumping) Languages Usually Common
Special Abilities
Crush (Ex): If a dockman is holding a small sized or smaller object, it can, as a full-round action, deal 4d8 plus two times his Strength modifier in damage to the object and ignores hardness 19 or less.
Muscled Jump (Ex): The dockman covers abnormal distance when leaping. The dockman is always considered to have a running start and distance traveled horizontally is calculated on a 2:1 scale (for example, if the jump check result was 32 the dockman travels 64 feet forward). Distance travelled vertically is always calculated on a 1:1 scale. His travel distance from jumping is not limited by his base move speed. He also gains an untyped +10 bonus to Acrobatics checks for jumping and uses his Strength modifier instead of Dexterity when using Acrobatics to jump.
Photosynthetic (Ex): The dockman obtains all its nutrients from the sun and water. Four hours a day in direct or part sunlight, and 10 gallons of fresh or salt water each week give the dockman all it needs for sustenance when not attached to a host.
Strong Back (Su): A dockman can, once per day, increase its own or it’s host’s Strength score by +10. This ability lasts until the start of a round after the dockman moves more than ten feet.
Host Benefits
Massive Frame: A creature with an attached dockman gains a +4 natural armor bonus, becomes a large sized creature, and gains the use of the dockman’s Strength score or a +8 bonus to Strength, whichever is higher. The host’s base movement speed drops to 10 feet and is treated as though he or she were wearing heavy armor with an armor check penalty of -10 for the purposes of movement (except when using the Jump or Climb skill). The host may make use of the dockman’s crush, strong back, and muscled jump abilities. A host wearing a dockman cannot use weapons or make attacks.
Symbiosis Cost: 1 Constitution Body Slot: n/a (full body minus head, but does not take up an item slot)
Environment jungles naturally Organization pods (3-6) Treasure none
Dockmen aren't men, and unlike most plant creatures, are hermaphroditic. They are workhorse symbiont, and are very simple minded creatures, almost incapable of even forming coherent thoughts to communicate to their hosts. From the center of its chest protrudes several hundred tiny pink polyps that turn bright red when it senses danger. When not attached to a host it simply becomes limp (normally falling from the trees that it calls home) in hopes danger will simply pass by. When attached to a host, it can be compelled to continue to move but will never make attacks. These symbiont bud sapling dockmen from the polyps on their chest once every 10 years in group of 20 or thirty. After six months, the now human head sized saplings fall from the “parent” dockman and must survive on their own. Normally the “parent” dockman is in its treetop habitat when the saplings fall. Most saplings that don’t attached to a branch fall prey to natural predators or are gathered up to be sold.
Eldritch Claw This black and tan cuttlefish possesses a mantle not unlike a carapaced human hand, one eye glowing with purple eldritch energy, and a mass of waving tentacles on its underbelly. Eldritch Claw CR 1 XP 100 Chaotic Neutral Tiny Aberration (symbiont) Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, Touch 16, flatfooted 13; (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 20 ft. Melee Claw +6 (1d3-2) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 7, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14, Ego 6 Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 16 Feats Sudden Empower Spell-like Ability, Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +4, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (the planes) +4, Stealth +16 Languages Usually Common
Special Abilities
Eldritch Blast (Sp): An eldritch claw can project a beam of arcane energy as a standard action at will. It has a range of 60 feet and on a successful ranged touch attack, the eldritch blast causes 2d6 points of damage.
Host Benefits
A creature with an attached eldritch claw gains access to the symbiont's sudden empower spell-like ability feat, which can be used normally as if the host had the feat. In addition, the host can use the eldritch blast of the eldritch claw, but the damage it deals is only 1d6. The host also gains a claw attack that deal damage as a crawling gauntlet plus 1 point of arcane damage. Additionally, the host can channel a touch or ray spell into the eldritch blast, a target hit by the eldritch blast is also affected by the channeled spell.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d3 Constitution, 1d4 mental ability scores Body Slot: Hands (partial)
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
Eldritch claws are rare, magical symbiont that bond with spellcasters giving them greater versatility with their spells. They tend to keep to themselves, but are often pressed into service for sorcerers or wizards, and are used as a method to pass around the secrets of manipulating and filtering magic, and as an unlimited use offensive tool. Eldritch claws attach themselves to the hand and forearm of their host.
Flame Glove A small clearing in the grasslands sometimes has what appears to be 10-20 severed and gruesome looking forearms just lying about. When a hapless animal stumbles upon them, they begin pulsing with an inner flame and come alive to swarm on the victim, tearing it and then searing the flesh before consuming it. The aftermath of a flame glove feeding looks like a small massacre. Flame Glove CR 1 XP 100 Usually Choatic Neutral Tiny Aberration (symbiont, fire) Init +3; Senses , Perception +3
AC 17, Touch 16, flatfooted 13; (+4 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural) hp 6 (1d8+2) Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 20 ft. Melee Claw +4 (1d6+1 fire) Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12, Ego 6 Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 12 Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +3, Stealth +12 Languages Usually Ignan and Common
Special Abilities
Flame Gout (Su): Once every other round, a flame glove can make a ranged touch attack that deals 2d4 points of fire damage to any one target within 30 ft. The flame glove loses this ability when attached to a host.
Host Benefits
The host gains the use of the flame glove as a natural claw attack that deals 1d6 points of damage plus 1 point of fire damage. Attacks made with the claw are considered magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, once every 1d4 rounds, the host may make a ranged touch attack that deals 2d4 points of fire damage to any one target within 30 ft.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d3 Wisdom Body Slot: Hands (partial)
Environment grassy plains, volcanic areas Organization solitary or group (10-20) Treasure none
Flame gloves attach to hosts by sinking tendrils into the host's forearm after sheathing the forearm with their bodies. Flame gloves are actually crawling gauntlets that have evolved from being exposed to high temperatures while in their egg form. Many leave volcanic areas in search of a better choice of feeding options.
Heart Scarab This small scarab looks like a piece of jewelry until its legs twitch to life revealing its true nature, its carapace shines with a slick viscous layer making it glisten like a polished agate. A pair of razor sharp mandibles fold out from its head. From its underside a set of arms held close to its body unfold into two small arms each tipped with strangely shaped hands. Heart Scarab CR 1 XP 100 Lawful Good Fine Aberration (symbiont) Init +1; Senses tremorsense 60 ft., Perception +5
AC 22, Touch 19, flatfooted 21; (+1 Dex, +8 size, +3 natural) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 20 ft., Burrow (10 ft.) Melee Bite +1 (1d4-4 plus 1d6 electric) Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6, Ego 9 Base Atk +0; CMB -12; CMD -1 Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +5, Stealth +17 Languages Usually Celestial
Special Abilities
Flesh Burrow (Ex): A heart scarab may burrow through the bodies of creatures which are either dead, helpless, or willing at a speed in inches equal to its burrow speed. Burrowing through flesh cause no damage to the creature's body due to the healing mucus that the beetle secretes.
Electric Damage (Ex): When it bites, or is hit by a melee attack, the heart scarab can send a jolt of electricity through the subject dealing 1d6 damage.
Host Benefits
Channel Electricity (Ex): The heart scarab's ability to send a current through the body of its host allows it to channel electricity it into the flesh of the host. When the host wields a metal weapon or uses a natural attack, he deals an extra 1d4 electric damage. This deals 1 point of non-lethal damage to the host each use. The host may communicate to the heart scarab as an immediate action to activate or deactivate this ability.
Jump-start (Ex): As a free action once per round when the host dies, the heart scarab may use its electric effect to keep the host barely alive. This effect leaves the host stabilized at -9 hit points.
Reverse Flesh Heal (Su): Heart scarabs can move freely through the host when the host is relaxed (helpless or unconscious) by detaching its legs from its body. The scarab maintains connection to the host by extremely long tendrils of nerves in its legs. At that time the heart scarab can relocate pieces of the host's body to seal and heal certain wounds. As a full-round action, the heart scarab heals 1d8+2 damage to the host by dealing 1 point of Constitution damage to the host. This ability cannot be used if it would reduce the host's Constitution score to zero. If the host takes damage during the round in which the heart scarab is healing it, there is a 5% chance that the scarab is in the damaged area and is slain.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d6+1 Constitution Body Slot: Neck (inside body)
Environment dessert Organization solitary or hive (30-70) Treasure none
The heart scarab is normally sought after instead of randomly found. These creatures will happily live buried in sands for centuries keeping each other alive through the transferring of electrical current. The heart scarab, normally being a good creature, is also very willing to take a host. It is normally unseen; this is because the heart scarab attaches by sinking its six legs into the heart of its host.
Hulk Skin A writhing puddle of deep greens, purples, and bright greys surges forward of its own volition. Smaller creatures caught in its path simply are consumed, but larger ones are engulfed and encased, giving the mass form and function. Hulk Skin CR 3 XP 600 Chaotic Evil Small Aberration (sim-symbiont) Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, Touch 13, flatfooted 15; (+2 Dex, +1 size, +4 natural) hp 16 (2d8 +8) Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Speed 20 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee Slam +3 (1d4+1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14, Ego 20 Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13 Feats Improved Grapple, Run, Toughness Skills Acrobatics + 7, Climb +16, Perception +7, Escape Artist +7 Languages Usually Aklo
Special Abilities
Absorb (Ex): If the hulk skin hits a creature smaller than it with its slam attack, the creature is absorbed into the hulk skin. The absorbed creature may make a DC 15 Strength check every round to attempt to escape. When the creature must make its first Constitution check to avoid drowning, it instead instantly drowns as the hulk skin sends part of its mass into the creatures body.
Speedy Climb (Ex): The hulk skin can make a run action even when climbing.
Host Benefits
Enhanced Body: The host gains a +6 bonus to strength, +4 to constitution, and +4 to dexterity.
Powerful Build: Physical stature increases, letting the host function in many ways as though she were one size category larger. Whenever a host is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check, she is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to her. Also considered one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size can affect her, and for carrying capacity. The host can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, space and reach remain those of a creature of the host's actual size. Benefits of this stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Natural Attacks: The host gains a bite attack for 1d10 damage, and two claw attacks for 2d4 damage each. Also, all unarmed strikes deal damage as a large monk of 5th level. The host has access to the skin's improved grapple feat while attached. A side effect of the savage nature of the hulk skin is that the host gets a -4 on all attacks made with manufactured weapons. The overwhelming desire to rend and tear with your bare hands impairs training and logical thought. Damage given assumes medium sized host and take into account powerful build.
Uncanny Dodge: Host retains dexterity bonus to AC regardless of being caught flat-footed or being struck by an invisible attacker. Dexterity bonus to AC is still lost if immobilized.
Superior Movement: The host gains a 20 foot climb speed. Gains the benefits of the Run feat, and height is no longer a limiting factor in a jump.
Thick Skin: Grants a +2 bonus to the host's natural armor. If the host does not have natural armor, treat their natural armor score as 0.
Hungry(Ex): The host must consume three times the normal amount of food and water every day while bonded. Any organic matter can be consumed for this purpose. The flesh of intelligent victims is particularly enjoyed and will pacify the symbiont, negating 1 point of mental ability damage for the following day. Up to 3 intelligent creatures may be eaten each day to reduce ability damage up to 3 points.
Symbiosis Cost: 6 Constitution, 1d2 Constitution each day worn, 1d4 mental ability scores each day worn Body Slot: Armor, Body, and Chest
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
A hulk skin is a symbiont that gifts its host with great strength, speed and stamina, as well as a veritable natural arsenal. It covers the host like a second skin, except that it significantly increases the overall mass. An engulfed host is unrecognizable. Unfortunately, these symbiont are strong-minded and like to take control, to further their own plots.
Jade Sludge Sometimes called a “sewer slime”, this subspecies of ooze is just as hungry as its full ooze cousins. However, due to its symbiotic nature, the jade sludge normally isn’t able to consume its host. Instead lives beneath the skin in in between organs consuming what would be the host’s bodily wastes for sustenance. Jade Sludge CR 1 XP 100 Neutral Diminutive Ooze (symbiont) Init +4; Senses blindsense 10 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, flatfooted 12; (+4 Dex, +2 size) hp 5 (1d10) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 10 ft. Melee Slam +0 (1d4-2 + 2d6 acid) Space 1-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 18, Con 11, Int n/a, Wis 12, Cha 6, Ego 6 Base Atk +0; CMB -6; CMD 8 Feats n/a Skills n/a Languages n/a
Special Abilities
Acid (Ex): A jade sludge can attack once per round causing 2d6 points of acid damage to a target within 5 ft.
Host Benefits
Immunity to Acid (Ex): The host becomes immune to acid damage.
Symbiosis Cost: 1d4 Constitution, if the host does not need to eat for some reason, he must eat normally as a human of his size category or the symbiont will leave the host Body Slot: n/a
Environment underground or swamp Organization solitary Treasure none
A jade sludge is an ooze that has undergone certain magical changes after being nearly starved. It is unknown what cause these oozes specifically to come into existence, but after eating 100 times their body mass in food they divide into two of the original creature. In its natural state it appears to be a bright green film laying on top of stagnant water. The replication state of a jade sludge is halted when attached to a host.